android Programming Glossary: bw
achartengine - can't figure how to use dates as x axis - the file I save is empty .toString .trim mydata.add thedata .. BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i.. new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i mydate.size i bw.write mydate.get i mydata.get i n ... In the LineGraph Activity.. .toString .trim mydata.add thedata ... BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i..
save user data during a day (the same day -> many user data) them try fos new FileOutputStream file BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i.. new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i mydata.size i bw.write mydata.get i dates_Strings.get i n ... How can I save.. Date d new Date To check if it is the same day. Or here bw.write mydata.get i dates_Strings.get i n But I can't figure...
Android FingerPaint sample does not draw dot? MyView extends View int bh originalBitmap.getHeight int bw originalBitmap.getWidth public MyView Context c int w int h.. w h oldw oldh mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bw bh Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 mCanvas new Canvas mBitmap @Override..
How to read and write UTF-8 to disk on the Android? FileInputStream filePath UTF8 BUFFER_SIZE BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter new FileOutputStream..
Write byte[] to File in Java [closed] will allow you to write text String char . BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new FileWriter yourFile Since you said you..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() s 0 s.length bounds float mt p.measureText s int bw bounds.width Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds.. Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds d s mt bw bounds.toShortString bounds.offset 0 p.setStyle..
achartengine - can't figure how to use dates as x axis - the file I save is empty e.printStackTrace double thedata Double.parseDouble value.getText .toString .trim mydata.add thedata .. BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i mydate.size i bw.write mydate.get i mydata.get i n ... In the.. mydata.add thedata .. BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i mydate.size i bw.write mydate.get i mydata.get i n ... In the LineGraph Activity public class LineGraph extends Activity private static List.. myDate.add sd double thedata Double.parseDouble value.getText .toString .trim mydata.add thedata ... BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i mydate.size i bw.write mydate.get i mydata.get i n public void..
save user data during a day (the same day -> many user data) file new File directory filename FileOutputStream fos saving them try fos new FileOutputStream file BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i mydata.size i bw.write mydata.get i dates_Strings.get i n.. FileOutputStream file BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter fos for int i 0 i mydata.size i bw.write mydata.get i dates_Strings.get i n ... How can I save the user data during a day Maybe some check here Date d new.. can I save the user data during a day Maybe some check here Date d new Date To check if it is the same day. Or here bw.write mydata.get i dates_Strings.get i n But I can't figure. For example I enter data 1 2 3 in date 20 4 2013 . This is..
Android FingerPaint sample does not draw dot? there any way to draw circle or point using path public class MyView extends View int bh originalBitmap.getHeight int bw originalBitmap.getWidth public MyView Context c int w int h super c mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap w h Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888.. void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bw bh Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 mCanvas new Canvas mBitmap @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas canvas.drawColor customColor..
How to read and write UTF-8 to disk on the Android?
Write byte[] to File in Java [closed] also use a Writer instead of an OutputStream. Using a writer will allow you to write text String char . BufferedWriter bw new BufferedWriter new FileWriter yourFile Since you said you wanted to keep everything in memory and don't want to write..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() p new Paint Rect bounds new Rect p.setTextSize 60 p.getTextBounds s 0 s.length bounds float mt p.measureText s int bw bounds.width Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds d s mt bw bounds.toShortString bounds.offset 0 bounds float mt p.measureText s int bw bounds.width Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds d s mt bw bounds.toShortString bounds.offset 0 p.setStyle Style.STROKE canvas.drawColor 0xff000080 p.setColor 0xffff0000..