android Programming Glossary: jsonobject
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] try Tranform the string into a json object final JSONObject json new JSONObject result Get the route object final JSONObject.. the string into a json object final JSONObject json new JSONObject result Get the route object final JSONObject jsonRoute json.getJSONArray.. json new JSONObject result Get the route object final JSONObject jsonRoute json.getJSONArray routes .getJSONObject 0 Get the..
http post method passing null values to the server client.getParams 10000 Timeout Limit HttpResponse response JSONObject json new JSONObject try HttpPost post new HttpPost URL json.put.. Timeout Limit HttpResponse response JSONObject json new JSONObject try HttpPost post new HttpPost URL json.put user_name chintan.. json so put example code of it may be helpful to you. JSONObject json_data new JSONObject result its a string var which contain..
Caching images and displaying jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS.. looping through All Contacts for int i 0 i posts.length i JSONObject c posts.getJSONObject i Storing each json item in variable.. for int i 0 i posts.length i JSONObject c posts.getJSONObject i Storing each json item in variable String mdname c.getString..
Android: How to detect double-tap? new ArrayList SearchItem private String queryStr private JSONObject searchResponse private GestureDetector gestureScanner final.. ptypes for int index 0 index ptypes.length index JSONObject ptype ptypes.getJSONObject index count ptype.getInt count ptypename.. 0 index ptypes.length index JSONObject ptype ptypes.getJSONObject index count ptype.getInt count ptypename ptype.getString ptypename..
Secure HTTP Post in Android import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils import org.json.JSONObject import android.util.Log public class HttpRequest DefaultHttpClient.. url data null public String sendJSONPost String url JSONObject data return sendPost url data.toString application json public..
Android post JSON using HTTP new HttpPost path convert parameters into JSON object JSONObject holder getJsonObjectFromMap params passes the results to a string.. a map is similar to a dictionary or a hash. private static JSONObject getJsonObjectFromMap Map params throws JSONException all the.. Iterator iter params.entrySet .iterator Stores JSON JSONObject holder new JSONObject using the earlier example your first entry..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON reader.close String result sb.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject result JSONArray routeArray jsonObject.getJSONArray.. jsonObject new JSONObject result JSONArray routeArray jsonObject.getJSONArray routes JSONObject routes routeArray.getJSONObject..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence String String map new HashMap String String JSONObject jsonObject jsonArray.getJSONObject i map.put id String.valueOf i map.put.. i map.put id String.valueOf i map.put KEY_TITLE jsonObject.getString KEY_TITLE map.put KEY_DESCRIPTION jsonObject.getString.. jsonObject.getString KEY_TITLE map.put KEY_DESCRIPTION jsonObject.getString KEY_DESCRIPTION map.put KEY_COST jsonObject.getString..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application new JSONParser Getting json strings from url JSONObject jsonObject jParser.getJSONFromUrl url try Getting array of settings appConfig.. url try Getting array of settings appConfig jsonObject.getJSONArray ConfigConstants.TABLE_VIEW_SUB_MENU_CONFIG loop.. first JSONArray then extract JSONObject from it JSONArray jsonObject jParser.getJSONFromUrl url also change getJSONFromUrl method..
android get duration from directions and now have the response in a String. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject response parse response into json object JSONObject.. parse response into json object JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject route pull out the route object JSONObject durationObject.. route pull out the route object JSONObject durationObject jsonObject.getJSONObject duration pull out the duration object String duration..
Convert Json Array to normal Java Array list new ArrayList String JSONArray jsonArray JSONArray jsonObject if jsonArray null int len jsonArray.length for int i 0 i len..
NoClassDefFoundError when trying to unit test JSON parsing in Android parseCourse String courseData Course result try JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject courseData parse stuff here and construct a proper..
Retrieving JSON from URL on Android page new Communicator .executeHttpGet Some URL JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject page and then work on jsonObject . As the data.. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject page and then work on jsonObject . As the data you receive is an array you can actually say String..
Populate Listview from JSON @Override public long getItemId int position JSONObject jsonObject getItem position return jsonObject.optLong id @Override public.. int position JSONObject jsonObject getItem position return jsonObject.optLong id @Override public View getView int position View convertView.. .inflate R.layout.row null JSONObject jsonObject getItem position return convertView share improve this answer..
Parsing JSON string in android iterate to get and put the values in a map try JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject theJsonString Iterator keys jsonObject.keys Map.. jsonObject new JSONObject theJsonString Iterator keys jsonObject.keys Map String String map new HashMap String String while keys.hasNext.. while keys.hasNext String key String map.put key jsonObject.getString key System.out.println map this map will contain your..
JSON parsing of Google Maps API in Android App stackoverflow answer for a similar question. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject jsonOutput JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject.. new JSONObject jsonOutput JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject routes JSONObject legsObject routeObject.getJSONObject.. from aromero the latter half now looks like JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject responseText JSONArray routeObject jsonObject.getJSONArray..
how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id int position View convertView ViewGroup parent JSONObject jsonObject null try jsonObject jsonArray.getJSONObject position catch JSONException.. ViewGroup parent JSONObject jsonObject null try jsonObject jsonArray.getJSONObject position catch JSONException e1 TODO.. holder.profile_pic.setImageBitmap Utility.model.getImage jsonObject.getString id jsonObject.getString picture else holder.profile_pic.setImageBitmap..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] Route Create an empty segment final Segment segment new Segment try Tranform the string into a json object final JSONObject json new JSONObject result Get the route object final JSONObject jsonRoute json.getJSONArray routes .getJSONObject 0 .. segment final Segment segment new Segment try Tranform the string into a json object final JSONObject json new JSONObject result Get the route object final JSONObject jsonRoute json.getJSONArray routes .getJSONObject 0 Get the leg only one.. try Tranform the string into a json object final JSONObject json new JSONObject result Get the route object final JSONObject jsonRoute json.getJSONArray routes .getJSONObject 0 Get the leg only one leg as we don't support waypoints final JSONObject..
http post method passing null values to the server DefaultHttpClient HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout client.getParams 10000 Timeout Limit HttpResponse response JSONObject json new JSONObject try HttpPost post new HttpPost URL json.put user_name chintan json.put password khetiya StringEntity.. client.getParams 10000 Timeout Limit HttpResponse response JSONObject json new JSONObject try HttpPost post new HttpPost URL json.put user_name chintan json.put password khetiya StringEntity se new StringEntity.. you will read your data. using json or else. i am doing using json so put example code of it may be helpful to you. JSONObject json_data new JSONObject result its a string var which contain output. my_output_one json_data.getString var_1 its your..
Caching images and displaying protected Boolean doInBackground final String... args JSONParser jParser new JSONParser getting JSON string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block.. TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace try looping through All Contacts for int i 0 i posts.length i JSONObject c posts.getJSONObject i Storing each json item in variable String mdname c.getString TAG_MDNAME String utcost c.getString.. catch block e1.printStackTrace try looping through All Contacts for int i 0 i posts.length i JSONObject c posts.getJSONObject i Storing each json item in variable String mdname c.getString TAG_MDNAME String utcost c.getString TAG_UTCOST String iimg..
Android: How to detect double-tap? TabHost mTabHost private ArrayList SearchItem sResultsArr new ArrayList SearchItem private String queryStr private JSONObject searchResponse private GestureDetector gestureScanner final Runnable mUpdateResults new Runnable public void run updateListUi.. ptypebar.removeAllViews JSONArray ptypes searchResponse.getJSONArray ptypes for int index 0 index ptypes.length index JSONObject ptype ptypes.getJSONObject index count ptype.getInt count ptypename ptype.getString ptypename add into tab 2's UI ImageView.. ptypes searchResponse.getJSONArray ptypes for int index 0 index ptypes.length index JSONObject ptype ptypes.getJSONObject index count ptype.getInt count ptypename ptype.getString ptypename add into tab 2's UI ImageView icon new ImageView this..
Secure HTTP Post in Android import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils import org.json.JSONObject import android.util.Log public class HttpRequest DefaultHttpClient httpClient HttpContext localContext private String ret.. e public String sendPost String url String data return sendPost url data null public String sendJSONPost String url JSONObject data return sendPost url data.toString application json public String sendPost String url String data String contentType..
Android post JSON using HTTP new DefaultHttpClient url with the post data HttpPost httpost new HttpPost path convert parameters into JSON object JSONObject holder getJsonObjectFromMap params passes the results to a string builder entity StringEntity se new StringEntity holder.toString.. please take a look at the Java Map reference . In short a map is similar to a dictionary or a hash. private static JSONObject getJsonObjectFromMap Map params throws JSONException all the passed parameters from the post request iterator used to loop.. used to loop through all the parameters passed in the post request Iterator iter params.entrySet .iterator Stores JSON JSONObject holder new JSONObject using the earlier example your first entry would get email and the inner while would get the value..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON 0 while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close reader.close String result sb.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject result JSONArray routeArray jsonObject.getJSONArray routes JSONObject routes routeArray.getJSONObject 0.. n is.close reader.close String result sb.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject result JSONArray routeArray jsonObject.getJSONArray routes JSONObject routes routeArray.getJSONObject 0 JSONObject overviewPolylines routes.getJSONObject overview_polyline..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence KEY_CATEGORY for int i 0 i jsonArray.length i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String JSONObject jsonObject jsonArray.getJSONObject i map.put id String.valueOf i map.put KEY_TITLE jsonObject.getString KEY_TITLE map.put KEY_DESCRIPTION.. String String JSONObject jsonObject jsonArray.getJSONObject i map.put id String.valueOf i map.put KEY_TITLE jsonObject.getString KEY_TITLE map.put KEY_DESCRIPTION jsonObject.getString KEY_DESCRIPTION map.put KEY_COST jsonObject.getString.. i map.put id String.valueOf i map.put KEY_TITLE jsonObject.getString KEY_TITLE map.put KEY_DESCRIPTION jsonObject.getString KEY_DESCRIPTION map.put KEY_COST jsonObject.getString KEY_COST map.put KEY_THUMB_URL jsonObject.getString KEY_THUMB_URL..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application class. Creating JSON Parser instance JSONParser jParser new JSONParser Getting json strings from url JSONObject jsonObject jParser.getJSONFromUrl url try Getting array of settings appConfig jsonObject.getJSONArray ConfigConstants.TABLE_VIEW_SUB_MENU_CONFIG.. Getting json strings from url JSONObject jsonObject jParser.getJSONFromUrl url try Getting array of settings appConfig jsonObject.getJSONArray ConfigConstants.TABLE_VIEW_SUB_MENU_CONFIG loop throw all the objects under sm for int i 0 i appConfig.length..
android get duration from directions 0 1 Let's say you used the standard http client libraries and now have the response in a String. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject response parse response into json object JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject route pull out the.. in a String. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject response parse response into json object JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject route pull out the route object JSONObject durationObject jsonObject.getJSONObject duration pull out the duration.. json object JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject route pull out the route object JSONObject durationObject jsonObject.getJSONObject duration pull out the duration object String duration durationObject.getString text this should be the duration..
Convert Json Array to normal Java Array android json share improve this question ArrayList String list new ArrayList String JSONArray jsonArray JSONArray jsonObject if jsonArray null int len jsonArray.length for int i 0 i len i list.add jsonArray.get i .toString share improve this..
NoClassDefFoundError when trying to unit test JSON parsing in Android JsonCourseParser implements CourseParser public Course parseCourse String courseData Course result try JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject courseData parse stuff here and construct a proper Course object result new Course foo bar catch JSONException..
Retrieving JSON from URL on Android post process this String via org.json. classes like String page new Communicator .executeHttpGet Some URL JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject page and then work on jsonObject . As the data you receive is an array you can actually say String page new.. like String page new Communicator .executeHttpGet Some URL JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject page and then work on jsonObject . As the data you receive is an array you can actually say String page new Communicator .executeHttpGet Some URL JSONArray..
Populate Listview from JSON getItem int position return jsonArray.optJSONObject position @Override public long getItemId int position JSONObject jsonObject getItem position return jsonObject.optLong id @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent.. position @Override public long getItemId int position JSONObject jsonObject getItem position return jsonObject.optLong id @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView null convertView..
Parsing JSON string in android basically returns an Iterator of the keys that you can then iterate to get and put the values in a map try JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject theJsonString Iterator keys jsonObject.keys Map String String map new HashMap String String while keys.hasNext.. then iterate to get and put the values in a map try JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject theJsonString Iterator keys jsonObject.keys Map String String map new HashMap String String while keys.hasNext String key String map.put key jsonObject.getString.. Map String String map new HashMap String String while keys.hasNext String key String map.put key jsonObject.getString key System.out.println map this map will contain your json stuff catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace share..
JSON parsing of Google Maps API in Android App parse it into the final string duration as inspired by this stackoverflow answer for a similar question. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject jsonOutput JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject routes JSONObject legsObject routeObject.getJSONObject.. stackoverflow answer for a similar question. JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject jsonOutput JSONObject routeObject jsonObject.getJSONObject routes JSONObject legsObject routeObject.getJSONObject legs JSONObject durationObject legsObject.getJSONObject.. get the same data EDIT thanks to the first helpful answer here from aromero the latter half now looks like JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject responseText JSONArray routeObject jsonObject.getJSONArray routes JSONArray legsObject routeObject.getJSONArray..
how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id int position return 0 @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent JSONObject jsonObject null try jsonObject jsonArray.getJSONObject position catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace.. return 0 @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent JSONObject jsonObject null try jsonObject jsonArray.getJSONObject position catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace View hView.. ViewHolder hView.getTag try if graph_or_fql.equals graph holder.profile_pic.setImageBitmap Utility.model.getImage jsonObject.getString id jsonObject.getString picture else holder.profile_pic.setImageBitmap Utility.model.getImage jsonObject.getString..