android Programming Glossary: bubbleicon.getheight
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? our on screen icon hitTestRecr.set bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 bubbleIcon.getHeight bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 0 hitTestRecr.offset screenCoords.x screenCoords.y.. screenCoords.x bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 screenCoords.y bubbleIcon.getHeight null if i iterator.size this.tempDefaule false if tempDefaule.. screenCoord.x bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 screenCoord.y bubbleIcon.getHeight null mapView.invalidate private void drawInfoWindow Canvas..
Custom tap window on Google Map our on screen icon hitTestRecr.set bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 bubbleIcon.getHeight bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 0 hitTestRecr.offset screenCoords.x screenCoords.y.. if want shadow to be drawn also.. end pos screenCoords.y bubbleIcon.getHeight for drop pin effect if shadow Only offset the shadow in the.. screenCoords.x bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 screenCoords.y bubbleIcon.getHeight null else canvas.drawBitmap bubbleIcon screenCoords.x bubbleIcon.getWidth..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? the 'hit' testing Rectangle with the size and coordinates of our on screen icon hitTestRecr.set bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 bubbleIcon.getHeight bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 0 hitTestRecr.offset screenCoords.x screenCoords.y Finally test for a match between our 'hit' Rectangle.. shadowIcon.getHeight null else canvas.drawBitmap bubbleIcon screenCoords.x bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 screenCoords.y bubbleIcon.getHeight null if i iterator.size this.tempDefaule false if tempDefaule true PantryLocation location1 this.location mapView.getProjection.. location.getPoint screenCoord canvas.drawBitmap bubbleIcon screenCoord.x bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 screenCoord.y bubbleIcon.getHeight null mapView.invalidate private void drawInfoWindow Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow this.tempDefaule false..
Custom tap window on Google Map the 'hit' testing Rectangle with the size and coordinates of our on screen icon hitTestRecr.set bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 bubbleIcon.getHeight bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 0 hitTestRecr.offset screenCoords.x screenCoords.y Finally test for a match between our 'hit' Rectangle.. location.getPoint screenCoords shadow false remove this line if want shadow to be drawn also.. end pos screenCoords.y bubbleIcon.getHeight for drop pin effect if shadow Only offset the shadow in the y axis as the shadow is angled so the base is at x 0 canvas.drawBitmap.. null else if checkAnimationEnded canvas.drawBitmap bubbleIcon screenCoords.x bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 screenCoords.y bubbleIcon.getHeight null else canvas.drawBitmap bubbleIcon screenCoords.x bubbleIcon.getWidth 2 start pos null for drop pin effect canvas.drawBitmap..