android Programming Glossary: httpclient.getconnectionmanager
Upload image from android to java servlet and save it resEntity if resEntity null resEntity.consumeContent httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown My code in the server side protected void doPost HttpServletRequest..
Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data end if if resEntity null resEntity.consumeContent end if httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown end of uploadVideo Once you have it working you'll..
Android HttpClient : NetworkOnMainThreadException R.string.connection_failed Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown and add a permission in Menifest uses permission android..
ClientProtocolException in httpClient.execute(httpget, responseHandler) catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown I get a clientProtocolException when I call httpclient.execute..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android end if if resEntity null resEntity.consumeContent end if httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown end of uploadPicture android facebook upload multipartform..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android?
REST and SOAP webservice in android catch IOException e e.printStackTrace httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown end callWebService Example of SOAP You can use either..
HTTPS connection with basic auth result into Unauthorized System.out.println EntityUtils.toString entity finally httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e e.printStackTrace HttpClient.. System.out.println EntityUtils.toString entity finally httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e e.printStackTrace share improve..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android trustStore Scheme sch new Scheme https socketFactory 443 httpclient.getConnectionManager .getSchemeRegistry .register sch HttpGet httpget new HttpGet..
HTTP Client API level 11 or greater in Android getRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage..
Java jersey restful webservice requests getRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage.. getRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage.. postRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage..
Android: IllegalStateException in HttpGet getRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? is e.toString Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR responseString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown return responseString @Override protected void onPostExecute..
Common class for AsyncTask in Android? true catch IOException e error e.getMessage cancel true httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown return content protected void onPostExecute String..
Upload image from android to java servlet and save it if resEntity null System.out.println EntityUtils.toString resEntity if resEntity null resEntity.consumeContent httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown My code in the server side protected void doPost HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response throws..
Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data null System.out.println EntityUtils.toString resEntity end if if resEntity null resEntity.consumeContent end if httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown end of uploadVideo Once you have it working you'll probably want to put it in a thread and add an uploading dialog..
Android HttpClient : NetworkOnMainThreadException connection catch IOException e Toast.makeText getBaseContext R.string.connection_failed Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown and add a permission in Menifest uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET But it goes an exception..
ClientProtocolException in httpClient.execute(httpget, responseHandler) responseBody catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown I get a clientProtocolException when I call httpclient.execute httpget responseHandler . The url works just fine..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android null System.out.println EntityUtils.toString resEntity end if if resEntity null resEntity.consumeContent end if httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown end of uploadPicture android facebook upload multipartform data share improve this question setEntity sets..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android?
REST and SOAP webservice in android ..result... result catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown end callWebService Example of SOAP You can use either ksoap or create soap xml by yourself and send to url private..
HTTPS connection with basic auth result into Unauthorized targetHost httpget HttpEntity entity response.getEntity System.out.println EntityUtils.toString entity finally httpclient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e e.printStackTrace HttpClient 4.x Attention You will need the new HttpClient from Apache..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android SSLSocketFactory socketFactory new SSLSocketFactory trustStore Scheme sch new Scheme https socketFactory 443 httpclient.getConnectionManager .getSchemeRegistry .register sch HttpGet httpget new HttpGet https fido EzPay login.php System.out.println executing..
HTTP Client API level 11 or greater in Android accept application json HttpResponse response httpClient.execute getRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage return result private StringBuilder getResult HttpResponse..
Java jersey restful webservice requests accept application json HttpResponse response httpClient.execute getRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage return result public String getBaseURIText String str String.. accept text plain HttpResponse response httpClient.execute getRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage return result private StringBuilder getResult HttpResponse.. postRequest.setEntity input HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage return result And in the REST WS I post the object to the..
Android: IllegalStateException in HttpGet accept application json HttpResponse response httpClient.execute getRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return result private..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? responseString catch Exception e Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR Error is e.toString Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR responseString httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown return responseString @Override protected void onPostExecute String response super.onPostExecute response if..
Common class for AsyncTask in Android? catch ClientProtocolException e error e.getMessage cancel true catch IOException e error e.getMessage cancel true httpClient.getConnectionManager .shutdown return content protected void onPostExecute String result finalResult result progressDialog.dismiss System.out.println..