android Programming Glossary: bytes.length
How to use Parcel in Android? array final Parcel p2 Parcel.obtain p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader assertNotNull.. 4 bytes 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length p2.setDataPosition 0 result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader..
converting Java bitmap to byte array b byte bytes new byte size try b.get bytes 0 bytes.length catch BufferUnderflowException e always happens do something..
How to get IP address of the device? StringBuilder sbuf new StringBuilder for int idx 0 idx bytes.length idx int intVal bytes idx 0xff if intVal 0x10 sbuf.append 0..
How to implement file upload progress bar in android int bufferLength 1024 for int i 0 i bytes.length i bufferLength int progress int i float bytes.length 100 publishProgress.. 0 i bytes.length i bufferLength int progress int i float bytes.length 100 publishProgress progress if bytes.length i bufferLength.. int i float bytes.length 100 publishProgress progress if bytes.length i bufferLength outputStream.write bytes i bufferLength else..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead.. 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes.. byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead..
How to use Parcel in Android? 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE Unmarshall a Foo from that byte array final Parcel p2 Parcel.obtain p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader assertNotNull result FAIL assertEquals orig.str result.str protected.. that the byte stream seems to contain a Parcelable assertEquals 4 bytes 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length p2.setDataPosition 0 result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader finally p1.recycle p2.recycle assertNotNull result..
converting Java bitmap to byte array ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes new byte size try b.get bytes 0 bytes.length catch BufferUnderflowException e always happens do something with byte When I look at the buffer after the call to copyPixelsToBuffer..
How to get IP address of the device? @param bytes @return public static String bytesToHex byte bytes StringBuilder sbuf new StringBuilder for int idx 0 idx bytes.length idx int intVal bytes idx 0xff if intVal 0x10 sbuf.append 0 sbuf.append Integer.toHexString intVal .toUpperCase return..
How to implement file upload progress bar in android url.openConnection OutputStream outputStream connection.getOutputStream int bufferLength 1024 for int i 0 i bytes.length i bufferLength int progress int i float bytes.length 100 publishProgress progress if bytes.length i bufferLength outputStream.write.. connection.getOutputStream int bufferLength 1024 for int i 0 i bytes.length i bufferLength int progress int i float bytes.length 100 publishProgress progress if bytes.length i bufferLength outputStream.write bytes i bufferLength else outputStream.write.. for int i 0 i bytes.length i bufferLength int progress int i float bytes.length 100 publishProgress progress if bytes.length i bufferLength outputStream.write bytes i bufferLength else outputStream.write bytes i bytes.length i publishProgress..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java Get the size of the file long length file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString.. bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString bytes Base64.DEFAULT.. Get the size of the file long length file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString..