android Programming Glossary: json_data.getstring
Android ListView with Simple Adapter i Storing each json item in variable String atm_id json_data.getString ATM_NO String atm_name json_data.getString ATM_PLACE HashMap.. String atm_id json_data.getString ATM_NO String atm_name json_data.getString ATM_PLACE HashMap String String map new HashMap String String..
http post method passing null values to the server its a string var which contain output. my_output_one json_data.getString var_1 its your response var form web. my_output_two json_data.getString.. var_1 its your response var form web. my_output_two json_data.getString var_2 Now its over you have two variable which having any kind..
Reading a Json Array in android i Log.i log_tag _id json_data.getInt account mall_name json_data.getString name location json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString.. account mall_name json_data.getString name location json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString url json_data.getString.. name location json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString url json_data.getString balance json_data.getString credit..
Connect MySQL database from Android i Log.i log_tag id json_data.getInt id name json_data.getString fname sex json_data.getInt sex birthyear json_data.getInt..
show data in table view in android b1.setPadding 10 0 0 0 b1.setTextSize 15 String str1 json_data.getString column2 b1.setText str1 b1.setTextColor Color.WHITE tr.addView..
create imageview from base64.decode come good so I have done this byte gzipBuff Base64.decode json_data.getString immagine 0 ByteArrayInputStream memstream new ByteArrayInputStream..
connecting android apps to mysql database i Log.i log_tag id json_data.getInt id name json_data.getString name sex json_data.getInt sex birthyear json_data.getInt..
Android ListView with Simple Adapter 0 i contacts.length i JSONObject json_data contacts.getJSONObject i Storing each json item in variable String atm_id json_data.getString ATM_NO String atm_name json_data.getString ATM_PLACE HashMap String String map new HashMap String String map.put ATM_NO.. contacts.getJSONObject i Storing each json item in variable String atm_id json_data.getString ATM_NO String atm_name json_data.getString ATM_PLACE HashMap String String map new HashMap String String map.put ATM_NO atm_id map.put ATM_PLACE atm_name contactList.add..
http post method passing null values to the server may be helpful to you. JSONObject json_data new JSONObject result its a string var which contain output. my_output_one json_data.getString var_1 its your response var form web. my_output_two json_data.getString var_2 Now its over you have two variable which having.. string var which contain output. my_output_one json_data.getString var_1 its your response var form web. my_output_two json_data.getString var_2 Now its over you have two variable which having any kind of value and use any were. Now this will helpful to you...
Reading a Json Array in android i jArray.length i JSONObject json_data jArray.getJSONObject i Log.i log_tag _id json_data.getInt account mall_name json_data.getString name location json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString url json_data.getString balance json_data.getString.. jArray.getJSONObject i Log.i log_tag _id json_data.getInt account mall_name json_data.getString name location json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString url json_data.getString balance json_data.getString credit json_data.getString.. _id json_data.getInt account mall_name json_data.getString name location json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString url json_data.getString balance json_data.getString credit json_data.getString displayName And my sample JSON files..
Connect MySQL database from Android int i 0 i jArray.length i JSONObject json_data jArray.getJSONObject i Log.i log_tag id json_data.getInt id name json_data.getString fname sex json_data.getInt sex birthyear json_data.getInt dob catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing..
show data in table view in android tr.addView b TextView b1 new TextView Yourclassname.this b1.setPadding 10 0 0 0 b1.setTextSize 15 String str1 json_data.getString column2 b1.setText str1 b1.setTextColor Color.WHITE tr.addView b1 TextView b2 new TextView Yourclassname.this ..
create imageview from base64.decode in my android application the string base64 work fine and come good so I have done this byte gzipBuff Base64.decode json_data.getString immagine 0 ByteArrayInputStream memstream new ByteArrayInputStream gzipBuff 0 gzipBuff.length ByteArrayOutputStream baos..
connecting android apps to mysql database int i 0 i jArray.length i JSONObject json_data jArray.getJSONObject i Log.i log_tag id json_data.getInt id name json_data.getString name sex json_data.getInt sex birthyear json_data.getInt birthyear Toast.makeText getApplicationContext pass Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..