

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:41

android Programming Glossary: httppost.addheader

How to unit test a class that uses HttpClient in Android using the built-in framework?


BasicNameValuePair params Boolean compression HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost path String result if compression httpPost.addHeader Accept Encoding gzip if params.size 0 try httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity params UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException..

Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically


String requestContent throws Exception initialize HTTP post HttpPost httpPost null try httpPost new HttpPost URL httpPost.addHeader Accept Encoding gzip deflate httpPost.addHeader Content Type text xml charset UTF 8 httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction catch.. HTTP post HttpPost httpPost null try httpPost new HttpPost URL httpPost.addHeader Accept Encoding gzip deflate httpPost.addHeader Content Type text xml charset UTF 8 httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction catch Throwable e Log.e LOG_TAG Error initializing.. HttpPost URL httpPost.addHeader Accept Encoding gzip deflate httpPost.addHeader Content Type text xml charset UTF 8 httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction catch Throwable e Log.e LOG_TAG Error initializing HTTP post for SOAP request e throw e load content to be..

unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android?


new StringEntity bodyOut HTTP.UTF_8 StringEntity se new StringEntity request1 HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction SOAP_ACTION httpPost.setEntity se HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity resEntity..

Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app?


httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpHost httpHost new HttpHost host port HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost uri httpPost.addHeader Content Type application json charset utf 8 if param null HttpEntity bodyEntity new StringEntity param.toString utf8 httpPost.setEntity..