android Programming Glossary: jsonobj.put
Android HttpClient, DefaultHttpClient, HttpPost to pass parameters JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put data dataValue Create the POST.. jsonObj new JSONObject jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put data dataValue Create the POST object and add the parameters..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters application json JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put apikey apikey catch JSONException.. jsonObj new JSONObject try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put apikey apikey catch JSONException e Log.e TAG JSONException..
Android upload image to server using base64 Data.upload_photo JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject jsonObj.put user_id int cnt ba1.length 4 System.out.println.. int cnt ba1.length 4 System.out.println cnt cnt jsonObj.put image ba1 jsonObj.put caption edt_caption.getText .toString.. 4 System.out.println cnt cnt jsonObj.put image ba1 jsonObj.put caption edt_caption.getText .toString Create the POST object..
Android HttpClient, DefaultHttpClient, HttpPost data to the server using StringEntity . Build the JSON object to pass parameters JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put data dataValue Create the POST object and add the parameters HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost.. . Build the JSON object to pass parameters JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put data dataValue Create the POST object and add the parameters HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url StringEntity entity new..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters String username user String apikey something String contentType application json JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put apikey apikey catch JSONException e Log.e TAG JSONException e HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost.. something String contentType application json JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put apikey apikey catch JSONException e Log.e TAG JSONException e HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost uri List NameValuePair postParams..
Android upload image to server using base64 httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost Data.upload_photo JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject jsonObj.put user_id int cnt ba1.length 4 System.out.println cnt cnt jsonObj.put image ba1 jsonObj.put caption edt_caption.getText.. JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject jsonObj.put user_id int cnt ba1.length 4 System.out.println cnt cnt jsonObj.put image ba1 jsonObj.put caption edt_caption.getText .toString Create the POST object and add the parameters StringEntity.. JSONObject jsonObj.put user_id int cnt ba1.length 4 System.out.println cnt cnt jsonObj.put image ba1 jsonObj.put caption edt_caption.getText .toString Create the POST object and add the parameters StringEntity entity new StringEntity..