android Programming Glossary: browse
Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb? to see that I have access denied. How come I can't browse around the directories using the commandline like this How do.. question There are two things to remember if you want to browse everything on your device. You need to have a phone with root.. You need to have a phone with root access in order to browse the data folder on an Android phone. That means either you have..
Error importing HoloEverywhere Select Create project from existing source and then browse to the library folder inside extracted AndroidBarSherlock folder.. Select Create project from existing source and then browse to the HoloEverywhereLib folder inside extracted folder Press..
Importing google-play-service library showing a red X next to this reference android select Android Existing Android Code into Workspace and browse the workspace import the library project . You can check if.. Choose Android on the left panel. Click on Add and browse the library project. Select the same. Click ok and apply share..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? Moto HS815 headset another dumb device for which 'sdp browse' reports nothing . Also when the device boots Zeemote's priority.. Extra 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 System logs Terminal log sdptool browse Inquiring ... Browsing 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 ... sdptool records..
Android Dashboard Pattern the following link http p iosched source browse android res layout fragment_dashboard.xml r 27a82ff10b436da5914a3961df245ff8f66b6252..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo can be found here http p transdroid source browse #svn trunk src org transdroid util Again I don't understand..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery contains 5 Drawables. In this scenario I can freely browse all the categories and show their images. During my test I cycled..
Choose File Dialog [closed] could point out a Dialog that would allow the user to browse folders and select a file and return the path. android file..
Where can I browse Android source code on-line? [closed] can I browse Android source code on line closed Particularly where can I.. source code on line closed Particularly where can I browse the source code for the contact application Is the only way.. . Contacts is here for example. Android official source browser based on Gitiles has a web view of many of the different parts..
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages activity and things that have little relationship e.g. browse vs. search vs. settings vs. help vs. about will tend to be handled..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? upload .mp3 file only from device to my server.i want to browse path of media data and select any mp3 file and upload it. how..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime Skiba stuff http p android4me source browse src android graphics share improve this answer..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? directly look http p quick settings source browse trunk quick settings #quick settings src com bwx bequick flashlight.. OpenSource Code http p torch source browse Update 2 Example showing how to enable the LED on a Motorola..
NoClassDefFoundError when GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance() this step in right click on libs folder import File System browse to select your jar file and hit finish and run you project...
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket System.out.println 36 Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick.. wrap_content android text Path Button android id @ id bBrowse android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. android layout_height wrap_content android text Browse Button Button android id @ id bSend android layout_width wrap_content..
ChooserActivity has leaked IntentReceiver the routine posted here . Precisely when I press the Browse Gallery Button defined in the layout of the Activity. Full LOGCAT..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app Modules Add a module Select Import existing module li Browse to the Original directory myOrigApp and select its .iml file..
IntelliJ and Still on Dependancies tab click to add new Library Java Browse to the libs gridlayout libs folder and select the support v7..
Debug native code in Android Library Debugger tab click Add... in the Shared Libraries section. Browse to your android library project directory and add its subdirectory..
How to include and use ZXing Library in Android with eclipse? main.xml Right click on src directory and hit import. Browse to the following directories in the order mentioned. As you..
Exact procedure to add “jfeinstein10 / SlidingMenu” in android project File Import Android Existing Android Code Into Workspace Browse to your folder most probably SlidingMenu master and you should..
Auto Version numbering your Android App using Git and Eclipse the Main tab as follows 4a . In the Location section use Browse File System and navigate and select the script file. 4b . In.. the script file. 4b . In the Working directory section use Browse Workspace to select the project. 5 . Leave the Refresh resources..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? click Android ADB Interface then Update Driver Software Browse my computer for driver software Let me pick from a list of device..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project click libs and choose Import General File System then Next Browse in the filesystem to find the library's parent directory i.e...
How to register a new activity in manifest.xml? on Add Choose Activity. On the right next to Name Click on Browse to get a list of available activities just add it and you're..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? Import... General Existing Projects into Workspace Next Browse C Users androideve Documents NotePad Check Copy projects into.. Import... General Existing Projects into Workspace Next Browse C Users androideve Documents NotePad Check Copy projects into..
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse Test Target choose An existing Android project .. Use the Browse button to select MyAndroidApp Unselect Use default location..
Browse Button required? Button required Hii i am working on an application in which.. android id @ id start_file_picker_button android text Browse TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height..
How to convert wsdl to java? Client File New Other Web Services Web Service Client Next Browse Service definition and show the path of the NewWSDLFile.wsdl..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? allows users to upload photos using the file input type Browse button . If possible I would like to launch the Camera App of.. launch the Camera App of an Android device on click of the Browse button or any other HTML button. Is this possible I read this..
Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb? data cd data ls ls opendir failed Permission denied I was surprised to see that I have access denied. How come I can't browse around the directories using the commandline like this How do I get root access on my phone android adb share improve.. root access on my phone android adb share improve this question There are two things to remember if you want to browse everything on your device. You need to have a phone with root access in order to browse the data folder on an Android phone... to remember if you want to browse everything on your device. You need to have a phone with root access in order to browse the data folder on an Android phone. That means either you have a developer device ADP1 or an ION from Google I O or you've..
Error importing HoloEverywhere and extract it Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from existing source and then browse to the library folder inside extracted AndroidBarSherlock folder Build Target should be the latest 14 or15 but your minSdkVersion.. UnZip the folder Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from existing source and then browse to the HoloEverywhereLib folder inside extracted folder Press Finish Right click on the newly created project and go to..
Importing google-play-service library showing a red X next to this reference android . Import the library project to your eclipse Click File Import select Android Existing Android Code into Workspace and browse the workspace import the library project . You can check if it is library project. Right click on the library project. Goto..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? for Zeemote while it does so for all other devices including Moto HS815 headset another dumb device for which 'sdp browse' reports nothing . Also when the device boots Zeemote's priority is 0 others have priority 100 . I'm quite at a loss here.. has extras 04 19 22 06 43.124 DEBUG ZeeReceiver 7986 Extra 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 System logs Terminal log sdptool browse Inquiring ... Browsing 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 ... sdptool records 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 Service Name Zeemote Service RecHandle 0x10015..
Android Dashboard Pattern those design patterns in their app. You can find the code at the following link http p iosched source browse android res layout fragment_dashboard.xml r 27a82ff10b436da5914a3961df245ff8f66b6252 The 2011 version uses a custom layout..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo FakeSocketFactory and FakeTrustManager of which the source can be found here http p transdroid source browse #svn trunk src org transdroid util Again I don't understand why it suddenly stopped work or even what the error 'Broken..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery clear the arrayList again code below . In scenario 1 my arrayList contains 5 Drawables. In this scenario I can freely browse all the categories and show their images. During my test I cycled through all the categories for 5 times which seems enough..
Choose File Dialog [closed] file manager installed. I would be extremely grateful if someone could point out a Dialog that would allow the user to browse folders and select a file and return the path. android file user interface dialog code snippets share improve this question..
Where can I browse Android source code on-line? [closed] can I browse Android source code on line closed Particularly where can I browse the source code for the contact application Is the only.. can I browse Android source code on line closed Particularly where can I browse the source code for the contact application Is the only way to go to download all there is android android source share.. on . Some of the code is also mirrored on github . Contacts is here for example. Android official source browser based on Gitiles has a web view of many of the different parts that make up android. Some of the projects such as Kernel..
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? How to upload .mp3 file to http server i want to upload .mp3 file only from device to my server.i want to browse path of media data and select any mp3 file and upload it. how can i do this any idea Thanks.. android file upload share..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? quick settings Note This link is now broken For Flashlight directly look http p quick settings source browse trunk quick settings #quick settings src com bwx bequick flashlight Note This link is now broken Update6 You could also.. link. Update 14 9 2012 This link is now broken Update 1 Another OpenSource Code http p torch source browse Update 2 Example showing how to enable the LED on a Motorola Droid http p droidled Another Open Source Code..
NoClassDefFoundError when GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance() on your project create a folder with name libs and follow this step in right click on libs folder import File System browse to select your jar file and hit finish and run you project. after that right click on the project Built Path java built..
Client-Server: File transfer from Android to PC connected via socket System.out.println 34 img ImageView findViewById System.out.println 36 Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View arg0 System.out.println 40 Intent intent new Intent.. tvPath android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Path Button android id @ id bBrowse android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Browse Button Button android id @ id bSend.. Path Button android id @ id bBrowse android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Browse Button Button android id @ id bSend android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Send..
ChooserActivity has leaked IntentReceiver It occurs when I choose an image from the phone Gallery following the routine posted here . Precisely when I press the Browse Gallery Button defined in the layout of the Activity. Full LOGCAT E ActivityThread 655 at ReceiverDispatcher...
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app save. Open the variant project bring up Project Settings select Modules Add a module Select Import existing module li Browse to the Original directory myOrigApp and select its .iml file IntelliJ project source file Click Finish. The library project..
IntelliJ and v7 GridLayout jar file in the support project libs dir. Still on Dependancies tab click to add new Library Java Browse to the libs gridlayout libs folder and select the support v7 GridLayout .jar Select level I only needed Project level OK..
Debug native code in Android Library in the left pane select your application Under the Debugger tab click Add... in the Shared Libraries section. Browse to your android library project directory and add its subdirectory obj local armeabi. Apply and debug. That seemed to work..
How to include and use ZXing Library in Android with eclipse? from Create a Android project on your eclipse Delete main.xml Right click on src directory and hit import. Browse to the following directories in the order mentioned. As you add them for import one by one ensure that you have the src..
Exact procedure to add “jfeinstein10 / SlidingMenu” in android project have these files and folders inside. Now open your eclipse File Import Android Existing Android Code Into Workspace Browse to your folder most probably SlidingMenu master and you should see following Hit Finish If eclipse shows some error like..
Auto Version numbering your Android App using Git and Eclipse string needs to be unique across all projects. 4 . Configure the Main tab as follows 4a . In the Location section use Browse File System and navigate and select the script file. 4b . In the Working directory section use Browse Workspace to select.. section use Browse File System and navigate and select the script file. 4b . In the Working directory section use Browse Workspace to select the project. 5 . Leave the Refresh resources upon completion unchecked in the Refresh tab. 6 . Don't..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? then Manage Expand Android phone at the top of the list Right click Android ADB Interface then Update Driver Software Browse my computer for driver software Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer Choose USB Composite Device then..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project a new folder libs in your Eclipse Android project. Right click libs and choose Import General File System then Next Browse in the filesystem to find the library's parent directory i.e. where you downloaded it to . Click OK then click the directory..
How to register a new activity in manifest.xml? Manifest goto the Applications Tab at the bottom click on Add Choose Activity. On the right next to Name Click on Browse to get a list of available activities just add it and you're set You could right way just edit the Manifest XML aswell...
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? Package Explorer without deleting its files from disk 4. File Import... General Existing Projects into Workspace Next Browse C Users androideve Documents NotePad Check Copy projects into workspace Finish 5. Delete entire folder C Users androideve.. Package Explorer without deleting its files from disk 4. File Import... General Existing Projects into Workspace Next Browse C Users androideve Documents NotePad Check Copy projects into workspace Finish 5. Delete entire folder C Users androideve..
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse Test Project Set Test Project Name to MyAndroidAppTest For Test Target choose An existing Android project .. Use the Browse button to select MyAndroidApp Unselect Use default location . This changes the location to be inside the MyAndroidApp project..
Browse Button required? Button required Hii i am working on an application in which i require to select files using browse button.. How can i implement.. layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android id @ id start_file_picker_button android text Browse TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Selected file android textStyle..
How to convert wsdl to java? content and paste it to NewWSDLFile.wsdl Create Web Service Client File New Other Web Services Web Service Client Next Browse Service definition and show the path of the NewWSDLFile.wsdl file we created at step 2 OK Click Client Project blue colored..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? App from an Html 5 Web App I have a mobile website that allows users to upload photos using the file input type Browse button . If possible I would like to launch the Camera App of an Android device on click of the Browse button or any other.. file input type Browse button . If possible I would like to launch the Camera App of an Android device on click of the Browse button or any other HTML button. Is this possible I read this similar post but in their example they are asking how to register..