android Programming Glossary: bytebuffer.allocate
Converting bitmap to byteArray android int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer b.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer Move the..
Android usb host: asynchronous interrupt transfer mEndpointOut.getMaxPacketSize ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bufferMaxLength UsbRequest request new UsbRequest create an..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer mainImage.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer..
android how to save a bitmap - buggy code myVideoScreenshotBm.getRowBytes ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsToBuffer dst byte bytesar.. byte bmSize toread 0 toread.length ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize dst.put toread dst.position 0 myVideoScreenshotBm Bitmap.createBitmap.. if dst null bmSize dst.capacity dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize out.writeInt dst.capacity dst.position 0 myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsToBuffer..
converting Java bitmap to byte array data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes new byte size try b.get..
Android Web Service Implememnation data.getBytes await response from server ByteBuffer result ByteBuffer.allocate 8 8 byte large container for result result The..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android public static byte intToByteArray int value byte b ByteBuffer.allocate 4 .putInt value .array for int k 0 k b.length k System.out.println.. k return b 3 public byte sel int val ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate 2 buffer.putInt val buffer.flip return buffer.array
Converting bitmap to byteArray android way. Use a different value than 4 if you don't use 32bit images. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer b.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer Move the byte data to the buffer byte array buffer.array Get the underlying..
Android usb host: asynchronous interrupt transfer of what needs to happen I hope public void run int bufferMaxLength mEndpointOut.getMaxPacketSize ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bufferMaxLength UsbRequest request new UsbRequest create an URB request.initialize mConnection mEndpointOut buffer.put your..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? way. Use a different value than 4 if you don't use 32bit images. int bytes b.getWidth b.getHeight 4 ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate bytes Create a new buffer mainImage.copyPixelsToBuffer buffer Move the byte data to the buffer byte array buffer.array mDrawOnTop.mYUVData..
android how to save a bitmap - buggy code myVideoScreenshotBm.getWidth int bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.getHeight myVideoScreenshotBm.getRowBytes ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsToBuffer dst byte bytesar new byte bmSize dst.position 0 dst.get bytesar out.write.. in.readInt int bmSize nbRowBytes height byte toread new byte bmSize toread 0 toread.length ByteBuffer dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize dst.put toread dst.position 0 myVideoScreenshotBm Bitmap.createBitmap width height Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsFromBuffer.. int bmSize myVideoScreenshotBm.getRowBytes myVideoScreenshotBm.getHeight if dst null bmSize dst.capacity dst ByteBuffer.allocate bmSize out.writeInt dst.capacity dst.position 0 myVideoScreenshotBm.copyPixelsToBuffer dst if bytesar null bmSize bytesar.length..
converting Java bitmap to byte array Java bitmap to byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes new byte size try b.get bytes 0 bytes.length catch BufferUnderflowException e always..
Android Web Service Implememnation String data username password sock.write ByteBuffer.wrap data.getBytes await response from server ByteBuffer result ByteBuffer.allocate 8 8 byte large container for result result The first byte of the response decides wether login failed or succeeded..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android Toast.makeText Main.this DeviceConnected 5000 .show public static byte intToByteArray int value byte b ByteBuffer.allocate 4 .putInt value .array for int k 0 k b.length k System.out.println Selva k 0x UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex b k return.. Selva k 0x UnicodeFormatter.byteToHex b k return b 3 public byte sel int val ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate 2 buffer.putInt val buffer.flip return buffer.array package com.sel.code import public..