android Programming Glossary: jsonobject.getjsonarray
JSON Android ListView 99 tobe shown on listview derived from two dimensional array above. try jsonObject new JSONObject jsonAN jsonArray jsonObject.getJSONArray kat for int i 0 i jsonArray.length i kategoriJSONList i 0 jsonArray.getJSONObject i .getString idPrimary_key .toString..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON n is.close reader.close String result sb.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject result JSONArray routeArray jsonObject.getJSONArray routes JSONObject routes routeArray.getJSONObject 0 JSONObject overviewPolylines routes.getJSONObject overview_polyline..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject jsonOutput routesArray contains ALL routes JSONArray routesArray jsonObject.getJSONArray routes Grab the first route JSONObject route routesArray.getJSONObject 0 JSONObject poly route.getJSONObject overview_polyline..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application Getting json strings from url JSONObject jsonObject jParser.getJSONFromUrl url try Getting array of settings appConfig jsonObject.getJSONArray ConfigConstants.TABLE_VIEW_SUB_MENU_CONFIG loop throw all the objects under sm for int i 0 i appConfig.length i JSONObject..
JSON parsing of Google Maps API in Android App from aromero the latter half now looks like JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject responseText JSONArray routeObject jsonObject.getJSONArray routes JSONArray legsObject routeObject.getJSONArray 2 error JSONObject durationObject legsObject.getJSONObject 1 String.. an array also. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject responseText routesArray contains ALL routes JSONArray routesArray jsonObject.getJSONArray routes Grab the first route JSONObject route routesArray.getJSONObject 0 Take all legs from the route JSONArray legs route.getJSONArray..