android Programming Glossary: briefly
Working with ViewPager and Fragments Fragments available online as well rather than just going briefly over it like the do in the Adroid Developers blog I will be..
Individual screen is showing instead of a tabhost in android eclipse share improve this question okay. let me explain it briefly first. When you call startActivity it simply means you are trying..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack when I try and jump to 2 again from 1 . First of all 3 is briefly displayed before 2 comes into view. If I press back at this..
ADB over wireless port is used by device so cannot be used by ADB . It is briefly covered in the USB debugging section of the Android website...
JDBC vs Web Service for Android switches WiFi networks to from cellular loses connectivity briefly etc and Can pass through all but the most awful and draconian..
How to make a smooth image rotation in Android? cycle. In other words the image rotates 360 degrees pauses briefly then rotates 360 degrees again etc. I suspect that the problem..
Android: Is application running in background? is not until that exact point where the activity state is briefly locked down to do the switch that we actually know for such..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android available. Rebooting the target device fixes the problem briefly but it soon comes back. There are hundreds if not thousands..
Android SDK manager won't open when I open the android sdk manager a cmd like screen just briefly flashes on for half a second then disappears. I have no idea..
Android: how do I check if activity is running? called after onStart in second. So both might be true briefly. depending on what you are trying to do update the current activityform..
What does postInvalidate() do? eventloop on the UIThread as soon as possible. It is also briefly explained in the SDK documentation. Just compare invalidate..
Android detecting if an application entered the background process they are forced to authenticate. Yet if the user briefly is interrupted where you and or the user can define briefly.. is interrupted where you and or the user can define briefly they don't have to re authenticate. share improve this answer..
android how to work with asynctasks progressdialog so that onProgressUpdate should work. Can anybody please briefly explain me what's the use of onProgressUpdate what should write..
How do you remove the title text from the Android ActionBar? magic style to override to get rid of the title text that briefly shows up when my app first launches. How can I do that android..
Android Lint contentDescription warning provide a contentDescription. This defines text that briefly describes content of the view. This property is used primarily.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException app. An error message will popup. But it will only show up briefly and the the app will start. The error message I caught in the..
How to create a persistent AlarmManager to an IntentService . In either case your code will run briefly and then your process will be eligible for reclamation by Android..
How to implement Drag and Drop in android 2.2? me some code snippet or any link which describes it briefly. android android layout drag and drop share improve this..
'Missing contentDescription attribute on image' in XML provide a contentDescription This defines text that briefly describes content of the view. This property is used primarily..
Working with ViewPager and Fragments working If there are any examples of a ViewPager with Fragments available online as well rather than just going briefly over it like the do in the Adroid Developers blog I will be very grateful. android http android viewpager share improve..
Individual screen is showing instead of a tabhost in android eclipse time android eclipse sharedpreferences android tabhost share improve this question okay. let me explain it briefly first. When you call startActivity it simply means you are trying to call Activity class. But it doesn't mean that you will..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack back to 1 as expected . Now the strange behavior happens when I try and jump to 2 again from 1 . First of all 3 is briefly displayed before 2 comes into view. If I press back at this point 3 is displayed and if I press back once again the app..
ADB over wireless
JDBC vs Web Service for Android so it's easy to get back to where you were when the device switches WiFi networks to from cellular loses connectivity briefly etc and Can pass through all but the most awful and draconian web proxies You will routinely encounter problems with a direct..
How to make a smooth image rotation in Android? that the image rotation seems to pause at the top of every cycle. In other words the image rotates 360 degrees pauses briefly then rotates 360 degrees again etc. I suspect that the problem is that the animation is using a default interpolator like..
Android: Is application running in background? done at the point where the switch is to happen and it is not until that exact point where the activity state is briefly locked down to do the switch that we actually know for such what the next thing will be. And the implementation and global..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android It happens regardless of app size or how much storage is available. Rebooting the target device fixes the problem briefly but it soon comes back. There are hundreds if not thousands of message board posts from people asking why the problem occurs..
Android SDK manager won't open where my java.exe file is located from the JDK. But now when I open the android sdk manager a cmd like screen just briefly flashes on for half a second then disappears. I have no idea what's going on and how to get this thing working. Thanks for..
Android: how do I check if activity is running? that link to each other then onStop on the first is sometimes called after onStart in second. So both might be true briefly. depending on what you are trying to do update the current activityform a service . you could just register a static listener..
What does postInvalidate() do?
Android detecting if an application entered the background application if the session is too old or it's a brand new process they are forced to authenticate. Yet if the user briefly is interrupted where you and or the user can define briefly they don't have to re authenticate. share improve this answer..
android how to work with asynctasks progressdialog except onProgressUpdate all are working. What should I do so that onProgressUpdate should work. Can anybody please briefly explain me what's the use of onProgressUpdate what should write within this android share improve this question onProgressUpdate..
How do you remove the title text from the Android ActionBar? through the Holo.Light theme and I can't seem to find the magic style to override to get rid of the title text that briefly shows up when my app first launches. How can I do that android android actionbar share improve this question Try getActionBar..
Android Lint contentDescription warning in ADT 16 throws this warning to ensure that image widgets provide a contentDescription. This defines text that briefly describes content of the view. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some views do not have textual representation.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException to the ListView and re run or I should say re install the app. An error message will popup. But it will only show up briefly and the the app will start. The error message I caught in the log says FATAL EXCEPTION main java.lang.RuntimeException Unable..
How to create a persistent AlarmManager or you should be using a getService PendingIntent pointing to an IntentService . In either case your code will run briefly and then your process will be eligible for reclamation by Android without issue should the need arise. Task killers whether..
How to implement Drag and Drop in android 2.2? to implement this using Touch events If yes then please provide me some code snippet or any link which describes it briefly. android android layout drag and drop share improve this question TouchEvent TouchDown LockItemOnTouchPoint FollowTouchDirections..
'Missing contentDescription attribute on image' in XML support in ADT 16 throws this warning to ensure that image widgets provide a contentDescription This defines text that briefly describes content of the view. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some views do not have textual representation..