android Programming Glossary: byterate
Merging two or more .wav files in android longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 2 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 byte data new byte.. out totalAudioLen totalDataLen longSampleRate channels byteRate while data 1 out.write data while data 1.. long totalDataLen long longSampleRate int channels long byteRate throws IOException byte header new byte 44 header 0 'R' header..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? 36 long longSampleRate 16000 int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256.. byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256 byte data new byte bufferSize try in new FileInputStream.. out totalAudioLen totalDataLen longSampleRate channels byteRate while data 1 out.write data in.close out.close catch..
Voice Detection in Android Application longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes.. 27 byte longSampleRate 24 0xff finalBuffer 28 byte byteRate 0xff finalBuffer 29 byte byteRate 8 0xff finalBuffer 30 byte.. 0xff finalBuffer 28 byte byteRate 0xff finalBuffer 29 byte byteRate 8 0xff finalBuffer 30 byte byteRate 16 0xff finalBuffer 31 byte..
Merging two or more .wav files in android long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 2 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 byte data new byte bufferSize try in1 new FileInputStream file1 in2 new FileInputStream.. .size totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 WriteWaveFileHeader out totalAudioLen totalDataLen longSampleRate channels byteRate while data 1 out.write data while data 1 out.write data out.close in1.close in2.close Toast.makeText.. WriteWaveFileHeader FileOutputStream out long totalAudioLen long totalDataLen long longSampleRate int channels long byteRate throws IOException byte header new byte 44 header 0 'R' header 1 'I' header 2 'F' header 3 'F' header 4 byte totalDataLen..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? out null long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate 16000 int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256 byte data new byte bufferSize try in new FileInputStream inFilename.. 36 long longSampleRate 16000 int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256 byte data new byte bufferSize try in new FileInputStream inFilename out new FileOutputStream outFilename totalAudioLen.. 36 AppLog.logString File size totalDataLen WriteWaveFileHeader out totalAudioLen totalDataLen longSampleRate channels byteRate while data 1 out.write data in.close out.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
Voice Detection in Android Application long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 byte finalBuffer.. 8 0xff finalBuffer 26 byte longSampleRate 16 0xff finalBuffer 27 byte longSampleRate 24 0xff finalBuffer 28 byte byteRate 0xff finalBuffer 29 byte byteRate 8 0xff finalBuffer 30 byte byteRate 16 0xff finalBuffer 31 byte byteRate 24 0xff finalBuffer.. 16 0xff finalBuffer 27 byte longSampleRate 24 0xff finalBuffer 28 byte byteRate 0xff finalBuffer 29 byte byteRate 8 0xff finalBuffer 30 byte byteRate 16 0xff finalBuffer 31 byte byteRate 24 0xff finalBuffer 32 byte 2 16 8 block align..