android Programming Glossary: label
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? orientation android screenOrientation portrait android label @string app_name android theme @style CustomTheme android launchMode.. for each of your icons. Like this activity alias android label @string app_name android icon @drawable icon android name .MainActivity..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android.. AppTheme activity android name .MainActivity android label @string title_activity_main intent filter action android name..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) true android icon @drawable ic_launcher_icon android label @string app_name activity Main activity... intent filter action..
Android global variable name MyApplication android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name Then in your activities you can get and set..
Changing Locale within the app itself 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Main android label.. @string app_name activity android name .Main android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML Sample If you want a complete example look at the android label view sample. TypedArray a context.obtainStyledAttributes..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android android enabled true android exported false android label StartServiceAtBootReceiver intent filter action android name..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? looks like this activity android name .AntonWorld android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Android: Is application running in background? android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name Add onPause and onResume to every Activity..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name android debuggable true receiver android name..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android.. app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. Example Service started string string name service_label Example Service Label string resources res layout main.xml xml..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? android protectionLevel normal android label @string permlab_flashlight android description @string permdesc_flashlight..
How to Start an Application on Startup? completed action service android name .MyService android label My Service intent filter action android name com.myapp.MyService.. android enabled true android exported true android label StartMyServiceAtBootReceiver intent filter action android name..
Android: How to declare global variables? android name my.application.MyApp android icon ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works..
AsyncTask Android example Void... values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is my main.xml..
Android 4.0 Sub-Title (section) Label Styling 4.0 Sub Title section Label Styling So I was looking at the Android Dev Design site for..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView MVVM Cross. Here is my Model public class Article string Label get set string Remark get set My ViewModel public class ArticleViewModel.. background @color blue TextView android id @ id rowArticleLabel android layout_width 0dip android layout_weight 14 android layout_height.. android textSize 28dip local MvxBind 'Text' 'Path' 'Label' ImageButton android src @drawable ic_modify android layout_width..
Android Alarm Clock UI to start the Alarm Manager from my app. What about the Label row That functions a lot like an EditText view. Can you have..
How to show marker in Maps launched by geo uri Intent? Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse geo lat long q lat long Label Name startActivity intent You can omit Label Name if you don't.. q lat long Label Name startActivity intent You can omit Label Name if you don't want a label and it will choose one randomly..
Placing/Overlapping(z-index) a view above another view in android bottom center android padding 5dp android text My Label FrameLayout In this instance the TextView would be drawn on..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging started string string name service_label Example Service Label string resources res layout main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding..
Android: application-wide font-size preference I prefer using styles in values styles.xml add style name Label parent @android style Widget.TextView item name android textSize.. android layout_height wrap_content item style style name Label.XLarge item name android textSize attr font_xlarge item style.. style And you can use it in this way TextView style @style Label.XLarge I hope my answer will help you. share improve this answer..
Android Homescreen activity android name .YourActivityName android label Your Label intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 Is there a way to have a Multi Line EditText present.. have a Multi Line EditText present and use the IME Action Label Done on Android 2.3 In Android 2.2 this is not a problem the.. is not a problem the enter button shows the IME Action Label Done android imeActionLabel actionDone and dismisses Soft Input..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? 13527 at 32 ERROR AndroidRuntime 13527 at new Runnable public void run Set_AC_SortOrder.orderASC_Label This class checks to see if the SD Card is mounted dbfile null Default List Order Label Num Ascending public static void orderASC_Label Cursor..
UI API for libgdx new Texture Gdx.files.internal Art.badlogicSmall Label fps new Label fps Art.sSkin.getStyle LabelStyle.class fps ui.. Texture Gdx.files.internal Art.badlogicSmall Label fps new Label fps Art.sSkin.getStyle LabelStyle.class fps ui new Stage Label fps new Label fps Art.sSkin.getStyle LabelStyle.class fps ui new Stage
'Missing contentDescription attribute on image' in XML steps required to ensure your application is accessible Label your ImageButton ImageView EditText CheckBox and other user..
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation android screenOrientation portrait android label @string app_name android theme @style CustomTheme android launchMode singleTask intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. intent filter activity 2 . Create activity alias for your app for each of your icons. Like this activity alias android label @string app_name android icon @drawable icon android name .MainActivity Red android enabled false android targetActivity..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android name .MainActivity android label @string title_activity_main.. ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android name .MainActivity android label @string title_activity_main intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) application android debuggable true android icon @drawable ic_launcher_icon android label @string app_name activity Main activity... intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android..
Android global variable class implementing application android name MyApplication android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name Then in your activities you can get and set the variable like so set MyApplication this.getApplication..
Changing Locale within the app itself android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Main android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Main android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML view using the fully qualified name. Android LabelView Sample If you want a complete example look at the android label view sample. TypedArray a context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.LabelView CharSequences a.getString..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android receiver android name .StartServiceAtBootReceiver android enabled true android exported false android label StartServiceAtBootReceiver intent filter action android name android.intent.action._BOOT_COMPLETED intent filter receiver..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? the problems I had. For instance my AndroidManifest.xml looks like this activity android name .AntonWorld android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER..
Android: Is application running in background? in AndroidManifest.xml application android name android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name Add onPause and onResume to every Activity in the project you may create a common ancestor for your Activities..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name android debuggable true receiver android name .SMSBroadcastReceiver intent filter action android name..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging com.exampleservice android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name.. application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER.. name app_name ExampleService string string name service_started Example Service started string string name service_label Example Service Label string resources res layout main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? android permissionGroup android.permission group.HARDWARE_CONTROLS android protectionLevel normal android label @string permlab_flashlight android description @string permdesc_flashlight Then make use of Camera and set Camera.Parameters..
How to Start an Application on Startup? in your manifest define your service and listen for the boot completed action service android name .MyService android label My Service intent filter action android name com.myapp.MyService intent filter service receiver android name .receiver.StartMyServiceAtBootReceiver.. receiver android name .receiver.StartMyServiceAtBootReceiver android enabled true android exported true android label StartMyServiceAtBootReceiver intent filter action android name android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED intent filter receiver..
Android: How to declare global variables? see the Android docs for more info. An example application android name my.application.MyApp android icon ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works with managing native object lifecycles. I admit I am not up..
AsyncTask Android example protected void onPreExecute @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Void... values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is my main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..
Android 4.0 Sub-Title (section) Label Styling 4.0 Sub Title section Label Styling So I was looking at the Android Dev Design site for ICS and all of the apps have these subtitles section headers..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView my Android application and I don't know how to solve it with MVVM Cross. Here is my Model public class Article string Label get set string Remark get set My ViewModel public class ArticleViewModel MvxViewModel public List Article Articles ...... wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android background @color blue TextView android id @ id rowArticleLabel android layout_width 0dip android layout_weight 14 android layout_height wrap_content android textSize 28dip local MvxBind.. 0dip android layout_weight 14 android layout_height wrap_content android textSize 28dip local MvxBind 'Text' 'Path' 'Label' ImageButton android src @drawable ic_modify android layout_width 0dip android layout_weight 1 android layout_height wrap_content..
Android Alarm Clock UI to the alarm clock app. I do not want to send an intent to start the Alarm Manager from my app. What about the Label row That functions a lot like an EditText view. Can you have a combination of Views and Preferences inside a PreferenceScreen..
How to show marker in Maps launched by geo uri Intent? share improve this question Try this Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse geo lat long q lat long Label Name startActivity intent You can omit Label Name if you don't want a label and it will choose one randomly based on the.. intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse geo lat long q lat long Label Name startActivity intent You can omit Label Name if you don't want a label and it will choose one randomly based on the nearest street or other thing it thinks relevant...
Placing/Overlapping(z-index) a view above another view in android android layout_height wrap_content android layout_gravity bottom center android padding 5dp android text My Label FrameLayout In this instance the TextView would be drawn on top of the ImageView along the bottom center of the image...
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging string string name service_started Example Service started string string name service_label Example Service Label string resources res layout main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
Android: application-wide font-size preference preferences TextView android textSize attr font_large Or I prefer using styles in values styles.xml add style name Label parent @android style Widget.TextView item name android textSize attr font_medium item item name android layout_width wrap_content.. item name android layout_width wrap_content item item name android layout_height wrap_content item style style name Label.XLarge item name android textSize attr font_xlarge item style And you can use it in this way TextView style @style Label.XLarge..
Android Homescreen which Activity to use when it first launches. application activity android name .YourActivityName android label Your Label intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER intent..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 Is there a way to have a Multi Line EditText present and use the IME Action Label Done on Android 2.3 In Android.. with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 Is there a way to have a Multi Line EditText present and use the IME Action Label Done on Android 2.3 In Android 2.2 this is not a problem the enter button shows the IME Action Label Done android imeActionLabel.. the IME Action Label Done on Android 2.3 In Android 2.2 this is not a problem the enter button shows the IME Action Label Done android imeActionLabel actionDone and dismisses Soft Input when clicked. When configuring an EditText for multi line..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? init 21 ERROR AndroidRuntime 13527 at 32 ERROR AndroidRuntime 13527 at 49 ERROR AndroidRuntime.. Default List Order private static final Runnable ORDER_ASC new Runnable public void run Set_AC_SortOrder.orderASC_Label This class checks to see if the SD Card is mounted public class StorageStateChecker public static.. flyDroid dB flyDroid.db static SQLiteDatabase db SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase dbfile null Default List Order Label Num Ascending public static void orderASC_Label Cursor databaseCursor db.rawQuery SELECT FROM AC_list ORDER BY `label`..
UI API for libgdx Game game super.create game TextureRegion image new TextureRegion new Texture Gdx.files.internal Art.badlogicSmall Label fps new Label fps Art.sSkin.getStyle LabelStyle.class fps ui new Stage true.. super.create game TextureRegion image new TextureRegion new Texture Gdx.files.internal Art.badlogicSmall Label fps new Label fps Art.sSkin.getStyle LabelStyle.class fps ui new Stage true Gdx.input.setInputProcessor.. image new TextureRegion new Texture Gdx.files.internal Art.badlogicSmall Label fps new Label fps Art.sSkin.getStyle LabelStyle.class fps ui new Stage true Gdx.input.setInputProcessor ui window new..
'Missing contentDescription attribute on image' in XML standard components for your application there are just a few steps required to ensure your application is accessible Label your ImageButton ImageView EditText CheckBox and other user interface controls using the android contentDescription attribute...