android Programming Glossary: human
Parsing data from hdp device for android (API 15) from it but I don't know how to parse it into something human readable. this is what I tried until now with something like..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) its purpose is to convey short bunches of characters at human typing speed. If you send anything faster than that what the..
Is it possible to encrypt/decrypt voice calls in Android? [closed] side because the encrypted signal is not similar to human voice. The encrypted voice however can be sent through the data..
How to access the database when developing on Android phone? Are there some applications that can help me getting a human view of content resolvers values and or SQLite databases android..
Perceptual similarity between two audio sequences I want to compare the sound of an animal to the sound of a human mimicking that animal and then return a score of how similar..
Changing values from Cursor using SimpleCursorAdapter I would like that the column Time show the time in a human readable format 13 07 2010 10 40 rather than in UTC format 18190109089..
Determine the audio frequency of sound received via the microphone a note may or may not contain significant peaks at what a human would call the musical pitch of the note. So you may not even..
Parcelable where/when is describeContents() used? Implementing multiple inheritance by rules defined in human readable form It seems like C programmer designed Parceable..
Decompile .smali files on an apk decompiles the .dex file into .smali and binary .xml to human readable xml. The sequence based on APK Manager 4.9 is 22 to..
Why is XML used for the creation of UI layouts in Android? it uses XML so pervasively. After all XML is a verbose human readable format not known for its brevity or efficiency right..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation .setup MyDatabase .initialize table .close For a human the StringBuilder code can obviously be removed but the DatabaseBuilder..
Can I use adb.exe to find a description of a phone? each. These IDs are perfect for programming but not very human readable. Is there any way I can link one of these IDs to a..
Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc…) in user language? Use SimpleDateFormat to format dates and times into a human readable string with respect to the users locale. Small example..
How to test if a fragment view is visible to the user? criteria but only one is actually visible to the user the human eyes android user interface android fragments android viewpager..
Speeding up the Android build process to end auto build batch processing that doesn't need any human interaction. You can find a sample project MorseFlash examine..
Parsing data from hdp device for android (API 15) details.php catname product_num UA 767PBT C . I get the data from it but I don't know how to parse it into something human readable. this is what I tried until now with something like while data 1 String value null BigInteger bi new BigInteger..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) Chat example works for its original purpose is because its purpose is to convey short bunches of characters at human typing speed. If you send anything faster than that what the Handler reads from that array turns to garbage. The answer..
Is it possible to encrypt/decrypt voice calls in Android? [closed] sent through the cannel and reconstructed at the receiver's side because the encrypted signal is not similar to human voice. The encrypted voice however can be sent through the data channel as data and decrypted at the receiver's side. share..
How to access the database when developing on Android phone? sqlite3 I get sqlite3 permission denied What am I doing wrong Are there some applications that can help me getting a human view of content resolvers values and or SQLite databases android database sqlite phone permission denied share improve..
Perceptual similarity between two audio sequences distance measure between two pieces of audio. For example I want to compare the sound of an animal to the sound of a human mimicking that animal and then return a score of how similar the sounds were. It seems like a difficult problem. What would..
Changing values from Cursor using SimpleCursorAdapter the table using a ListActivity with a SimpleCursorAdapter. I would like that the column Time show the time in a human readable format 13 07 2010 10 40 rather than in UTC format 18190109089 . How can I specify that the values from column Time..
Determine the audio frequency of sound received via the microphone number of frequencies. Furthermore the frequency spectrum of a note may or may not contain significant peaks at what a human would call the musical pitch of the note. So you may not even be asking the correct question. There's more commentary on..
Parcelable where/when is describeContents() used? which is an object implementing the Parcelable.Creator interface Implementing multiple inheritance by rules defined in human readable form It seems like C programmer designed Parceable and at some point he realized Oh damn there is no multiple inheritance..
Decompile .smali files on an apk apk smali share improve this question No APK Manager decompiles the .dex file into .smali and binary .xml to human readable xml. The sequence based on APK Manager 4.9 is 22 to select the package and then 9 to decompile it. If you press..
Why is XML used for the creation of UI layouts in Android? limited memory and horsepower so you may find it strange that it uses XML so pervasively. After all XML is a verbose human readable format not known for its brevity or efficiency right Although you see XML when writing your program the Eclipse..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation As far as ProGuard is concerned it could say new DatabaseBuilder .setup MyDatabase .initialize table .close For a human the StringBuilder code can obviously be removed but the DatabaseBuilder code probably can't. ProGuard requires escape analysis..
Can I use adb.exe to find a description of a phone? adb.exe devices I get a list of devices with a unique ID for each. These IDs are perfect for programming but not very human readable. Is there any way I can link one of these IDs to a not necessarily unique description of the phone For example..
Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc…) in user language? internationalization share improve this question Use SimpleDateFormat to format dates and times into a human readable string with respect to the users locale. Small example to get the current day of the week e.g. Monday SimpleDateFormat..
How to test if a fragment view is visible to the user? 3 by default fragment and all three of them meet the above criteria but only one is actually visible to the user the human eyes android user interface android fragments android viewpager share improve this question You're right there is a..
Speeding up the Android build process and overwrite the existing one. this gives you an end to end auto build batch processing that doesn't need any human interaction. You can find a sample project MorseFlash examine the resource filtering used by android maven plugin. share..