android Programming Glossary: httppost.setentity
HTTP doesn't work in Android emulator new BasicNameValuePair heh.getKey heh.getValue httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request..
http post method passing null values to the server httppost new HttpPost your url only ex abc httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpParams httpParameters..
Post multipart request with Android SDK multipartEntity.addPart Image new FileBody image httppost.setEntity multipartEntity mHttpClient.execute httppost new PhotoUploadResponseHandler..
Android HttpPost: how to get the result 0 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair exchk 1 try httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Log.d myapp works till..
Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse k nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair k v httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpResponse response..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) new BasicNameValuePair Content Type application soap xml httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Where how to add the.. Content Type application soap xml charset UTF 8 httppost.setEntity se HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient BasicHttpResponse..
Sending POST data in Android nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair stringdata Hi httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request..
Http connection timeout on Android not working URL StringEntity se new StringEntity envelope HTTP.UTF_8 httppost.setEntity se Code stops here until UnknownHostException is thrown. BasicHttpResponse..
Android Webview POST HttpPost httppost new HttpPost URL_STRING httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpResponse response.. HttpPost httppost new HttpPost URL_STRING httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpResponse response..
How to send a file in Android from mobile to server using http? reqEntity.setChunked true Send in multiple parts if needed httppost.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? new BasicNameValuePair stringdata AndDev is Cool httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request..
Android, Java: HTTP POST Request new BasicNameValuePair stringdata AndDev is Cool httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request..
Send data from android to server via JSON new HttpPost http AddAccelerationData.php httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity data HttpResponse response httpclient.execute..
Java httpPost into .asp form new BasicNameValuePair ctl00 cmdForgetMe Forget Me httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs response client.execute.. http website login.asp or time out value to the request httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs int timeoutConnection..
How to implement file upload progress bar in android String entity Base64.encodeToString bArray Base64.DEFAULT httppost.setEntity new StringEntity entity HttpResponse response httpclient.execute..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException httppost new HttpPost myUrl no idea what this does httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity postParameters This is the line that..
How to unit test a class that uses HttpClient in Android using the built-in framework? Accept Encoding gzip if params.size 0 try httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity params UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException..
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android message0 new StringBody caption.getText .toString httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext..
Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server uid new StringBody userSettings.getString uid chars httpPost.setEntity entity HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient httpclient.execute..
Android HttpClient, DefaultHttpClient, HttpPost HTTP.UTF_8 entity.setContentType application json httpPost.setEntity entity HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload new StringBody nameValuePairs.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext.. index .getName new StringBody list.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost Dataurl httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity Data_Request_Response HttpResponse..
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? text xml httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction SOAP_ACTION httpPost.setEntity se HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity..
Secure HTTP Post in Android App Name Here HttpUtils UnsupportedEncodingException e httpPost.setEntity tmp Log.d Your App Name Here url data try response httpClient.execute..
Sending images using Http Post new StringBody nameValuePairs.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext..
How to send HTTP POST request and receive response? null FileEntity tmp null tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp try response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext catch..
Http connection timeout on Android not working url StringEntity se new StringEntity envelope HTTP.UTF_8 httpPost.setEntity se HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams Set the timeout..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? HttpEntity bodyEntity new StringEntity param.toString utf8 httpPost.setEntity bodyEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpHost..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android httpPost new HttpPost url tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp httpPost.setHeader Content Type multipart form data httpPost.setHeader..
Android Multipart Upload new MultipartEntity entity.addPart file new FileBody file httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response null try response httpClient.execute..
I'm getting a Database Object Not Closed Exception in SQLite (Android), but I'm explicitly closing my database… Help? nVPs.add new BasicNameValuePair username username httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nVPs HttpResponse response httpClient.execute..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters HTTP.UTF_8 entity.setContentType application json httpPost.setEntity entity httpPost.setHeader Content Type contentType httpPost.setHeader..
Parsing JSON string in android StringEntity se se new StringEntity holder.toString httpPost.setEntity se httpPost.setHeader Accept text json httpPost.setHeader..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically .getName new StringBody postContent.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext..
Return data from AsyncTask class a request object HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity pairs response httpclient.execute..
HTTP doesn't work in Android emulator for Map.Entry String String heh params.entrySet nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair heh.getKey heh.getValue httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost return..
http post method passing null values to the server try HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost your url only ex abc httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient..
Post multipart request with Android SDK Description new StringBody Settings.SHARE.TEXT multipartEntity.addPart Image new FileBody image httppost.setEntity multipartEntity mHttpClient.execute httppost new PhotoUploadResponseHandler catch Exception e Log.e ServerCommunication.class.getName..
Android HttpPost: how to get the result 919895865899 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair pack 0 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair exchk 1 try httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Log.d myapp works till here. 2 try HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost..
Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse .iterator while itKeys.hasNext k v kvPairs.get k nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair k v httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpResponse response response httpclient.execute httppost return response Ok So..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) new ArrayList NameValuePair 2 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair Content Type application soap xml httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Where how to add the XML data Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response.. HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httppost.setHeader Content Type application soap xml charset UTF 8 httppost.setEntity se HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient BasicHttpResponse httpResponse BasicHttpResponse httpclient.execute httppost..
Sending POST data in Android 2 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair id 12345 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair stringdata Hi httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost catch..
Http connection timeout on Android not working params 3000 httppost new HttpPost URL StringEntity se new StringEntity envelope HTTP.UTF_8 httppost.setEntity se Code stops here until UnknownHostException is thrown. BasicHttpResponse httpResponse BasicHttpResponse httpclient.execute..
Android Webview POST new BasicNameValuePair bar 23456 HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost URL_STRING httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost String data new BasicResponseHandler.. new BasicNameValuePair bar 23456 HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost URL_STRING httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost I would recommend doing this as..
How to send a file in Android from mobile to server using http? file 1 reqEntity.setContentType binary octet stream reqEntity.setChunked true Send in multiple parts if needed httppost.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost Do something with response... catch Exception e show error ..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair id 12345 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair stringdata AndDev is Cool httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost int..
Android, Java: HTTP POST Request nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair id 12345 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair stringdata AndDev is Cool httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost catch..
Send data from android to server via JSON HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http AddAccelerationData.php httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity data HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost Log.i postData response.getStatusLine .toString..
Java httpPost into .asp form new BasicNameValuePair ctl00 cmdLogin Login nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair ctl00 cmdForgetMe Forget Me httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs response client.execute httppost String responseHtml EntityUtils.toString response.. You might add headers using httppost.addHeader Referer http website login.asp or time out value to the request httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs int timeoutConnection 5000 HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout..
How to implement file upload progress bar in android file byte bArray new byte int file.length bArray String entity Base64.encodeToString bArray Base64.DEFAULT httppost.setEntity new StringEntity entity HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost If not please show an alternative way. Thanks..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException null try HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost myUrl no idea what this does httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity postParameters This is the line that send the request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute..
How to unit test a class that uses HttpClient in Android using the built-in framework? new HttpPost path String result if compression httpPost.addHeader Accept Encoding gzip if params.size 0 try httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity params UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e1 e1.printStackTrace try HttpResponse response..
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android files new ByteArrayBody data myImage.jpg entity.addPart message0 new StringBody caption.getText .toString httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server id_type new StringBody bundle.getString type_id entity.addPart uid new StringBody userSettings.getString uid chars httpPost.setEntity entity HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient httpclient.execute httpPost catch IOException e return views 0 @Override..
Android HttpClient, DefaultHttpClient, HttpPost HttpPost url StringEntity entity new StringEntity jsonObj.toString HTTP.UTF_8 entity.setContentType application json httpPost.setEntity entity HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse response client.execute httpPost Hope this helps in solving..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload string data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new StringBody nameValuePairs.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext HttpEntity httpEntity response.getEntity String responseMessage.. jpeg else Normal string data entity.addPart list.get index .getName new StringBody list.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext HttpEntity httpEntity response.getEntity responseMessage..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php if method POST_Request_Response HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost Dataurl httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity Data_Request_Response HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity..
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? se new StringEntity request1 HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction SOAP_ACTION httpPost.setEntity se HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity resEntity httpResponse.getEntity response EntityUtils.toString..
Secure HTTP Post in Android data UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e Log.e Your App Name Here HttpUtils UnsupportedEncodingException e httpPost.setEntity tmp Log.d Your App Name Here url data try response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext if response null ret EntityUtils.toString..
Sending images using Http Post string data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new StringBody nameValuePairs.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext catch IOException e e.printStackTrace I hope this..
How to send HTTP POST request and receive response? CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 httpPost new HttpPost url response null FileEntity tmp null tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp try response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext catch ClientProtocolException e System.out.println HTTPHelp ClientProtocolException..
Http connection timeout on Android not working Try to do it this way HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url StringEntity se new StringEntity envelope HTTP.UTF_8 httpPost.setEntity se HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. int..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? Content Type application json charset utf 8 if param null HttpEntity bodyEntity new StringEntity param.toString utf8 httpPost.setEntity bodyEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpHost httpPost HttpEntity entity response.getEntity String result..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android .setParameter ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY CookiePolicy.RFC_2109 httpPost new HttpPost url tmp new FileEntity data UTF 8 httpPost.setEntity tmp httpPost.setHeader Content Type multipart form data httpPost.setHeader access_token facebook.getAccessToken httpPost.setHeader..
Android Multipart Upload new HttpPost http MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart file new FileBody file httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response null try response httpClient.execute httpPost catch ClientProtocolException e Log.e ClientProtocolException..
I'm getting a Database Object Not Closed Exception in SQLite (Android), but I'm explicitly closing my database… Help? try List NameValuePair nVPs new ArrayList NameValuePair nVPs.add new BasicNameValuePair username username httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nVPs HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost ResponseHandler String rHandler new BasicResponseHandler..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters entity new UrlEncodedFormEntity postParams entity.setContentEncoding HTTP.UTF_8 entity.setContentType application json httpPost.setEntity entity httpPost.setHeader Content Type contentType httpPost.setHeader Accept contentType catch UnsupportedEncodingException..
Parsing JSON string in android catch JSONException e Log.e Hmmmm JSONException e StringEntity se se new StringEntity holder.toString httpPost.setEntity se httpPost.setHeader Accept text json httpPost.setHeader Content type text json HttpResponse response httpClient.execute..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically Normal string data entity.addPart postContent.get index .getName new StringBody postContent.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext mImgurResponse parseResponse response Iterator it..
Return data from AsyncTask class Execute the request HttpResponse response try Prepare a request object HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url httpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity pairs response httpclient.execute httpPost Examine the response status Log.i TAG response.getStatusLine..