android Programming Glossary: jsonparser
Android ListView with Simple Adapter HashMap String String Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONArray.. Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONArray contacts jParser.getJSONFromUrl..
ClassDefNotFound error in android the data in the entity JSONObject json2 JSONObject new JSONParser .parse temp JsonObject o new JsonParser .parse temp .getAsJsonObject..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter Curve extends Activity private ProgressDialog pDialog JSONParser jParser new JSONParser ArrayList HashMap String String DaftarPromotion.. private ProgressDialog pDialog JSONParser jParser new JSONParser ArrayList HashMap String String DaftarPromotion new ArrayList..
how to set json parsed data in a listview and then adding search functionality in it HashMap String String Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject.. Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application object via ParseJson class. Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser Getting json strings from url JSONObject.. Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser Getting json strings from url JSONObject jsonObject jParser.getJSONFromUrl..
Caching images and displaying protected Boolean doInBackground final String... args JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject.. doInBackground final String... args JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php web services share improve this question try this code public class JSONParser static InputStream is static JSONObject.. this question try this code public class JSONParser static InputStream is static JSONObject jObj null static String.. null static String json String Dataurl constructor public JSONParser String url Dataurl url function get json from url by making..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android @Override protected String doInBackground Void... params JSONParser jParser new JSONParser String json jParser.getJSONFromUrl url.. doInBackground Void... params JSONParser jParser new JSONParser String json jParser.getJSONFromUrl url return json @Override.. alternatives true return urlString.toString public class JSONParser InputStream is null JSONObject jObj null String json constructor..
How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter inflator getLayoutInflater et1.addTextChangedListener this JsonParser jParser new JsonParser JSONObject json jParser.getJSONfromUrl.. et1.addTextChangedListener this JsonParser jParser new JsonParser JSONObject json jParser.getJSONfromUrl url try JSONArray explore..
ClassDefNotFound error in android JSONObject new JSONParser .parse temp JsonObject o new JsonParser .parse temp .getAsJsonObject Log.v response json2.get state..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse patientListJson.. Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse patientListJson .getAsJsonArray..
onclick button is not working in listview catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse patientListJson.. e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse patientListJson .getAsJsonArray..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory does not exist javac import javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests.. 15 cannot find symbol javac symbol class JsonParser javac location class com.myapp.test.GsonTest javac final JsonParser.. javac location class com.myapp.test.GsonTest javac final JsonParser parser new JsonParser javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp..
Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:” find class referenced in signature Lorg codehaus jackson JsonParser 06 06 10 05 43.752 INFO dalvikvm 224 Could not find method org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser.getCurrentToken.. dalvikvm 224 Could not find method org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser.getCurrentToken referenced from method to resolve virtual method 3077 Lorg codehaus jackson JsonParser .getCurrentToken Lorg codehaus jackson JsonToken 06 06 10 05..
GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”? your replys. Got it working that way. Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse jstring.. working that way. Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse jstring .getAsJsonArray ArrayList..
Android ListView with Simple Adapter ListView ArrayList HashMap String String contactList new ArrayList HashMap String String Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONArray contacts jParser.getJSONFromUrl url brName try for int i 0.. String String contactList new ArrayList HashMap String String Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONArray contacts jParser.getJSONFromUrl url brName try for int i 0 i contacts.length i JSONObject..
ClassDefNotFound error in android null String temp EntityUtils.toString response.getEntity Get the data in the entity JSONObject json2 JSONObject new JSONParser .parse temp JsonObject o new JsonParser .parse temp .getAsJsonObject Log.v response json2.get state .toString catch..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener public class Curve extends Activity private ProgressDialog pDialog JSONParser jParser new JSONParser ArrayList HashMap String String DaftarPromotion new ArrayList HashMap String String private static.. public class Curve extends Activity private ProgressDialog pDialog JSONParser jParser new JSONParser ArrayList HashMap String String DaftarPromotion new ArrayList HashMap String String private static String url_daftar_promotion..
how to set json parsed data in a listview and then adding search functionality in it ListView ArrayList HashMap String String contactList new ArrayList HashMap String String Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl url try Getting Array of Contacts.. String String contactList new ArrayList HashMap String String Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl url try Getting Array of Contacts Customer json.getJSONArray..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application JSONArray appConfig null Function for looping json object via ParseJson class. Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser Getting json strings from url JSONObject jsonObject jParser.getJSONFromUrl url try Getting array.. null Function for looping json object via ParseJson class. Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser Getting json strings from url JSONObject jsonObject jParser.getJSONFromUrl url try Getting array of settings appConfig jsonObject.getJSONArray..
Caching images and displaying adapter selecting single ListView item lv getListView protected Boolean doInBackground final String... args JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray.. single ListView item lv getListView protected Boolean doInBackground final String... args JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php to jsonobject what i must to do thanks php android json web services share improve this question try this code public class JSONParser static InputStream is static JSONObject jObj null static String json String Dataurl constructor.. to do thanks php android json web services share improve this question try this code public class JSONParser static InputStream is static JSONObject jObj null static String json String Dataurl constructor public JSONParser String.. JSONParser static InputStream is static JSONObject jObj null static String json String Dataurl constructor public JSONParser String url Dataurl url function get json from url by making HTTP POST or GET method public JSONObject makeHttpRequestResponse..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android progressDialog.setIndeterminate true @Override protected String doInBackground Void... params JSONParser jParser new JSONParser String json jParser.getJSONFromUrl url return json @Override protected void onPostExecute String.. true @Override protected String doInBackground Void... params JSONParser jParser new JSONParser String json jParser.getJSONFromUrl url return json @Override protected void onPostExecute String result super.onPostExecute.. destlog urlString.append sensor false mode driving alternatives true return urlString.toString public class JSONParser InputStream is null JSONObject jObj null String json constructor public JSONParser public String getJSONFromUrl String..
How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter et1 EditText findViewById inflator getLayoutInflater et1.addTextChangedListener this JsonParser jParser new JsonParser JSONObject json jParser.getJSONfromUrl url try JSONArray explore json.getJSONArray explore for int.. EditText findViewById inflator getLayoutInflater et1.addTextChangedListener this JsonParser jParser new JsonParser JSONObject json jParser.getJSONfromUrl url try JSONArray explore json.getJSONArray explore for int i 0 i explore.length..
ClassDefNotFound error in android Get the data in the entity JSONObject json2 JSONObject new JSONParser .parse temp JsonObject o new JsonParser .parse temp .getAsJsonObject Log.v response json2.get state .toString catch Exception e e.printStackTrace createDialog..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse patientListJson .getAsJsonArray patientListArray new ArrayList Patient.. PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse patientListJson .getAsJsonArray patientListArray new ArrayList Patient for JsonElement obj..
onclick button is not working in listview patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse patientListJson .getAsJsonArray patientListArray new ArrayList Patient.. PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse patientListJson .getAsJsonArray patientListArray new ArrayList Patient for JsonElement obj..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory MyAppTests src com myapp test 9 package does not exist javac import javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test 11 cannot find symbol javac.. Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test 15 cannot find symbol javac symbol class JsonParser javac location class com.myapp.test.GsonTest javac final JsonParser parser new JsonParser javac ^ javac Users mike Projects.. 15 cannot find symbol javac symbol class JsonParser javac location class com.myapp.test.GsonTest javac final JsonParser parser new JsonParser javac ^ javac Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests src com myapp test 15 cannot..
Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:” 522 bytes 06 06 10 05 43.752 WARN dalvikvm 224 VFY unable to find class referenced in signature Lorg codehaus jackson JsonParser 06 06 10 05 43.752 INFO dalvikvm 224 Could not find method org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser.getCurrentToken referenced from.. Lorg codehaus jackson JsonParser 06 06 10 05 43.752 INFO dalvikvm 224 Could not find method org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser.getCurrentToken referenced from method 06 06 10 05 43.761 WARN dalvikvm.. 06 06 10 05 43.761 WARN dalvikvm 224 VFY unable to resolve virtual method 3077 Lorg codehaus jackson JsonParser .getCurrentToken Lorg codehaus jackson JsonToken 06 06 10 05 43.761 DEBUG dalvikvm 224 VFY replacing opcode 0x74 at 0x0002..
GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”? column 2 Any ideas how should I fix it Thanks EDIT Thanks for your replys. Got it working that way. Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse jstring .getAsJsonArray ArrayList channelSearchEnum lcs new ArrayList.. should I fix it Thanks EDIT Thanks for your replys. Got it working that way. Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new JsonParser JsonArray Jarray parser.parse jstring .getAsJsonArray ArrayList channelSearchEnum lcs new ArrayList channelSearchEnum for..