android Programming Glossary: hugely
How to open a PDF via Intent from SD card supported document type But I can open the document manually through the PDF viewing app installed. Any help would be hugely appreciated. android pdf android intent share improve this question Try this code display pdf file From sdcard File..
Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping? the counter stops incrementing. This I expect to happen and I appreciate the reasons why as reserving battery life is hugely important on a mobile device so it makes sense that the UI thread sleeps or similar. Once you revisit the browser the counter..
Which mobile operating system should I code for? [closed] developer. No competition in marketplace. But not very many users either. However a search on StackOverflow shows a hugely disproportionate number of iPhone questions versus Blackberry. Likewise there are clearly more apps on iPhone so it must..
Which Android phone to use for development…? [closed] OS I'd recommend a Hero because this has the oldest OS version in the wild 1.5 which can be problematic. It is also hugely popular. The two slowest devices that are out there in any significant numbers are the G1 and the Tattoo but they are both..
AsyncTask Android - Design Pattern and Return Values I can't figure this out at all. Please ask for elaboration if you need it. AsyncTask design patterns and ideas are hugely welcomed. android http design patterns android asynctask share improve this question If you are designing a reusable..
ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event ViewPager when my background service has notified me of a specific event. How can I do that A code snippet would be hugely appreciated By the way I have saw this similar question but I have no idea how to use their suggestion To make it all more..