android Programming Glossary: httpcontext
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android code. try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost.. new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost URL MultipartEntity entity new..
Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect public URI getLocationURI HttpResponse response HttpContext context throws ProtocolException return null public boolean.. public boolean isRedirectRequested HttpResponse response HttpContext context return false More verbose than it seems it needs to..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost.. httpParameters HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity.. httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment mode mode try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost.. new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url HttpResponse response httpClient.execute..
Android - Get Altitude By Longitude and Latitude? Double.NaN HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext String url http new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext String url http xmlwebservices2 elevation_service.asmx..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G retryRequest IOException exception int executionCount HttpContext context retry a max of 5 times if executionCount 5 return..
Secure HTTP Post in Android import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils.. import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils import org.json.JSONObject.. public class HttpRequest DefaultHttpClient httpClient HttpContext localContext private String ret HttpResponse response null HttpPost..
Sending images using Http Post nameValuePairs HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost.. new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android httpClient HttpPost httpPost HttpResponse response HttpContext localContext FileEntity tmp null String ret null httpClient.. message Caption for the photo localContext new BasicHttpContext response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext bobince thanks..
Android HttpClient persistent cookies can do what @Emmanuel suggested or you can pass the BasicHttpContext between the HttpClients you are creating. Example Use of context.. cookieStore new BasicCookieStore Create local HTTP context HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext Bind custom cookie store to.. local HTTP context HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext Bind custom cookie store to the local context localContext.setAttribute..
Get and Parse CSV file in android not working HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet.. new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet uri HttpResponse response httpClient.execute..
Reusing SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient ccm HttpParams params super ccm params @Override protected HttpContext createHttpContext HttpContext context new BasicHttpContext context.setAttribute.. super ccm params @Override protected HttpContext createHttpContext HttpContext context new BasicHttpContext context.setAttribute.. params @Override protected HttpContext createHttpContext HttpContext context new BasicHttpContext context.setAttribute ClientContext.AUTHSCHEME_REGISTRY..
Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient I'm assuming i've found a red herring with this solution. HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext localContext.setAttribute.. with this solution. HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext localContext.setAttribute ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE CookieManager.getInstance..
Send HTTP GET request with header public void process final HttpRequest request final HttpContext context throws HttpException IOException for String key sendHeaders.keySet..
Java httpPost into .asp form public boolean isRedirectRequested HttpResponse response HttpContext context System.out.println isRedirectRequested return true.. @Override public URI getLocationURI HttpResponse response HttpContext context throws ProtocolException String location response.getLastHeader..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically 2 upload HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost.. new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity..
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android I am sending Images and Text to php webservice using following code. try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost URL MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE.. webservice using following code. try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost URL MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE ByteArrayOutputStream..
Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect if this.followRedirect client.setRedirectHandler new RedirectHandler public URI getLocationURI HttpResponse response HttpContext context throws ProtocolException return null public boolean isRedirectRequested HttpResponse response HttpContext context.. HttpContext context throws ProtocolException return null public boolean isRedirectRequested HttpResponse response HttpContext context return false More verbose than it seems it needs to be but not as difficult as I thought. android google app..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout httpParameters 200000 HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity for.. httpParameters 200000 HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity for int index 0 index nameValuePairs.size.. HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout httpParameters 200000 HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity ..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment end.latitude end.longitude sensor false units metric mode mode try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext.. sensor false units metric mode mode try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext InputStream in response.getEntity..
Android - Get Altitude By Longitude and Latitude? getAltitude Double longitude Double latitude double result Double.NaN HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext String url http xmlwebservices2 elevation_service.asmx getElevation.. Double latitude double result Double.NaN HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext String url http xmlwebservices2 elevation_service.asmx getElevation X_Value String.valueOf longitude..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G retryHandler new HttpRequestRetryHandler public boolean retryRequest IOException exception int executionCount HttpContext context retry a max of 5 times if executionCount 5 return false if exception instanceof NoHttpResponseException return..
Secure HTTP Post in Android import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils import org.json.JSONObject import android.util.Log.. org.apache.http.params.HttpParams import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils import org.json.JSONObject import android.util.Log public class HttpRequest DefaultHttpClient.. import org.json.JSONObject import android.util.Log public class HttpRequest DefaultHttpClient httpClient HttpContext localContext private String ret HttpResponse response null HttpPost httpPost null HttpGet httpGet null public HttpRequest..
Sending images using Http Post to do this public void post String url List NameValuePair nameValuePairs HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE.. url List NameValuePair nameValuePairs HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE for..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android is my code. I got Http 400 error can someone help me HttpClient httpClient HttpPost httpPost HttpResponse response HttpContext localContext FileEntity tmp null String ret null httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpClient.getParams .setParameter ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY.. httpPost.setHeader source data.getAbsolutePath httpPost.setHeader message Caption for the photo localContext new BasicHttpContext response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext bobince thanks this is my new id I will try put OAuth to my connection..
Android HttpClient persistent cookies cookies httpclient share improve this question You can do what @Emmanuel suggested or you can pass the BasicHttpContext between the HttpClients you are creating. Example Use of context and cookies complete code here HttpClient httpclient new.. Create a local instance of cookie store CookieStore cookieStore new BasicCookieStore Create local HTTP context HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext Bind custom cookie store to the local context localContext.setAttribute ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE.. cookie store CookieStore cookieStore new BasicCookieStore Create local HTTP context HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext Bind custom cookie store to the local context localContext.setAttribute ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE cookieStore HttpGet httpget..
Get and Parse CSV file in android android libraries Edit Here's the current state of the union not working HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet uri HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpGet localContext.. current state of the union not working HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet uri HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpGet localContext String result BufferedReader..
Reusing SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient private DelegateHttpClient ClientConnectionManager ccm HttpParams params super ccm params @Override protected HttpContext createHttpContext HttpContext context new BasicHttpContext context.setAttribute ClientContext.AUTHSCHEME_REGISTRY getAuthSchemes.. ClientConnectionManager ccm HttpParams params super ccm params @Override protected HttpContext createHttpContext HttpContext context new BasicHttpContext context.setAttribute ClientContext.AUTHSCHEME_REGISTRY getAuthSchemes context.setAttribute.. ClientConnectionManager ccm HttpParams params super ccm params @Override protected HttpContext createHttpContext HttpContext context new BasicHttpContext context.setAttribute ClientContext.AUTHSCHEME_REGISTRY getAuthSchemes context.setAttribute..
Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient params 30000 This code results in a ClassCastException I'm assuming i've found a red herring with this solution. HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext localContext.setAttribute ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE CookieManager.getInstance .getCookie.. in a ClassCastException I'm assuming i've found a red herring with this solution. HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext localContext.setAttribute ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE CookieManager.getInstance .getCookie URI DefaultHttpClient httpClient..
Send HTTP GET request with header 0 client.addRequestInterceptor new HttpRequestInterceptor public void process final HttpRequest request final HttpContext context throws HttpException IOException for String key sendHeaders.keySet if request.containsHeader key request.addHeader..
Java httpPost into .asp form extends DefaultRedirectHandler @Override public boolean isRedirectRequested HttpResponse response HttpContext context System.out.println isRedirectRequested return true @Override public URI getLocationURI HttpResponse response.. System.out.println isRedirectRequested return true @Override public URI getLocationURI HttpResponse response HttpContext context throws ProtocolException String location response.getLastHeader Location .getValue if location.contains Login..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically new BasicNameValuePair image path String url http 2 upload HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE.. String url http 2 upload HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpContext localContext new BasicHttpContext HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE for..