android Programming Glossary: bytebuffer
Converting bitmap to byteArray android don't use 32bit images. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer b.copyPixelsToBuffer.. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer b.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer..
Getting access to media player cache proceed to write the entity's byte data. I'm using an NIO ByteBuffer in a while loop client is a Socket and buffer is a ByteBuffer.. in a while loop client is a Socket and buffer is a ByteBuffer . int read written SocketChannel dst client.getChannel while..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] _storedBitmapPixels storedBitmapPixels return env NewDirectByteBuffer jniBitmap 0 src com jni bitmap_operations package com.jni.bitmap_operations import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import android.util.Log public.. import android.util.Log public class JniBitmapHolder ByteBuffer _handler null static System.loadLibrary JniBitmapOperations..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView 1 6 2 2 6 7 2 7 3 3 7 4 3 4 0 4 7 6 4 6 5 3 0 1 3 1 2 ByteBuffer vbb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect vertices.length 4 vbb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder.. 7 3 3 7 4 3 4 0 4 7 6 4 6 5 3 0 1 3 1 2 ByteBuffer vbb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect vertices.length 4 vbb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder.. mVertexBuffer.put vertices mVertexBuffer.position 0 ByteBuffer cbb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect colors.length 4 cbb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder..
android how to save a bitmap - buggy code myVideoScreenshotBm.getRowBytes ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsToBuffer.. myVideoScreenshotBm.getRowBytes ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsToBuffer dst byte.. byte toread new byte bmSize toread 0 toread.length ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize dst.put toread dst.position 0..
converting Java bitmap to byte array .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes.. data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes new byte size..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? compress String str throws IOException byte blockcopy ByteBuffer .allocate 4 .order java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN .putInt.. compress String string throws IOException byte blockcopy ByteBuffer .allocate 4 .order java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN .putInt..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString.. bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString bytes Base64.DEFAULT.. import com.sun.pdfview.PDFPage import net.sf.andpdf.nio.ByteBuffer import import import..
upload video to facebook in android extends to take the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream This is storage overwritten on each.. need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write.. byteBuffer. int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can return your byte array...
Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array? extends to take the bytes you read ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten on each.. need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write.. byteBuffer int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len and then we can return your byte array. return..
Android: OutOfMemoryError while uploading video - how best to chunk? inputStream throws IOException ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten on each.. bufferSize int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len return byteBuffer.toByteArray And here's.. buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len return byteBuffer.toByteArray And here's the traceback the error is thrown on..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? extends to take the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream This is storage overwritten on each.. need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write.. byteBuffer. int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can return your byte array...
Upload Video to Facebook extends to take the bytes you read ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten on each.. need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write.. byteBuffer int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len and then we can return your byte array...
Converting bitmap to byteArray android bytes this way. Use a different value than 4 if you don't use 32bit images. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer b.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer Move the byte data to the buffer byte array.. way. Use a different value than 4 if you don't use 32bit images. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer b.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer Move the byte data to the buffer byte array buffer.array..
Getting access to media player cache write the response headers directly to that channel and then proceed to write the entity's byte data. I'm using an NIO ByteBuffer in a while loop client is a Socket and buffer is a ByteBuffer . int read written SocketChannel dst client.getChannel while.. to write the entity's byte data. I'm using an NIO ByteBuffer in a while loop client is a Socket and buffer is a ByteBuffer . int read written SocketChannel dst client.getChannel while dst.isConnected dst.isOpen src.isOpen read buffer..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] new JniBitmap jniBitmap _bitmapInfo bitmapInfo jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels storedBitmapPixels return env NewDirectByteBuffer jniBitmap 0 src com jni bitmap_operations package com.jni.bitmap_operations import java.nio.ByteBuffer.. jniBitmap 0 src com jni bitmap_operations package com.jni.bitmap_operations import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import android.util.Log public class JniBitmapHolder ByteBuffer _handler null static System.loadLibrary.. import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import android.util.Log public class JniBitmapHolder ByteBuffer _handler null static System.loadLibrary JniBitmapOperations private native ByteBuffer jniStoreBitmapData Bitmap bitmap private..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView 1f 1f 0.1f 0f 1f 1f 0.1f byte indices 0 4 5 0 5 1 1 5 6 1 6 2 2 6 7 2 7 3 3 7 4 3 4 0 4 7 6 4 6 5 3 0 1 3 1 2 ByteBuffer vbb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect vertices.length 4 vbb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder mVertexBuffer vbb.asIntBuffer mVertexBuffer.put.. 1f 1f 0.1f byte indices 0 4 5 0 5 1 1 5 6 1 6 2 2 6 7 2 7 3 3 7 4 3 4 0 4 7 6 4 6 5 3 0 1 3 1 2 ByteBuffer vbb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect vertices.length 4 vbb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder mVertexBuffer vbb.asIntBuffer mVertexBuffer.put vertices.. 4 vbb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder mVertexBuffer vbb.asIntBuffer mVertexBuffer.put vertices mVertexBuffer.position 0 ByteBuffer cbb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect colors.length 4 cbb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder mColorBuffer cbb.asFloatBuffer mColorBuffer.put..
android how to save a bitmap - buggy code out.writeInt myVideoScreenshotBm.getWidth int bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.getHeight myVideoScreenshotBm.getRowBytes ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsToBuffer dst byte bytesar new byte bmSize dst.position 0 dst.get.. myVideoScreenshotBm.getWidth int bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.getHeight myVideoScreenshotBm.getRowBytes ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsToBuffer dst byte bytesar new byte bmSize dst.position 0 dst.get bytesar out.write.. int width in.readInt int bmSize nbRowBytes height byte toread new byte bmSize toread 0 toread.length ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize dst.put toread dst.position 0 myVideoScreenshotBm Bitmap.createBitmap width height Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8..
converting Java bitmap to byte array Java bitmap to byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes new byte size try b.get bytes 0 bytes.length catch BufferUnderflowException.. Java bitmap to byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes new byte size try b.get bytes 0 bytes.length catch BufferUnderflowException..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? NOT OK can anybody solve it Android methods public static String compress String str throws IOException byte blockcopy ByteBuffer .allocate 4 .order java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN .putInt str.length .array ByteArrayOutputStream os new ByteArrayOutputStream.. my code has to be changed a little public static byte compress String string throws IOException byte blockcopy ByteBuffer .allocate 4 .order java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN .putInt string.length .array ByteArrayOutputStream os new ByteArrayOutputStream..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString bytes Base64.DEFAULT PDFFile pdf_file new PDFFile buffer PDFPage.. 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString bytes Base64.DEFAULT PDFFile pdf_file new PDFFile buffer PDFPage page pdf_file.getPage.. import import com.sun.pdfview.PDFFile import com.sun.pdfview.PDFPage import net.sf.andpdf.nio.ByteBuffer import import import import android.os.Bundle import..
upload video to facebook in android InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically extends to take the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream This is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes. int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new.. int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize We need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can return your byte array. return.. We need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can return your byte array. return byteBuffer.toByteArray public class SampleUploadListener..
Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array? InputStream inputStream throws IOException this dynamically extends to take the bytes you read ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte.. bytes int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize we need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len and then we can return your byte array. return..
Android: OutOfMemoryError while uploading video - how best to chunk? is is.close return b3 public static byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte.. iteration with bytes int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len return byteBuffer.toByteArray And here's the traceback the error is thrown on the byteBuffer.write buffer.. byte buffer new byte bufferSize int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len return byteBuffer.toByteArray And here's the traceback the error is thrown on the byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len line 04 08 11 56 20.456 ERROR..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically extends to take the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream This is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes. int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new.. int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize We need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can return your byte array. return.. We need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer. int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len And then we can return your byte array. return byteBuffer.toByteArray I got this function from this..
Upload Video to Facebook InputStream inputStream throws IOException this dynamically extends to take the bytes you read ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte.. bytes int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize we need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len and then we can return your byte array. return.. we need to know how may bytes were read to write them to the byteBuffer int len 0 while len buffer 1 byteBuffer.write buffer 0 len and then we can return your byte array. return byteBuffer.toByteArray public class fbRequestListener..