android Programming Glossary: land
support for different screen sizes in android nodpi no auto scale Aspect ratio long notlong Orientation land Usage res layout my_layout.xml res layout small my_layout.xml.. res layout large long my_layout.xml res layout large land my_layout.xml res drawable ldpi my_icon.png res drawable mdpi..
Eclipse and Android XML layouts gives “'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination” If I open the layout from any other folder such as layout land then I get no message. Is it just the graphical layout editor..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget with four tabs and now I'm trying to make nice layouts for landscape mode. In order to make use of additional horizontal space.. one under another like in a column . But when switching to landscape mode all tabs get aligned in a row it looks quite ugly... for the activity one in portrait normal mode one in landscape mode. This implies to not use TabActivity. I copied the..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video one in portrait which provides additional info and one in landscape which provides a full screen view of the video. YouTupe.. of the video. YouTupe app in portrait mode YouTube app in landscape mode Sorry for the randomness of the photos but they were.. to do normally just specify an alternate layout in layout land and all will be good. The thing that the YouTube app does really..
Android phone orientation overview including compass imagine being back standing on that imaginary piece of land at 0 degrees latitude and longitude standing in the direction..
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode alternate layout xml for landscape mode How can I have one layout for landscape and one for.. xml for landscape mode How can I have one layout for landscape and one for portrait I want to assume extra width and conserve.. the layouts in res layout are applied to both portrait and landscape. If you have for example res layout main.xml you can add..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? screens QVGA 240x320 layout small ldpi layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout.. Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi.. density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 layout large..
Check whether activity is active
How to declare the layout for 7'inch tablet Android? for 10'inch tablet i have declared layout as layout xlarge land layout xlarge port while coming to 7'inch i have declared layout.. coming to 7'inch i have declared layout as layout sw600dp land layout sw600dp port while coming to 7'inch tablet it's not working..
How to support different screen size in android layout for extra large screen size res layout xlarge land my_layout.xml layout for extra large in landscape orientation.. layout xlarge land my_layout.xml layout for extra large in landscape orientation res drawable mdpi my_icon.png bitmap for medium..
support for different screen sizes in android question Size small normal large Density ldpi mdpi hdpi nodpi no auto scale Aspect ratio long notlong Orientation land Usage res layout my_layout.xml res layout small my_layout.xml res layout large my_layout.xml res layout large long my_layout.xml.. res layout small my_layout.xml res layout large my_layout.xml res layout large long my_layout.xml res layout large land my_layout.xml res drawable ldpi my_icon.png res drawable mdpi dpi my_icon.png res drawable hdpi my_icon.png res drawable..
Eclipse and Android XML layouts gives “'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination” time I open up one of the layouts in the layout folder. If I open the layout from any other folder such as layout land then I get no message. Is it just the graphical layout editor saying Here's how I'm going to display things for you Can..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget does not work for TabWidget My app has a tabhost with four tabs and now I'm trying to make nice layouts for landscape mode. In order to make use of additional horizontal space I want to put TabWidget at the right side of the screen and.. the right side of the screen and of cource all tabs must be one under another like in a column . But when switching to landscape mode all tabs get aligned in a row it looks quite ugly. How to fix that xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TabHost xmlns.. tabs vertically stacked. One needs to set up 2 different layouts for the activity one in portrait normal mode one in landscape mode. This implies to not use TabActivity. I copied the layout used by TabActivity into my own project and called it..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video When watching a video there's two separate layouts one in portrait which provides additional info and one in landscape which provides a full screen view of the video. YouTupe app in portrait mode YouTube app in landscape mode Sorry for.. info and one in landscape which provides a full screen view of the video. YouTupe app in portrait mode YouTube app in landscape mode Sorry for the randomness of the photos but they were the first pics I could find of the actual layout This is.. pics I could find of the actual layout This is pretty easy to do normally just specify an alternate layout in layout land and all will be good. The thing that the YouTube app does really well and what I'm trying to replicate is that on orientation..
Android phone orientation overview including compass a combination of two different techniques. Before I get to that imagine being back standing on that imaginary piece of land at 0 degrees latitude and longitude standing in the direction mentioned above. Imagine also that you are blindfolded and..
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode alternate layout xml for landscape mode How can I have one layout for landscape and one for portrait I want to assume extra width and conserve vertical.. alternate layout xml for landscape mode How can I have one layout for landscape and one for portrait I want to assume extra width and conserve vertical space when the user rotates the phone over.. orientation share improve this question By default the layouts in res layout are applied to both portrait and landscape. If you have for example res layout main.xml you can add a new folder res layout land copy main.xml into it and make..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? should I be going about this a different way Low density Small screens QVGA 240x320 layout small ldpi layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA.. layout small ldpi layout small land ldpi Low density Normal screens WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480.. WVGA400 240x400 x432 layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 layout large mdpi layout large land mdpi High density Normal screens WVGA800..
Check whether activity is active
How to declare the layout for 7'inch tablet Android? on both 10'inch 7'inch tablets here is my problem for 10'inch tablet i have declared layout as layout xlarge land layout xlarge port while coming to 7'inch i have declared layout as layout sw600dp land layout sw600dp port while coming.. layout as layout xlarge land layout xlarge port while coming to 7'inch i have declared layout as layout sw600dp land layout sw600dp port while coming to 7'inch tablet it's not working for me The Tablet which i am using is iRobot . any one..
How to support different screen size in android layout for large screen size res layout xlarge my_layout.xml layout for extra large screen size res layout xlarge land my_layout.xml layout for extra large in landscape orientation res drawable mdpi my_icon.png bitmap for medium density res.. xlarge my_layout.xml layout for extra large screen size res layout xlarge land my_layout.xml layout for extra large in landscape orientation res drawable mdpi my_icon.png bitmap for medium density res drawable hdpi my_icon.png bitmap for high density..
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) has a project structure divided like so Top Level Folders 1. Main Project This would be entire project context Eclipse Land Like your workspace but limited to what's relevant to your project . Ex HelloWorldProject if the name of the application.. you gave was HelloWorld 2. .idea This where project specific metadata is stored by Android Studio AS . Eclipse Land file 3. Project Module This is the actual project. ex HelloWorld if your application name you gave was.. the OS in my case . 5. External Libraries This is not actually a folder but a place where Referenced Libraries Eclipse Land Referenced Libraries are shown. Here's where the Targeted Platform is shown etc. Side note This where many of us in Eclipse..