android Programming Glossary: jsonfactory
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK .getString AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN HttpTransport httpTransport new NetHttpTransport JacksonFactory jsonFactory new JacksonFactory Drive.Builder b new Drive.Builder httpTransport jsonFactory null b.setJsonHttpRequestInitializer new.. new NetHttpTransport JacksonFactory jsonFactory new JacksonFactory Drive.Builder b new Drive.Builder httpTransport jsonFactory null b.setJsonHttpRequestInitializer new JsonHttpRequestInitializer @Override public void initialize JSonHttpRequest request..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus String CLIENT_SECRET String REDIRECT_URI http localhost String REDIRECT_URI urn ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob JsonFactory jsonFactory new JacksonFactory String posturl https upload plusDomains v1 people userId media collection HttpTransport.. auth final GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder transport jsonFactory CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET SCOPE .setApprovalPrompt force .setAccessType offline .build String url flow.newAuthorizationUrl.. e.printStackTrace GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport transport .setJsonFactory jsonFactory .setClientSecrets CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET .addRefreshListener new CredentialRefreshListener @Override public void..