android Programming Glossary: httpresponse.getstatusline
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically response try get response code int responseStatusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if the response code is not 200 OK or 500 Internal.. errorMsg Got SOAP response code responseStatusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase ... get the response content HttpEntity httpEntity..
How to create Rest api,and how to consume the rest api with android apps try httpResponse client.execute request responseCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpEntity entity httpResponse.getEntity if entity..
Cannot get httpResponse content getMethod Log.e TAG RESPONSE httpResponse Log.i TAG httpResponse.getStatusLine .toString Log.i TAG 1 httpResponse.getLocale .toString Log.i..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP)
Android, send and receive XML via HTTP POST method httpclient .execute httppost tvData.setText httpResponse.getStatusLine .toString text view is expected to print the response there..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android try httpResponse client.execute request responseCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode message httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase.. httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode message httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase HttpEntity entity httpResponse.getEntity ..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests httpclient.execute httpget final int statusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if statusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK throw new Exception.. HttpStatus.SC_OK throw new Exception Got HTTP statusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase ' ' response EntityUtils.toString httpResponse.getEntity..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically Log.e LOG_TAG Error sending SOAP request e throw e get SOAP response try get response code int responseStatusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if the response code is not 200 OK or 500 Internal error then communication error occurred if responseStatusCode.. if responseStatusCode 200 responseStatusCode 500 String errorMsg Got SOAP response code responseStatusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase ... get the response content HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity InputStream is httpEntity.getContent..
How to create Rest api,and how to consume the rest api with android apps client new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse httpResponse try httpResponse client.execute request responseCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpEntity entity httpResponse.getEntity if entity null InputStream in entity.getContent response ConvertStreamToString..
Cannot get httpResponse content Basic getCredentials HttpResponse httpResponse client.execute getMethod Log.e TAG RESPONSE httpResponse Log.i TAG httpResponse.getStatusLine .toString Log.i TAG 1 httpResponse.getLocale .toString Log.i TAG 2 httpResponse.getHeaders USER_AGENT .toString Log.i TAG..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP)
Android, send and receive XML via HTTP POST method 8 httppost.setEntity se BasicHttpResponse httpResponse BasicHttpResponse httpclient .execute httppost tvData.setText httpResponse.getStatusLine .toString text view is expected to print the response there is something wrong with receiving the response. Besides I did..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android HttpClientFactory.getThreadSafeClient HttpResponse httpResponse try httpResponse client.execute request responseCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode message httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase HttpEntity entity httpResponse.getEntity if entity.. httpResponse try httpResponse client.execute request responseCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode message httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase HttpEntity entity httpResponse.getEntity if entity null InputStream instream entity.getContent response..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests auth auth httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse httpResponse httpclient.execute httpget final int statusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if statusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK throw new Exception Got HTTP statusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase.. httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if statusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK throw new Exception Got HTTP statusCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase ' ' response EntityUtils.toString httpResponse.getEntity HTTP.UTF_8 catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..