android Programming Glossary: hv
How to regenerate R class? [duplicate] Developing for Android in Eclipse not generating I hv imported a project into my eclipse ide but its giving error..
How to crop image in android midX int midPoint.x int midY int midPoint.y HighlightView hv new HighlightView mImageView int width mBitmap.getWidth int.. imageRect.bottom faceRect.bottom imageRect.bottom hv.setup mImageMatrix imageRect faceRect mCircleCrop mAspectX 0.. faceRect mCircleCrop mAspectX 0 mAspectY 0 mImageView.add hv Create a default HightlightView if we found no face in the picture...
How to regenerate R class? [duplicate] to regenerate R class duplicate Possible Duplicate Developing for Android in Eclipse not generating I hv imported a project into my eclipse ide but its giving error since R file is generated automatically. How i can edit the..
How to crop image in android midPoint midPoint.x mScale midPoint.y mScale int midX int midPoint.x int midY int midPoint.y HighlightView hv new HighlightView mImageView int width mBitmap.getWidth int height mBitmap.getHeight RectF imageRect new RectF 0 0 width.. if faceRect.bottom imageRect.bottom faceRect.inset faceRect.bottom imageRect.bottom faceRect.bottom imageRect.bottom hv.setup mImageMatrix imageRect faceRect mCircleCrop mAspectX 0 mAspectY 0 mImageView.add hv Create a default HightlightView.. imageRect.bottom hv.setup mImageMatrix imageRect faceRect mCircleCrop mAspectX 0 mAspectY 0 mImageView.add hv Create a default HightlightView if we found no face in the picture. private void makeDefault HighlightView hv new HighlightView..