android Programming Glossary: broke
Android: Scheme 'http' not registered on ICS 4.0.4 w/ proxy invalid proxy definitions with the 4.0.4 update. This broke HTTPS but HTTP worked properly Google Play didn't work for instance..
How can i turn off 3G/Data programmatically on Android?
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar in the first place is cause they for no good reason at all broke the backward compability by moving the menu key to the action..
Android 4.2 broke my AES encrypt/decrypt code 4.2 broke my AES encrypt decrypt code It's my first time asking for help..
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work 4.2 broke my encrypt decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work.. don't work First of all I've already seen Android 4.2 broke my AES encrypt decrypt code and Encryption error on Android.. DO NOT ever use SecureRandom to derive a key This is broken and doesn't make sense If you're reading an AES key from disk..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock We had a working shake to wakeup or unlock on 2.0 then it broke on the update and we haven't been able to get any kind of workaround...
android: what is INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES error? change the android name property. however this completely broke the entire app. when i try to install it fails and reads Installation..
Change the background color of the options menu the same LayoutInflater instance. New code in Android 2.3 broke this assumption and led to a NullPointerException. My slightly..
helloandroid tutorial error: request time failed and then I move on the second tutorial everything broke. So I'm trying to go back to the easiest and original tutorial..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 which works in Android 2.1 and 2.2. But these codes broke at Android 2.3. After spending time to fix this issue which..
How to solve Android Libraries custom attributes and package name remapping during build? could . Everything was working very well until our build broke today after adding a class to our shared code library project...
Android: Scheme 'http' not registered on ICS 4.0.4 w/ proxy The issue seemed to be that some carriers were pushing invalid proxy definitions with the 4.0.4 update. This broke HTTPS but HTTP worked properly Google Play didn't work for instance . One possible fix besides fixing the invalid proxy..
How can i turn off 3G/Data programmatically on Android?
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar support the Action bar. The only reason I want to do this in the first place is cause they for no good reason at all broke the backward compability by moving the menu key to the action bar. The easy solution for this according to the docs is to..
Android 4.2 broke my AES encrypt/decrypt code 4.2 broke my AES encrypt decrypt code It's my first time asking for help in here my department a Government have published some app..
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work 4.2 broke my encrypt decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work First of all I've already seen Android 4.2 broke my AES encrypt.. 4.2 broke my encrypt decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work First of all I've already seen Android 4.2 broke my AES encrypt decrypt code and Encryption error on Android 4.2 and the provided solution SecureRandom sr null if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT.. bouncycastle share improve this question First a disclaimer DO NOT ever use SecureRandom to derive a key This is broken and doesn't make sense If you're reading an AES key from disk just store the actual key and don't go through this weird..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock part of the battery life boost that was touted as a feature. We had a working shake to wakeup or unlock on 2.0 then it broke on the update and we haven't been able to get any kind of workaround. ' It doesn't matter if CPU partial lock is held which..
android: what is INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES error? by editing the androidmanifest.xml file. All i did was change the android name property. however this completely broke the entire app. when i try to install it fails and reads Installation error INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES when i..
Change the background color of the options menu currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate on the same LayoutInflater instance. New code in Android 2.3 broke this assumption and led to a NullPointerException. My slightly refined hack below does not rely on this assumption. Furthermore..
helloandroid tutorial error: request time failed now. Initially the first time I tried it everything works perfectly and then I move on the second tutorial everything broke. So I'm trying to go back to the easiest and original tutorial and figure out what is happening. There are three main file..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 hangs on Android 2.3.3 I have some codes of taking picture which works in Android 2.1 and 2.2. But these codes broke at Android 2.3. After spending time to fix this issue which went in vain I would like to ask for help here. My code flow..
How to solve Android Libraries custom attributes and package name remapping during build? expect customers to have both at the same time... though they could . Everything was working very well until our build broke today after adding a class to our shared code library project. In looking around for a reason why this is ocurring I stumbled..