android Programming Glossary: lacks
Android Tabs + Sliding, how do I implement ActionBarSherlock? ability to switch between three tabs. This is great but lacks support for older devices. 1. I added ABS with the support library..
Issues and contribution for Volley File getExternalCacheDir volleyCache.tmp Of course this lacks any error handling what if the external storage is unavailable..
does android support JDBC it probably relies upon classes in JavaSE that Android lacks. And you would need to write your own JDBC driver for SQLite..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android up empty so I surmise that the chip in question simply lacks SDP support. android bluetooth rfcomm share improve this..
List items with alternating colors
android video, hear sound but no video you are using the emulator it may not work. The emulator lacks the hardware acceleration available in Android devices. For..
Android: long click on the child views of a ExpandableListView? has a setOnChildClickListener method but lacks of setOnChild Long ClickListener method. When I added setOnLongClickListener..
Is there a way to use features in Android 2.1/2.2 while keeping a minSDK version to 3? uses classes or methods that the older device lacks will not pose a problem. See here for an example. share improve..
Are there any tools to convert an Iphone localized string file to a string resources file that can be used in Android? files stringsconvert.html Also this one but it lacks some features like converting whitespace in name http
How to save a JPEG image on Android with a custom quality level saving images in java . It appears however that Android lacks the javax.imageio package. java android jpeg lossy compression..
Platform Independent Mobile Applications [closed] SDK it was previously Mac only . This is a great SDK but lacks in controls that you would need for non game applications. ..
Is possible install Eclipse IDE in a Galaxy Tab? for supporting such a large application but Android lacks a full Java SE JVM Dalvik is a subset and SWT Eclipse UI framework..
Android How to get rid of question mark at end of ellipsize representation of your shortened strings if your font lacks this character e.g. rogue X's appear at the end of the line..
Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes? representation of your shortened strings if your font lacks this character e.g. rogue X's appear at the end of the line..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) observer. An installation will fail if the calling context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES permission.. observer. A deletion will fail if the calling context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES permission..
Manifest and supported devices showed in android market
Cocos2D OR libgdx for Android Game Developement [closed] has everything you need for a 2D game. The only thing it lacks is documentation but it is open source if you don't get something..
Android Tabs + Sliding, how do I implement ActionBarSherlock? using Google's new tools to start an application that has the ability to switch between three tabs. This is great but lacks support for older devices. 1. I added ABS with the support library to the application. 2. I changed public class MainActivity..
Issues and contribution for Volley place is the Application class File volleyCacheFile new File getExternalCacheDir volleyCache.tmp Of course this lacks any error handling what if the external storage is unavailable . Also don't forget that you need the appropriate permission..
does android support JDBC easily. And JDBC would need to be ported to Android since it probably relies upon classes in JavaSE that Android lacks. And you would need to write your own JDBC driver for SQLite anyway wrapping the API Android already supplies since I suspect..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android at a loss. Using sdptool browse from my Linux host comes up empty so I surmise that the chip in question simply lacks SDP support. android bluetooth rfcomm share improve this question Ok the short answer is I had to use this UUID in..
List items with alternating colors
android video, hear sound but no video media player surfaceview share improve this question If you are using the emulator it may not work. The emulator lacks the hardware acceleration available in Android devices. For example on a 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo I sometimes can get a video to..
Android: long click on the child views of a ExpandableListView? long click on the child views of a ExpandableListView ExpandableListView has a setOnChildClickListener method but lacks of setOnChild Long ClickListener method. When I added setOnLongClickListener on child view in getChildView whole sublist..
Is there a way to use features in Android 2.1/2.2 while keeping a minSDK version to 3?
Are there any tools to convert an Iphone localized string file to a string resources file that can be used in Android? I think you might like this tool http files stringsconvert.html Also this one but it lacks some features like converting whitespace in name http free converter ios to android It is free no need of registration..
How to save a JPEG image on Android with a custom quality level resources java adjust jpeg image compression quality when saving images in java . It appears however that Android lacks the javax.imageio package. java android jpeg lossy compression share improve this question You can store you bitmap..
Platform Independent Mobile Applications [closed]
Is possible install Eclipse IDE in a Galaxy Tab? of running Eclipse IDE as is. Not only is the hardware inadequate for supporting such a large application but Android lacks a full Java SE JVM Dalvik is a subset and SWT Eclipse UI framework implementation for native Android UI controls does not..
Android How to get rid of question mark at end of ellipsize
Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes?
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) a little while the result will be posted back to the given observer. An installation will fail if the calling context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES permission if the package named in the package file's manifest is.. take a little while the result will be posted back to the given observer. A deletion will fail if the calling context lacks the @link android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES permission if the named package cannot be found or if the named package..
Manifest and supported devices showed in android market
Cocos2D OR libgdx for Android Game Developement [closed] similiar Although AndEngine is 2D only . However AndEngine has everything you need for a 2D game. The only thing it lacks is documentation but it is open source if you don't get something take a look at the code . There is an active forum here..