android Programming Glossary: joined
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization this question ICS When you query from Data.CONTENT_URI you have all the rows from the associated Contact already joined i.e. this would work ContentResolver resolver getContentResolver Cursor c resolver.query Data.CONTENT_URI null Data.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER..
Displaying a ProgressDialog while waiting for a joined Thread a ProgressDialog while waiting for a joined Thread In my Activity I load the content for a list from a DB and want to display a ProgressDialog while it´s loading...
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? design pattern principle in the Android development I was a JaveEE developer. Recently I joined an Android development team. The structure of Android confused me. The MVC design pattern seems not suit for Android development...
On Android, make a POST request with URL Encoded Form data without using UrlEncodedFormEntity and I know how to use it . The problem with that is that the data comes into the function already URL encoded and joined by ampersands so using UrlEncodedFormEntity would involve a lot of extra work to turn it into a List of NameValuePairs and..
Indentifying datatype of a column in an SQLite Android Cursor
Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE) the membership separately easy enough in my Adapter class but I'd imagine performing the two queries as one outer joined query would yield much better performance. Can I do this with the standard high level string projection and ContentResolver.query..