android Programming Glossary: btw
Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before? it always worked before What changed My proguard.cfg file BTW starts with optimizationpasses 5 dontusemixedcaseclassnames.. fundamental I am missing in my system configuration BTW I did try to add the libraries I have been using by specifying..
How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android Arial It seems what I did up there won't really work BTW android fontFamily Arial was a stupid attempt android typeface..
Is there a way to animate on a Home Widget? expensive to do so I do it only when the widget is needed. BTW original android animation is not supported in remote views...
WebView and Cookies on Android am not trying to get cookies outside this web application BTW once the URL is visited by WebView all processing ids etc. can..
Crash when loading font pirated copy of the other and they do not use Molot.otf . BTW I somewhat repaired the formatting of that post AndroidGuys..
How to capture the android device screen content? [duplicate] API should I use or where could I find related resources BTW not camera snapshot but device screen android screen capture..
Query to get records based on Radius in SQLite? P SIN_LAT Q COS_LAT ... that can be handled by SQLite3. BTW see also http questions 2352320 sqlite on..
Using COLLATE in Android SQLite - Locales is ignored in LIKE statement name LIKE ' sctzy ' COLLATE LOCALIZED No row is returned. BTW. There is no java.text.Normalized class in Android. I thought..
How do I serialize an object and save it to a file in Android? .NET but in Android I'm pretty new so I'm completely lost. BTW I'm sorry if this is a duplicate question but I didn't see it..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? dash arrow star etc. Numbered list 1. 2. 3. etc. Table BTW I have seen there are several Span classes out there but I am..
Android software NDK native c code profiling on actual Android phones do some profiling while the app runs several test cases. BTW what is the Linux way of doing this android profiling android..
Android - Set Spinner Default Value to null like a ListView or GridView instead of a Spinner . EDIT BTW I forgot to mention you can always put an extra entry in your..
How to find the jar of java.rmi package but I have no idea how well that will work. BTW here are some more instructions on this process. share improve..
Android: Presenting a notification during a call? toasts and add notifications to the notification bar BTW the user can't pull it down because the screen is locked before..
Java Eclipse Android Beginner Question - How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References then Android and you see a page to add a library project. BTW you should do the same on the library project and mark it as..
setting up dynamic listactivity
Multiple Android Application Package .apk files from single source code for this or a link to an OSS project doing that now please BTW build.xml is auto generated but I have seen people hacking it..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define the libraries in libs individually in the build path. BTW you may want to bring in the android support v4 library to get..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling public void onScrollStopped Log.i TAG stopped BTW i used i few ideas from other replies to do this in my app...
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app easy solution or how this could be built into a skript btw it is not for a porn spam whatever app not even a paid one ..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps be a reason to go back to the map v1 framework which btw. I would really really like to avoid for a new app with fragments..
Parsing query strings in Java The code snippets below are generally flawed or broken btw. Breaking them is an interesting exercise for the reader. And..
Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed Extras and it works perfectly has a separate API key btw . What might I have done wrong here Am I overlooking something..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory folder and downscale the image according to your needs. btw you don't have to set options.inJustDecodeBounds false since..
Android ksoap2 via https shoud i enter for file parameter anybody have any idea btw AndroidHttpTransport is deprecated in the latest version of..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? even after correct authentication. Please help. Thanks. Oh btw I already have a Facebook API key and Application ID. UPDATE..
Unbearably slow android emulator — is there a fix? AVD and or SD card images which could slow things down. btw I'm running the emulator on a Quad Core Q6600 with 4gb RAM Win..
How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points? know how to get the signal strength in WifiConfiguration . btw I am using HTC Hero and Android 1.5. android wifi share improve..
How to know device is connected to Wifi or 3G, programatically it is not connected to any AP via Wifi Wifi is not enabled btw while looking for more info i found this which should answer..
android httprequest i would know that is my development setup at fault. btw i am using mac snow leopard with eclipse and android 2.2 as..
Android: Highlighted tab of TabWidget not readable on HTC Sense white on white text is a HTC Legend running Android 2.1 btw. Edit 3 dream3r was right. Changing the targetSdk value to 4..
Android Click on listItem checks wrong checkbox Let me know If you need me to post more code. Thank you btw If I click on more than one... the PARTY continues... no obvious..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android You can also just override the Activity onTouchEvent btw. I can post some code if you need. Edit Code as requested. public..
Force “portrait” orientation mode screenOrientation portrait But in my decice HTC Desire btw it doesn't work. It switches from portrait lo landscape as usual...
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] or is my code incorrect or is some better ways to do this btw sorry for my english android install share improve this question..
Continuous Speechrecognition in Android 'word' to occur and then process any further actions btw if that wasn't clear described the app should continue to record..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) be a Samsung tablet which shows up as SAMSUNG_Android btw I didn't have to do anything special to make the Samsung tablet..
Android: CountDownTimer skips last onTick()! you see it seems to be skipping that last onTick call. And btw the XML file is basically the default main.xml with the TextView..
Access gmail using imap with accountmanager token Not Supported And here's the debug from Java Mail. Btw post your debug log it should help in undertanding what's going..
analyse a HPROF memory dump file from command line programmically a test infrastructure to do a automatic memory analysis. Btw the heapsize is will be between 10 60MB. java android hprof..
Android Bug? : String.substring(5).replace(?œâ€? ?œâ€? // empty string replace with extra care or throw away my Android phones Btw i m quite sure my LG E720 Optimus Chic Android 2.2 is using..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? ~ Work stack so my working directory looks like this. Btw lib project is located at sdk_location extras google google_play_services..
Class members in Fragment become null after Home button press and wait called which will make your lvYellowPages ListView null . Btw this is the first time I've seen the fragments of an adapter..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off NetworkService.downTheLatch HERE THE SERVICE IS WOKEN Btw not all the tricks in wakeWifiUp are needed in my case and all..
Uploading images to a PHP server from Android OR Use URLconnection and handle multipart data myself. Btw I am keen on using HttpClient class rather than or..
Floating point or fixed-point for Android NDK OpenGL apps? straight to the GPU and will as such be reasonably fast Btw the minimum requirement is OpenGL ES 2.0 so that presumably..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) function but can someone please explain the magic Thanks Btw found this alternative http questions 3126830..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) mysecret keypass mysecret keyalg RSA sigalg SHA1withRSA Btw. I have also tried keytool import without the keyalg RSA sigalg..
I'm getting a Database Object Not Closed Exception in SQLite (Android), but I'm explicitly closing my database… Help? that all cursors are closed before you close the database. Btw if you want to be fancy you can create a ContentProvider use..
Android 3.0 - what are the advantages of using LoaderManager instances exactly? which didn't work as well as LoaderManager anyway . Btw don't forget the new support static library that let you use..
Accessing CallManager in Android appreciate if anyone can shed a light on my problem. Btw I use the following code to access CallManager final ClassLoader..
sqlite encryption for android Botan But I can't find any working example for this stuff. Btw I'm absolutly willing to purchase a commercial build but I have..
Android - EditTexts in Gallery show strange behaviour when being (long)-clicked but everything failed. Does anbody of you have a solution Btw the Gallery shows some other strange behaviour When the application..
Volume change listener? volume changes with an android service and react to that Btw how do the google music app allow the user to control the media..
Android - Activation of the system key lock (aka lock screen) someone know that this is definitely not possible at all Btw. craigs solution with sending keys does not work anymore see..
Awful background image quality in Android solution or idea I could try I'd be very grateful. Btw I'm currently developing the app in a Galaxy S II. android..
Android: how to play music at maximum possible volume? AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC originalVolume 0 Btw the with call mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume..
Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before? which I admit but I never specified any library and it always worked before What changed My proguard.cfg file BTW starts with optimizationpasses 5 dontusemixedcaseclassnames dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses dontpreverify verbose optimizations.. very smoothly with it for over a year now Is there something fundamental I am missing in my system configuration BTW I did try to add the libraries I have been using by specifying all of them in libraryjars lines but Proguard's behavior..
How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android text CallerBlocker android textSize 40dp android fontFamily Arial It seems what I did up there won't really work BTW android fontFamily Arial was a stupid attempt android typeface share improve this question From android 4.1 4.2 the..
Is there a way to animate on a Home Widget?
WebView and Cookies on Android through Android WebView it cannot set and read cookies. I am not trying to get cookies outside this web application BTW once the URL is visited by WebView all processing ids etc. can stay there all I need is session management inside that application...
Crash when loading font blog posts you link to in your opening sentence the one is a pirated copy of the other and they do not use Molot.otf . BTW I somewhat repaired the formatting of that post AndroidGuys keeps changing WordPress hosts and so my older posts are terribly..
How to capture the android device screen content? [duplicate] content and make an image file using the snapshot data Which API should I use or where could I find related resources BTW not camera snapshot but device screen android screen capture share improve this question According to this http
Query to get records based on Radius in SQLite? the big distance expression reduces to something of the form P SIN_LAT Q COS_LAT ... that can be handled by SQLite3. BTW see also http questions 2352320 sqlite on android how to create a sqlite dist db function to be used in..
Using COLLATE in Android SQLite - Locales is ignored in LIKE statement 'š ťžý'. But using LIKE will fail SELECT from table WHERE name LIKE ' sctzy ' COLLATE LOCALIZED No row is returned. BTW. There is no java.text.Normalized class in Android. I thought I could make a second column with a normalized text stripped..
How do I serialize an object and save it to a file in Android? in the world because this is a really simple task in .NET but in Android I'm pretty new so I'm completely lost. BTW I'm sorry if this is a duplicate question but I didn't see it anywhere on SO. Thanks for your help in advance. android..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? Control the appereance of the bullet symbol dot circle dash arrow star etc. Numbered list 1. 2. 3. etc. Table BTW I have seen there are several Span classes out there but I am not sure if they can be any help... And the http
Android software NDK native c code profiling on actual Android phones need is a simple c library that I can embed in my code to do some profiling while the app runs several test cases. BTW what is the Linux way of doing this android profiling android ndk share improve this question I've had pretty decent..
Android - Set Spinner Default Value to null to start an activity. Please consider using something else like a ListView or GridView instead of a Spinner . EDIT BTW I forgot to mention you can always put an extra entry in your adapter that represents no selection and make it the initial..
How to find the jar of java.rmi package
Android: Presenting a notification during a call? I want to tweak the incoming call screen. Right now I can present toasts and add notifications to the notification bar BTW the user can't pull it down because the screen is locked before accepting the call which kinda sucks . I tried to show an..
Java Eclipse Android Beginner Question - How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References In Eclipse right click on your project select Properties then Android and you see a page to add a library project. BTW you should do the same on the library project and mark it as a library first before you can add. Alternatively you can drag..
setting up dynamic listactivity
Multiple Android Application Package .apk files from single source code more complete example of an Android Ant build configuration for this or a link to an OSS project doing that now please BTW build.xml is auto generated but I have seen people hacking it so how does that work With the package name declared in Manifest.xml..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define is in your libs folder and not in your source folder. Include the libraries in libs individually in the build path. BTW you may want to bring in the android support v4 library to get Ice Cream Sandwich support instead of the Honeycomb support..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling false scroll.setOnScrollStoppedListener new OnScrollStoppedListener public void onScrollStopped Log.i TAG stopped BTW i used i few ideas from other replies to do this in my app. Hope this helps. Any questions feel free to ask. Cheers. share..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app problem but that has to be done by hand Can you think of a more easy solution or how this could be built into a skript btw it is not for a porn spam whatever app not even a paid one android automation share improve this question Perhaps the..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps and I need this design pattern so badly that this would really be a reason to go back to the map v1 framework which btw. I would really really like to avoid for a new app with fragments etc. . I just don't understand why Google doesn't offer..
Parsing query strings in Java micro coding project but I cannot say that it is a good idea The code snippets below are generally flawed or broken btw. Breaking them is an interesting exercise for the reader. And to the hackers attacking the websites that use them . Parsing..
Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed maps project that is included with the Google Play Services Extras and it works perfectly has a separate API key btw . What might I have done wrong here Am I overlooking something obvious android google maps google maps android api 2 ..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory drawable xxhdpi or put it in drawable nodpi or in the assets folder and downscale the image according to your needs. btw you don't have to set options.inJustDecodeBounds false since it's the default behavior. in fact you can set null for the..
Android ksoap2 via https
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? Plus I'm still clueless as to how to post to the wall even after correct authentication. Please help. Thanks. Oh btw I already have a Facebook API key and Application ID. UPDATE 1 For further clarification If I use the following code snippet..
Unbearably slow android emulator — is there a fix? because you can then see if your AV app is trying to scan the AVD and or SD card images which could slow things down. btw I'm running the emulator on a Quad Core Q6600 with 4gb RAM Win 7 x64 and it starts in less than 1 min so I doubt it's a..
How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points? wifi setting. I.e. configs is an incomplete list. I don't know how to get the signal strength in WifiConfiguration . btw I am using HTC Hero and Android 1.5. android wifi share improve this question According to the Android API documentation..
How to know device is connected to Wifi or 3G, programatically which gives you connected AP's name if its null that means it is not connected to any AP via Wifi Wifi is not enabled btw while looking for more info i found this which should answer all your questions about mobile connectivity and wifi connectivity..
android httprequest something similar. then i could check and if the problem persists i would know that is my development setup at fault. btw i am using mac snow leopard with eclipse and android 2.2 as a setup thanks regards android http request share improve..
Android: Highlighted tab of TabWidget not readable on HTC Sense a TabActivity. Edit 2 The device that comes up with the white on white text is a HTC Legend running Android 2.1 btw. Edit 3 dream3r was right. Changing the targetSdk value to 4 did the trick for me too before it was set to 6 I don't really..
Android Click on listItem checks wrong checkbox true else markedItem.setChecked false Appreciate any help Let me know If you need me to post more code. Thank you btw If I click on more than one... the PARTY continues... no obvious order... EDIT the Adapter code public class ImageCursorAdapter..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android by overriding the webview's onTouchEvent. You can also just override the Activity onTouchEvent btw. I can post some code if you need. Edit Code as requested. public class Main extends Activity Called when the activity is..
Force “portrait” orientation mode icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name android screenOrientation portrait But in my decice HTC Desire btw it doesn't work. It switches from portrait lo landscape as usual. Then after more forums reading I tried to add this in..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] is load app crashes so am i missing permissions or is my code incorrect or is some better ways to do this btw sorry for my english android install share improve this question I solved the problem. I made mistake in setdata and..
Continuous Speechrecognition in Android Or is there any better way to continiously wait for a specifig 'word' to occur and then process any further actions btw if that wasn't clear described the app should continue to record and watch for the word to occure again when the reaction..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) to hide the real device manufacturer . Another example would be a Samsung tablet which shows up as SAMSUNG_Android btw I didn't have to do anything special to make the Samsung tablet work. Anyway click your device and the full details will..
Android: CountDownTimer skips last onTick()! 4 seconds remain 3 seconds remain 2 seconds remain Done So you see it seems to be skipping that last onTick call. And btw the XML file is basically the default main.xml with the TextView assigned the id tv and the text set to . java android..
Access gmail using imap with accountmanager token getOutputStream throws IOException throw new IOException Not Supported And here's the debug from Java Mail. Btw post your debug log it should help in undertanding what's going wrong 02 06 10 18 11.805 I System.out 7434 DEBUG setDebug..
analyse a HPROF memory dump file from command line programmically custom reports. This would be useful to integrate this a test infrastructure to do a automatic memory analysis. Btw the heapsize is will be between 10 60MB. java android hprof eclipse memory analyzer share improve this question
Android Bug? : String.substring(5).replace(?œâ€? ?œâ€? // empty string By the way what's now What can i do with it other than using replace with extra care or throw away my Android phones Btw i m quite sure my LG E720 Optimus Chic Android 2.2 is using a different source code than that one . It keeps halting suspect..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? google play services_lib project directory to the same place ~ Work stack so my working directory looks like this. Btw lib project is located at sdk_location extras google google_play_services libproject 3 Now let's open Android Studio. On..
Class members in Fragment become null after Home button press and wait stack isn't run for them so onCreateView will not be called which will make your lvYellowPages ListView null . Btw this is the first time I've seen the fragments of an adapter being built in a enum and I recommend that you avoid this...
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off networkInfo if networkInfo.isConnected d Wifi is connected NetworkService.downTheLatch HERE THE SERVICE IS WOKEN Btw not all the tricks in wakeWifiUp are needed in my case and all the _wifiManager.isWifiEnabled may be ommited as I only use..
Uploading images to a PHP server from Android 4.0 beta2.jar httpcore 4.0 beta3.jar httpmime 4.0 beta2.jar OR Use URLconnection and handle multipart data myself. Btw I am keen on using HttpClient class rather than or is it classes. Eventually I downloaded the Multipart..
Floating point or fixed-point for Android NDK OpenGL apps? down OpenGL's throat. Can I assume that this goes more or less straight to the GPU and will as such be reasonably fast Btw the minimum requirement is OpenGL ES 2.0 so that presumably excludes older 1.x based phones. Also how is the penalty when..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) I know there are tons of Android apps out there that use this function but can someone please explain the magic Thanks Btw found this alternative http questions 3126830 query to get records based on radius in sqlite It's suggesting..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) ~ lib bcprov jdk16 145.jar storetype BKS storepass mysecret keypass mysecret keyalg RSA sigalg SHA1withRSA Btw. I have also tried keytool import without the keyalg RSA sigalg SHA1withRSA but with no change. The problem is that I'm..
I'm getting a Database Object Not Closed Exception in SQLite (Android), but I'm explicitly closing my database… Help? you have an open cursor lying around somewhere. Make sure that all cursors are closed before you close the database. Btw if you want to be fancy you can create a ContentProvider use an SQLiteOpenHelper and not worry about closing it at all...
Android 3.0 - what are the advantages of using LoaderManager instances exactly? lifecycle or how to use the old managed cursor APIs in Activity which didn't work as well as LoaderManager anyway . Btw don't forget the new support static library that let you use the full LoaderManager API on older versions of Android down..
Accessing CallManager in Android but still couldn't find the solution for my problem. I really appreciate if anyone can shed a light on my problem. Btw I use the following code to access CallManager final ClassLoader classLoader this.getClass .getClassLoader try final Class..
sqlite encryption for android the following projects SEE wxSQLite SQLCipher SQLiteCrypt Botan But I can't find any working example for this stuff. Btw I'm absolutly willing to purchase a commercial build but I have to test ist before spending a few hundred dollars. Did anyone..
Android - EditTexts in Gallery show strange behaviour when being (long)-clicked the Gallery then the EditTexts and then both but everything failed. Does anbody of you have a solution Btw the Gallery shows some other strange behaviour When the application starts the first EditText is centered but can't be edited..
Volume change listener? change listener Is there any way to listen for volume changes with an android service and react to that Btw how do the google music app allow the user to control the media volume even when the music is playing in the background..
Android - Activation of the system key lock (aka lock screen) the device's settings is not a solution... EDIT Or does someone know that this is definitely not possible at all Btw. craigs solution with sending keys does not work anymore see comments . java android keyboard locking device admin share..
Awful background image quality in Android tile RGBA_8888 modes... You name it. Does anyone have a different solution or idea I could try I'd be very grateful. Btw I'm currently developing the app in a Galaxy S II. android image background gradient share improve this question First..
Android: how to play music at maximum possible volume? public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp mAudioManager.setStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC originalVolume 0 Btw the with call mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume streamVolume 0 0 1.0f the streamVolume values are actually..