android Programming Glossary: bright
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off class Task implements Runnable public void run if bright 0 setBright bright 100 start at 10 bright and go to 0 screen.. Runnable public void run if bright 0 setBright bright 100 start at 10 bright and go to 0 screen off bright serviceHandler.postDelayed.. void run if bright 0 setBright bright 100 start at 10 bright and go to 0 screen off bright serviceHandler.postDelayed myTask..
Android adb “Unable to open sync connection!” SDK 7 ADT plugin 0.9.6 Nexus One Android 2.2.1. Any bright ideas android eclipse adb android debug bridge share improve..
How to change the Tabs Images in the TabHost tab each. When I Select any Tab the Image is little bright and when I switch to another Tab that bright Image becomes grey.. is little bright and when I switch to another Tab that bright Image becomes grey shaded. I have implemented the TabHost but..
how to change focus color of EditText in Android color is a small rim around the entire control and is bright orange when the control has focus. how can I change the color..
Android 2.2: Adjusting screen brightness 2.2 Adjusting screen brightness public void SetBright float value Window mywindow getWindow.. mywindow.setAttributes lp I want to adjust the screen brightness. But nothing happens when i try using this method. Could.. be because i use the KEEP_SCREEN_ON flag android screen brightness share improve this question Make sure that Auto Brightness..
Android: Unable to instantiate activity / ClassNotFoundException being able to reproduce it but maybe somebody has a bright idea and can help me out. Some questions Do I need the intent..
Controlling Tab colour-state / size in a TabActivity? I've set the textColor to a static grey instead of the bright white which disappeared on a selected tab . But I want it to.. automatically become black text on white tab selected and bright white text on black for unselected . All help gratefully received...
Can I change the LED intensity of an Android device? to sys devices platform flashlight.0 leds flashlight brightness . This controls if the LED is on and how bright it is. For.. brightness . This controls if the LED is on and how bright it is. For maximum brightness write 128 n half brightness write.. if the LED is on and how bright it is. For maximum brightness write 128 n half brightness write 64 n . Easy to test from..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android Setting Android I'm attempting to change the screen brightness from withing a service like so android.provider.Settings.System.putInt.. android.provider.Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS bright Problem is that is doesn't work. Well actually it succeeds in.. is doesn't work. Well actually it succeeds in changing the brightness setting but the screen brightness doesn't actually change..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory native heap and do not count towards the Java heap. Some bright eyed purist developer at Google decided that this was bad and..
Changing screen brightness programmatically (as with the power widget) screen brightness programmatically as with the power widget I was searching.. with the power widget I was searching how to change the brightness of the screen programmatically and I found this it is very.. app is active. After my application is shutdown then the brightness is returned back the the same value as before I start my..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails now. There is no exception but the screen is completely bright green I think this might be because I don't have the vertex.vsh..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off lp call this task to turn off the screen in a fadeout. class Task implements Runnable public void run if bright 0 setBright bright 100 start at 10 bright and go to 0 screen off bright serviceHandler.postDelayed myTask 100L else.. this task to turn off the screen in a fadeout. class Task implements Runnable public void run if bright 0 setBright bright 100 start at 10 bright and go to 0 screen off bright serviceHandler.postDelayed myTask 100L else setBright float 0.0.. screen in a fadeout. class Task implements Runnable public void run if bright 0 setBright bright 100 start at 10 bright and go to 0 screen off bright serviceHandler.postDelayed myTask 100L else setBright float 0.0 bright 10 put bright..
Android adb “Unable to open sync connection!” tried this yet. Using Ubuntu 10.4 Eclipse Galileo 3.5.2 Android SDK 7 ADT plugin 0.9.6 Nexus One Android 2.2.1. Any bright ideas android eclipse adb android debug bridge share improve this question I was having exactly the same problem but..
How to change the Tabs Images in the TabHost not selected. I need to use to different Images for a particular tab each. When I Select any Tab the Image is little bright and when I switch to another Tab that bright Image becomes grey shaded. I have implemented the TabHost but I don know how.. for a particular tab each. When I Select any Tab the Image is little bright and when I switch to another Tab that bright Image becomes grey shaded. I have implemented the TabHost but I don know how to change the Images in the TabHost. Can anybody..
how to change focus color of EditText in Android I change the focus color orange on an edittext box. the focus color is a small rim around the entire control and is bright orange when the control has focus. how can I change the color of that focus either with a different color . Can anyone help..
Android 2.2: Adjusting screen brightness 2.2 Adjusting screen brightness public void SetBright float value Window mywindow getWindow WindowManager.LayoutParams lp mywindow.getAttributes lp.screenBrightness.. lp mywindow.getAttributes lp.screenBrightness value mywindow.setAttributes lp I want to adjust the screen brightness. But nothing happens when i try using this method. Could it be because i use the KEEP_SCREEN_ON flag android screen.. But nothing happens when i try using this method. Could it be because i use the KEEP_SCREEN_ON flag android screen brightness share improve this question Make sure that Auto Brightness is not enabled prior to setting the screen brightness...
Android: Unable to instantiate activity / ClassNotFoundException view. I know it's hard to pinpoint the source of an error without being able to reproduce it but maybe somebody has a bright idea and can help me out. Some questions Do I need the intent part in the manifest Eclipse created it when I created the..
Controlling Tab colour-state / size in a TabActivity? follow suit Example In the capture above it's readable because I've set the textColor to a static grey instead of the bright white which disappeared on a selected tab . But I want it to automatically become black text on white tab selected and bright.. white which disappeared on a selected tab . But I want it to automatically become black text on white tab selected and bright white text on black for unselected . All help gratefully received. android tabwidget tabactivity share improve this question..
Can I change the LED intensity of an Android device? root . But on 2.2 HTC devices you can use it by writing a string to sys devices platform flashlight.0 leds flashlight brightness . This controls if the LED is on and how bright it is. For maximum brightness write 128 n half brightness write 64 n.. a string to sys devices platform flashlight.0 leds flashlight brightness . This controls if the LED is on and how bright it is. For maximum brightness write 128 n half brightness write 64 n . Easy to test from adb shell echo 128 sys devices.. platform flashlight.0 leds flashlight brightness . This controls if the LED is on and how bright it is. For maximum brightness write 128 n half brightness write 64 n . Easy to test from adb shell echo 128 sys devices platform flashlight.0 leds..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android the Screen Brightness System Setting Android I'm attempting to change the screen brightness from withing a service like so android.provider.Settings.System.putInt getContentResolver android.provider.Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS.. like so android.provider.Settings.System.putInt getContentResolver android.provider.Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS bright Problem is that is doesn't work. Well actually it succeeds in changing the brightness setting but the screen brightness.. bright Problem is that is doesn't work. Well actually it succeeds in changing the brightness setting but the screen brightness doesn't actually change till I go into the phones settings look at the new value and..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory In Android bitmaps with few exceptions are stored in the native heap and do not count towards the Java heap. Some bright eyed purist developer at Google decided that this was bad and allowed the developer to get more than their fair share or..
Changing screen brightness programmatically (as with the power widget) screen brightness programmatically as with the power widget I was searching how to change the brightness of the screen programmatically.. screen brightness programmatically as with the power widget I was searching how to change the brightness of the screen programmatically and I found this it is very good solution and it works nice but it works only while my.. good solution and it works nice but it works only while my app is active. After my application is shutdown then the brightness is returned back the the same value as before I start my app. I want to be able to change the brightness just like when..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails CameraSurfaceView with my own see below and I think it works now. There is no exception but the screen is completely bright green I think this might be because I don't have the vertex.vsh or the fragment.vsh files. package stackOverflow.test import..