android Programming Glossary: jsonstring
Deserialize JSON object sent from Android app to WCF webservice type application json Build JSON string JSONStringer jsonString jsonString new JSONStringer .object .key imei .value 2323232323.. application json Build JSON string JSONStringer jsonString jsonString new JSONStringer .object .key imei .value 2323232323 .key filename.. filename .value Finger.NST .endObject Log.i JSON STRING jsonString.toString StringEntity entity entity new StringEntity jsonString.toString..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? excert String description String cat String myUrl String jsonString int mCurCheckPosition String check_state null String ccc LinearLayout..
How do I send JSon as BODY In a POST request to server from an Android application? Log.d TAG JSon String to send as body in this request jsonString than I try to send JSon using setEntityMethod StringEntity sEntity.. setEntityMethod StringEntity sEntity new StringEntity jsonString UTF 8 requisicao.setEntity sEntity resposta httpClient.execute.. cadastraPeso @PathParam userEmail String email Reader jsonString LineNumberReader lnr new LineNumberReader jsonString try String..
Reading a Json Array in android array. Here is my code. JSONArray jArray new JSONArray jsonString System.out.println JARRAY jArray.length for int i 0 i jArray.length.. have a JSONObject instead. JSONObject json new JSONObject jsonString JSONArray jArray json.getJSONArray list System.out.println JARRAY..
Android JSon error “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2” object. Now do it as follows JSONObject jso new JSONObject jsonString JSONArray ja jso.getJSONArray sections Data sections new Data..
Deserialize JSON object sent from Android app to WCF webservice Accept application json request.setHeader Content type application json Build JSON string JSONStringer jsonString jsonString new JSONStringer .object .key imei .value 2323232323 .key filename .value Finger.NST .endObject Log.i JSON.. Accept application json request.setHeader Content type application json Build JSON string JSONStringer jsonString jsonString new JSONStringer .object .key imei .value 2323232323 .key filename .value Finger.NST .endObject Log.i JSON STRING jsonString.toString.. new JSONStringer .object .key imei .value 2323232323 .key filename .value Finger.NST .endObject Log.i JSON STRING jsonString.toString StringEntity entity entity new StringEntity jsonString.toString UTF 8 entity.setContentEncoding new BasicHeader..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? int postid String title String thumsrc String largeimg String excert String description String cat String myUrl String jsonString int mCurCheckPosition String check_state null String ccc LinearLayout myLinearLayout @Override public View onCreateView..
How do I send JSon as BODY In a POST request to server from an Android application? see the json correctly print on log with the following entry. Log.d TAG JSon String to send as body in this request jsonString than I try to send JSon using setEntityMethod StringEntity sEntity new StringEntity jsonString UTF 8 requisicao.setEntity.. as body in this request jsonString than I try to send JSon using setEntityMethod StringEntity sEntity new StringEntity jsonString UTF 8 requisicao.setEntity sEntity resposta httpClient.execute requisicao resultado HttpProxy.leRespostaServidor resposta.. userEmail @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public String cadastraPeso @PathParam userEmail String email Reader jsonString LineNumberReader lnr new LineNumberReader jsonString try String json lnr.readLine if json null log.debug String json recebida..
Reading a Json Array in android a Json Array in android I'm trying to read a JSON array. Here is my code. JSONArray jArray new JSONArray jsonString System.out.println JARRAY jArray.length for int i 0 i jArray.length i JSONObject json_data jArray.getJSONObject i Log.i.. with a and ends with a . In your case change your code to have a JSONObject instead. JSONObject json new JSONObject jsonString JSONArray jArray json.getJSONArray list System.out.println JARRAY jArray.length for int i 0 i jArray.length i JSONObject..
Android JSon error “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2” with your array data set to sections property of a JSon object. Now do it as follows JSONObject jso new JSONObject jsonString JSONArray ja jso.getJSONArray sections Data sections new Data for int i 0 i ja.length i Section s new Section JSONObject..