android Programming Glossary: jtds
class not found exception in android Toast.LENGTH_LONG Class.forName net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver String username 14Graficali Administrator String.. username 14Graficali Administrator String ConnUrl jdbc jtds sqlserver 14GRAFICALI MSSQLSERVER2008 DatabaseName DVDKiosk.. I have included net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver as we can see below Stack Trace 08 20 10 57 42.087..
how to connect sql server using JTDS driver in Android any one tell me.. thnx in advance... android sql server jtds share improve this question Getting error ClassNotFoundException.. I didnt get there is not error in code also I have import jtds 1.3.0 library properly continues debugging of code still getting.. and again I got an headache. Class.forName net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver Connection conn DriverManager.getConnection db_connect_string..
class not found exception in android Toast msg1 Toast.makeText getBaseContext Name CommandSQL Toast.LENGTH_LONG Class.forName net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver String username 14Graficali Administrator String ConnUrl jdbc jtds sqlserver 14GRAFICALI MSSQLSERVER2008 DatabaseName.. Class.forName net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver String username 14Graficali Administrator String ConnUrl jdbc jtds sqlserver 14GRAFICALI MSSQLSERVER2008 DatabaseName DVDKiosk user 14Graficali Administrator Instance SQLExpress conn DriverManager.getConnection.. getBaseContext Name rs.getString UserName Toast.LENGTH_LONG I have included net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver as we can see below Stack Trace 08 20 10 57 42.087 W System.err 400 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver..
how to connect sql server using JTDS driver in Android android.. i want to connect sql server using JTDS driver. can any one tell me.. thnx in advance... android sql server jtds share improve this question Getting error ClassNotFoundException while using JTDS on ANDROID to direct access SQLSERVER.. 3 hours RND for finding solution for the same above error... I didnt get there is not error in code also I have import jtds 1.3.0 library properly continues debugging of code still getting same error again and again I got an headache. Class.forName.. continues debugging of code still getting same error again and again I got an headache. Class.forName net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver Connection conn DriverManager.getConnection db_connect_string db_userid db_password I tried alternative to changing..