android Programming Glossary: jsonexception
upload video to facebook in android that created a view hierarchy can touch its views. catch JSONException e mPostHandler.sendEmptyMessage 1 Log.w Facebook Example JSON..
JSONException: Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject.. gets navigated to. Unfortunately I am getting the error JSONException Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject.. string to a JSON object try jObj new JSONObject json catch JSONException e Log.e JSON Parser Error parsing data e.toString return JSON..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] to the route route.addSegment segment.copy catch JSONException e Log.e e.getMessage Google JSON Parser feedUrl return route..
Caching images and displaying s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace try.. utcost map.put TAG_IIMG iimg jsonlist.add map catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace return..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php res 1 result true finish else result false catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace return false TODO register the new account.. to a JSON object try jObj new JSONObject json catch JSONException e Log.e JSON Parser Error parsing data e.toString return..
Android: How to detect double-tap? t.setText ptypename count ptypebar.addView t catch JSONException e if m_adapter.getItems sResultsArr ArrayList SearchItem a m_adapter.getItems.. positive negative pid sResultsArr.add item catch JSONException e catch Exception e returns back to UI therad mUpdateResults..
Restful API service try ...process login results... catch JSONException e Log.e JSON There was an error parsing the JSON e break default..
How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box response message json.getString message catch JSONException e Log.w Facebook Example JSON Error in response catch FacebookError..
Android post JSON using HTTP static JSONObject getJsonObjectFromMap Map params throws JSONException all the passed parameters from the post request iterator used..
Android: get facebook friends list friends array which is an array of JSONObjects. catch JSONException e _error JSON Error in response catch FacebookError e _error..
Return data from AsyncTask class
org.json.JSON Exception : End of input at character 0 pst gson.fromJson j.toString Event.class i get org.json.JSONException end of input at character 0 of What's wrong with it heres the.. response pst gson.fromJson j.toString Event.class catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace android..
upload video to facebook in android CalledFromWrongThreadException Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views. catch JSONException e mPostHandler.sendEmptyMessage 1 Log.w Facebook Example JSON Error in response catch FacebookError e mPostHandler.sendEmptyMessage..
JSONException: Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject I have a JSON file with 2 JSON Arrays in it One Array.. A route should consist of several sights where the user gets navigated to. Unfortunately I am getting the error JSONException Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject Here are my variables and the code that parses the JSON.. Error Error converting result e.toString try parse the string to a JSON object try jObj new JSONObject json catch JSONException e Log.e JSON Parser Error parsing data e.toString return JSON String return jObj Log.i JSON Parser json shows me that at..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] polyline .getString points Push a copy of the segment to the route route.addSegment segment.copy catch JSONException e Log.e e.getMessage Google JSON Parser feedUrl return route Convert an inputstream to a string. @param input inputstream..
Caching images and displaying getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace try looping through All Contacts for int i 0 i posts.length i .. to HashMap key value map.put TAG_MDNAME mdname map.put TAG_UTCOST utcost map.put TAG_IIMG iimg jsonlist.add map catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace return null Here i have debugged and found out that imageUrl gets..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php uf.storeHistoryList list.toString if Integer.parseInt res 1 result true finish else result false catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace return false TODO register the new account here. return result and here's storeHistoryList Method.. Error Error converting result e.toString try parse the string to a JSON object try jObj new JSONObject json catch JSONException e Log.e JSON Parser Error parsing data e.toString return JSON String return jObj End Http Request Response
Android: How to detect double-tap? icon new ImageView this TextView t new TextView home.this t.setText ptypename count ptypebar.addView t catch JSONException e if m_adapter.getItems sResultsArr ArrayList SearchItem a m_adapter.getItems a sResultsArr m_adapter.notifyDataSetChanged.. item new SearchItem imgUrl productname ptypename neutral positive negative pid sResultsArr.add item catch JSONException e catch Exception e returns back to UI therad mUpdateResults t.start sends a request with qry as URL and receives..
Restful API service case Config.ACTION_LOGIN if progressDialog.isShowing progressDialog.dismiss try ...process login results... catch JSONException e Log.e JSON There was an error parsing the JSON e break default super.handleMessage msg android web services api rest..
How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box response String message empty try JSONObject json Util.parseJson response message json.getString message catch JSONException e Log.w Facebook Example JSON Error in response catch FacebookError e Log.w Facebook Example Facebook Error e.getMessage..
Android post JSON using HTTP In short a map is similar to a dictionary or a hash. private static JSONObject getJsonObjectFromMap Map params throws JSONException all the passed parameters from the post request iterator used to loop through all the parameters passed in the post request..
Android: get facebook friends list new Runnable public void run Do stuff here with your friends array which is an array of JSONObjects. catch JSONException e _error JSON Error in response catch FacebookError e _error Facebook Error e.getMessage if _error null FacebookActivity.this.runOnUiThread..
Return data from AsyncTask class
org.json.JSON Exception : End of input at character 0 and in android i do JSONObject j new JSONObject response Event pst gson.fromJson j.toString Event.class i get org.json.JSONException end of input at character 0 of What's wrong with it heres the code... RestClient client new RestClient http gsonb.create Event pst null try JSONObject j new JSONObject response pst gson.fromJson j.toString Event.class catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace android json share improve this question oops my bad i was supposed..