android Programming Glossary: httpentity.getcontent
How to send variable from php to an android app? httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity InputStream is httpEntity.getContent return is catch Throwable e Log.e LOG_TAG Error getting SOAP..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent catch UnsupportedEncodingException e e.printStackTrace catch..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent else if method GET_Request_Response HttpClient httpClient.. httpGet HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent catch UnsupportedEncodingException e e.printStackTrace..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent catch UnsupportedEncodingException e e.printStackTrace catch..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android HttpEntity httpEntity response.getEntity InputStream is httpEntity.getContent BufferedReader read new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters httpResponse.getEntity if httpEntity null InputStream is httpEntity.getContent result StringUtils.convertStreamToString is Log.i TAG Result..
How to send variable from php to an android app? parameters HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is iso 8859 1 8 From here you can extract the data that..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically .getReasonPhrase ... get the response content HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity InputStream is httpEntity.getContent return is catch Throwable e Log.e LOG_TAG Error getting SOAP response e throw e return null Parses the input stream..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application HttpPost url HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent catch UnsupportedEncodingException e e.printStackTrace catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent else if method GET_Request_Response HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient String paramString URLEncodedUtils.format.. Dataurl HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpGet HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent catch UnsupportedEncodingException e e.printStackTrace catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace catch..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android HttpPost url HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity is httpEntity.getContent catch UnsupportedEncodingException e e.printStackTrace catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android service.wsdl HttpResponse response sClient.execute httpGet HttpEntity httpEntity response.getEntity InputStream is httpEntity.getContent BufferedReader read new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is String query null while query read.readLine null System.out.println..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity if httpEntity null InputStream is httpEntity.getContent result StringUtils.convertStreamToString is Log.i TAG Result result catch ClientProtocolException e Log.e TAG ClientProtocolException..