

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:45

android Programming Glossary: bt.settext

How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter


if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable.. if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the..

Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter


if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated o.getLatestChapter if enableSections getSectionForPosition.. if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated o.getLatestChapter if enableSections getSectionForPosition..

Android get width returns 0


30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation..

Android - Saving a downloaded image from URL onto SD card


filename.getName filename.getName bt.setText Saved... Toast.makeText getApplicationContext File is Saved..

keeping a variable value across all android activities


if tt null tt.setText Type o.getDrinkType if bt null bt.setText Units String.valueOf o.getPercentageByVolume o.getVolume ..

How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter


R.id.rowText TextView bt TextView v.findViewById R.id.rowText2 if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable interface. public Filter getFilter if filter null.. TextView bt TextView v.findViewById R.id.rowText2 if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable interface. public Filter getFilter if filter null..

Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter


TextView bt TextView v.findViewById R.id.MangaRow_MangaExtra if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated o.getLatestChapter if enableSections getSectionForPosition position getSectionForPosition position 1 .. TextView bt TextView v.findViewById R.id.MangaRow_MangaExtra if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated o.getLatestChapter if enableSections getSectionForPosition position getSectionForPosition position 1 ..

Android get width returns 0


LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layoutParams.setMargins 30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight 2 ra.setDuration 3000L..

Android - Saving a downloaded image from URL onto SD card


MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver filename.getAbsolutePath filename.getName filename.getName bt.setText Saved... Toast.makeText getApplicationContext File is Saved in filename 1000 .show catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..

keeping a variable value across all android activities


TextView bt TextView v.findViewById R.id.drinkunits if tt null tt.setText Type o.getDrinkType if bt null bt.setText Units String.valueOf o.getPercentageByVolume o.getVolume return v Sorry for the long post but all I need to do is make..