android Programming Glossary: browsing
Is it posible to use a device to run one application exclusively? to prevent personel or any person from using it for web browsing gaming or anything else. Is this posible android share improve..
Android GCM basic implementation senderID is in the URL of your web browser when you are browsing the Google API access page. Click on GCM and a 12 digit number..
Simple RSS parser for Android [closed] RSS feed online Parse it for data Show the data I've been browsing for guides tutorials and documentation but the parsers I've..
Fast Bitmap Blur For Android SDK it. This takes about 30 seconds on a 640x480 image. While browsing apps in the Android Market I came across one that includes a..
WebView and Cookies on Android here. You have to intercept clicks on Webview so that browsing never leaves the app everything stays inside the same Webview...
How to start Android Kernel programming?
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file you tried as a compromise. Here are the steps for anyone browsing Calculate the maximum possible inSampleSize that still yields..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? then next If USB Composite Device doesn't show up then try browsing to the usb_driver folder in your android sdk directory for step..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? this problem and properly pause the Flash content when the browsing activity is put into the background. Ideally I would like a..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android accurate this is but this was all I could piece together browsing ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager..
Grid of images inside ScrollView you right inside the onMeasure method I discovered this by browsing through the source code . Hopefully GridView behaves the same..
Detecting MMS messages on Android that contains MMS calass also this site is convenient for browsing android source code This information somewhat describes how..
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse into Workspace.... Then select the root directory by browsing to your workspace path MyAndroidApp tests directory and click..
View file path in a file manager as Android intent picker. I already have a file path and want to open it for browsing in a file manager file browser if and only if there is one installed..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? screen THANK YOU very much for a pragmatic hint to me From browsing topics at stackoverflow I think a lot of people would like to..
Understanding custom android launcher a good start. The next thing I would recommend is actually browsing the source of the default android launcher at the open source..
How to return to the latest launched activity when re-launching application after pressing HOME? the documentation on Activity and Task and Stacks and browsing all related answers in SO but I can't understand why such a..
Home button disable lockdown application for educational purposes. I was browsing the site and came upon this link on disabling the home button...
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database error while running nor the primary key is working. While browsing the table using SQLite browser i observed that there are only..
Android - Keep ListView's item highlighted once one has been clicked here's what I've got Custom OnItemClickListener I found browsing various answer regarding this topic slightly modified it in..
Is it posible to use a device to run one application exclusively? being asked to make the tablet's only functionality be my app to prevent personel or any person from using it for web browsing gaming or anything else. Is this posible android share improve this question There are products on the market that..
Android GCM basic implementation using the incorrect senderID. Everything else looks great. The senderID is in the URL of your web browser when you are browsing the Google API access page. Click on GCM and a 12 digit number will be present in the browser URL. That is the correct key..
Simple RSS parser for Android [closed] the application needs to do the following On click fetch a RSS feed online Parse it for data Show the data I've been browsing for guides tutorials and documentation but the parsers I've found so far only deal with local strings or files or are way..
Fast Bitmap Blur For Android SDK I'm looping through the pixels of an image to blur it. This takes about 30 seconds on a 640x480 image. While browsing apps in the Android Market I came across one that includes a blur feature and their blur is very fast like 5 seconds so..
WebView and Cookies on Android you set for Webview is gone we have a seperate program here. You have to intercept clicks on Webview so that browsing never leaves the app everything stays inside the same Webview. WebView webview new WebView this webview.setWebViewClient..
How to start Android Kernel programming?
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file someone to correct me but I accepted the load resize approach you tried as a compromise. Here are the steps for anyone browsing Calculate the maximum possible inSampleSize that still yields an image larger than your target. Load the image using BitmapFactory.decodeFile..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? device drivers on my computer Choose USB Composite Device then next If USB Composite Device doesn't show up then try browsing to the usb_driver folder in your android sdk directory for step 5 then try step 5 and 6 again. Note If Android does not..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? the stock Android browser and Dolphin Browser seem to avoid this problem and properly pause the Flash content when the browsing activity is put into the background. Ideally I would like a solution that kills the WebView completely if the activity is..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android only thing I have found is the following. I don't know how accurate this is but this was all I could piece together browsing ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager this.getSystemService CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE cm.stopUsingNetworkFeature..
Grid of images inside ScrollView of AT_MOST it creates and measures all of its children for you right inside the onMeasure method I discovered this by browsing through the source code . Hopefully GridView behaves the same but if it doesn't you can still measure all the contents of..
Detecting MMS messages on Android would'n like to do it Here is a Telephony class that contains MMS calass also this site is convenient for browsing android source code This information somewhat describes how to retrieve information from MMS messages that are in the database...
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse
View file path in a file manager as Android intent usually do. Edited to clarify I'm not looking for a file picker. I already have a file path and want to open it for browsing in a file manager file browser if and only if there is one installed on the device. java android android intent share..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? try at the game And how can I update just a part of the screen THANK YOU very much for a pragmatic hint to me From browsing topics at stackoverflow I think a lot of people would like to hear that answer... This is the routine that calls doDraw..
Understanding custom android launcher code for an example home screen and it should give you a good start. The next thing I would recommend is actually browsing the source of the default android launcher at the open source repo. You will need git to pull that down and you can find..
How to return to the latest launched activity when re-launching application after pressing HOME? state in Android but it isn't. I've been reading and re reading the documentation on Activity and Task and Stacks and browsing all related answers in SO but I can't understand why such a simple setup is not quite working as expected. android activity..
Home button disable of the HOME button for users. But I'm developing a android lockdown application for educational purposes. I was browsing the site and came upon this link on disabling the home button. @override public void onAttachedToWindow this.getWindow .setType..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database But this is not working. I'm not getting any exception or error while running nor the primary key is working. While browsing the table using SQLite browser i observed that there are only four data types Is it possible to apply primary key only on..
Android - Keep ListView's item highlighted once one has been clicked into the mix like the one I use on my first ListView . So far here's what I've got Custom OnItemClickListener I found browsing various answer regarding this topic slightly modified it in order for it to load my info the second ListView private class..