android Programming Glossary: hundreds
Scraping dynamically generated html inside Android app
Android SQLite and huge data sets data sets We are creating an app for a client that has hundreds of megabytes of HTML in SQLite databases. We have implemented..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? so it's not like I'm expecting ACE to plot in realtime hundreds of thousandths of points. I've taken a look at it and the onDraw..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? . Below sample code can be found in hundreds of related post public class PhoneCallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver..
Add markers dynamically on Google Maps v2 for Android a lot with app responsiveness when there are potentially hundreds of markers on screen which you should avoid by using clustering..
Using a custom typeface in Android change the typeface of each object from Code but I have hundreds of them. So Is there a way to do this from the XML Setting a..
How does AppBrain's installation app work? saying 'you need to click to install this once' but having hundreds of people waste their time clicking 'ok' is a waste. I personally..
How to create your own library for Android development to be used in every program you write? I am a Delphi programmer and have written over the years hundreds of classes and routines which I can use in every Delphi program..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android the problem briefly but it soon comes back. There are hundreds if not thousands of message board posts from people asking why..
java events,handlers and listeners question using arbitrary names and examples instead of plopping my hundreds of lines of code in here Here are my class and their uses MainUI..
Android: Using findViewById() with a string / in a loop an android application where there is a view composed of hundreds of buttons each with a specific callback. Now I'd like to set.. these callbacks using a loop instead of having to write hundreds of lines of code for each one of the buttons . My question is..
Raw resources versus SQLite database there's likely going to be a LOT of data to the order of hundreds of separate pieces. Am I right to assume SQLite is best both..
How do I pass return values from a javascript function to android? I had a very bad time experiencing problems while passing hundreds of lines of string to JS from Java and I have subsequent post..
How do I set up IntelliJ IDEA for Android applications? a day on trying to put all the pieces together been in hundreds of sites and tutorials but they all skip trivial steps. So here's..
Eclipse wont let my app run seen this problem before. I have run my app on my phone hundreds of times. No apparent errors exist in any files of my project...
How to parse a big JSON file in android 6__af_id 50085__af_placement_id 1.html .. hundreds of lines removed .. My code public class test extends Activity..
How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android? this but dotted instead of solid. I'd like to avoid making hundreds of layouts alternating between a transparent layout and solid..
Remove all unused resources from an android project know if they're already fixed and if you want to delete hundreds of supposedly unused resources I'd recommend to manually compile..
android soundpool heapsize overflow soundpool heapsize overflow I get this error hundreds of times when I run in Debug it doesn't seem to affect the program..
Scraping dynamically generated html inside Android app
Android SQLite and huge data sets SQLite and huge data sets We are creating an app for a client that has hundreds of megabytes of HTML in SQLite databases. We have implemented a way to query this data and scroll through it all in a reasonably..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? kills the app. I'm visualizing data on a sliding window fashion so it's not like I'm expecting ACE to plot in realtime hundreds of thousandths of points. I've taken a look at it and the onDraw for XYChart certainly allocates very heavily in cases where..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? Java Reflection in the Broadcast receiver for android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE . Below sample code can be found in hundreds of related post public class PhoneCallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver Context context null private static final String..
Add markers dynamically on Google Maps v2 for Android
Using a custom typeface in Android my android application which I am creating. I can individually change the typeface of each object from Code but I have hundreds of them. So Is there a way to do this from the XML Setting a custom typeface Is there a way to do it from code in one place..
How does AppBrain's installation app work? sure if this would be a usable workaround. I'm fine with saying 'you need to click to install this once' but having hundreds of people waste their time clicking 'ok' is a waste. I personally think that this is something Google should support for..
How to create your own library for Android development to be used in every program you write? Android development to be used in every program you write I am a Delphi programmer and have written over the years hundreds of classes and routines which I can use in every Delphi program I write. This library is called dlib and can be used in..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android how much storage is available. Rebooting the target device fixes the problem briefly but it soon comes back. There are hundreds if not thousands of message board posts from people asking why the problem occurs but the folks at Google are frustratingly..
java events,handlers and listeners question happy object example depot java world Here is what i need using arbitrary names and examples instead of plopping my hundreds of lines of code in here Here are my class and their uses MainUI this creates the UI Connect this class performs a connection..
Android: Using findViewById() with a string / in a loop Using findViewById with a string in a loop I'm making an android application where there is a view composed of hundreds of buttons each with a specific callback. Now I'd like to set these callbacks using a loop instead of having to write hundreds.. of buttons each with a specific callback. Now I'd like to set these callbacks using a loop instead of having to write hundreds of lines of code for each one of the buttons . My question is How can I use findViewById without statically having to type..
Raw resources versus SQLite database s and then access it as a raw resource. Bear in mind that there's likely going to be a LOT of data to the order of hundreds of separate pieces. Am I right to assume SQLite is best both in terms of memory management and overall design considerations..
How do I pass return values from a javascript function to android? javascript androidResponse void 0 UPDATED Also I had a very bad time experiencing problems while passing hundreds of lines of string to JS from Java and I have subsequent post on StackOverflow with no good answers but finally resolved..
How do I set up IntelliJ IDEA for Android applications? intellij idea share improve this question I've spent a day on trying to put all the pieces together been in hundreds of sites and tutorials but they all skip trivial steps. So here's the full guide Download and install Java JDK Choose the..
Eclipse wont let my app run I'm using Eclipse. I've never seen this problem before. I have run my app on my phone hundreds of times. No apparent errors exist in any files of my project. I edited the Manifest file upping the version but it didnt..
How to parse a big JSON file in android iphone cases index__rf af1__af_assettype_id 10__af_creative_id 6__af_id 50085__af_placement_id 1.html .. hundreds of lines removed .. My code public class test extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @SuppressWarnings..
How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android? getResources .getColor R.color.grey I need something like this but dotted instead of solid. I'd like to avoid making hundreds of layouts alternating between a transparent layout and solid layout. android share improve this question the path..
Remove all unused resources from an android project errors and many more. However it has some issues don't know if they're already fixed and if you want to delete hundreds of supposedly unused resources I'd recommend to manually compile project several times during resource removing to be sure..
android soundpool heapsize overflow soundpool heapsize overflow I get this error hundreds of times when I run in Debug it doesn't seem to affect the program but how do I get rid of it I know it can be traced back..