android Programming Glossary: buttonview.gettag
Listview with Checkbox,RadioButton,Textview and button not working correctly in android buttonView boolean isChecked int getPosition Integer buttonView.getTag list.get getPosition .setSelected buttonView.isChecked ..
Listview with custom adapter containing CheckBoxes buttonView boolean isChecked mChecked Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked get the tag so we know the row and store the status..
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? Hello else buttonView.setText mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Example public class MainActivity extends Activity.. Hello else buttonView.setText mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Snap Shot. When you check the checkbox it set's the..
in gridview checkbox is unchecked while scrolling gridview up and down buttonView boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Example public class MainActivity extends Activity.. TODO Auto generated method stub mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked activity_main.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view TODO Auto generated method stub mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked display.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http
How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list buttonView boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked I cannot seem to figure it out and its a real drain.. Hello else buttonView.setText mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Example public class MainActivity extends Activity.. TODO Auto generated method stub mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked activity_main.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button buttonView boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked static class AppInfoHolder ImageView imgIcon TextView..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view position before return and then use Integer buttonView.getTag instead position 1 . So your recycled view will keep the actual..
Gmail-like ListView with checkboxes (and using the ActionBar) buttonView boolean isChecked String tag String buttonView.getTag String pos tag.split if isChecked if mActionMode null mActionMode..
Listview with Checkbox,RadioButton,Textview and button not working correctly in android @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked int getPosition Integer buttonView.getTag list.get getPosition .setSelected buttonView.isChecked convertView.setTag viewHolder convertView.setTag
Listview with custom adapter containing CheckBoxes new OnCheckedChangeListener public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked mChecked Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked get the tag so we know the row and store the status Regarding your code from your question at first I thought..
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? Auto generated method stub if isChecked buttonView.setText Hello else buttonView.setText mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Example public class MainActivity extends Activity implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener int count private.. Auto generated method stub if isChecked buttonView.setText Hello else buttonView.setText mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Snap Shot. When you check the checkbox it set's the text when you uncheck set the text to share improve this..
in gridview checkbox is unchecked while scrolling gridview up and down position @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Example public class MainActivity extends Activity implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener int count private.. onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked TODO Auto generated method stub mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked activity_main.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked TODO Auto generated method stub mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked display.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res android xmlns tools http
How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked I cannot seem to figure it out and its a real drain on me now. Any help is highly appreciated.. Thanks. android.. Auto generated method stub if isChecked buttonView.setText Hello else buttonView.setText mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Example public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnItemClickListener List String name1 new ArrayList.. onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked TODO Auto generated method stub mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked activity_main.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res android xmlns tools http
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button position @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked static class AppInfoHolder ImageView imgIcon TextView txtTitle CheckBox chkSelect Here's the snap shot share..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view by using the outer final position . Try setting viewHolder.checkbox.setTag position before return and then use Integer buttonView.getTag instead position 1 . So your recycled view will keep the actual position. When you click a checkbox you should persists..
Gmail-like ListView with checkboxes (and using the ActionBar) OnCheckedChangeListener public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked String tag String buttonView.getTag String pos tag.split if isChecked if mActionMode null mActionMode startActionMode mMultipleCallback else if mActionMode..