android Programming Glossary: broadcasts
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ not working in Android 4.0 The goal is to intercept broadcasts from the headset as well as bluetooth eventually to respond..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing mDeviceClickListener Register for broadcasts when a device is discovered IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter.. this.registerReceiver mReceiver filter Register for broadcasts when discovery has finished filter new IntentFilter BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED..
Can we delete an SMS in Android before it reaches the inbox? specific UI. As of Android 1.6 incoming SMS message broadcasts android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED are delivered as an..
Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone? know when the user powers off his her phone. Are there any broadcasts or similar that notify when the user's phone is powered off..
Intent action for network events in android sdk for network events in android sdk I need to receive broadcasts for network actions like network connected disconnected etc...
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service that with a Service here . Broadcast Intents . The Service broadcasts an Intent via sendBroadcast on a data change. The Activity registers..
What is Pending Intent? foreign application an Intent and that application sends broadcasts the Intent you gave they will execute the Intent with their..
What is a Sticky Intent? documentation with the accompanying definition These are broadcasts whose data is held by the system after being finished so that.. after it was fired onResume . EDIT More on sticky broadcasts... Also check out removeStickyBroadcast Intent and on API Level..
What is Context in Android? Components Implicitly Regarding content providers broadcasts intent getApplicationContext .getContentResolver .query uri..
broadcast receiver for missed call in android call AFAIK. You can watch for ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED broadcasts wait until the phone shifts from EXTRA_STATE_OFFHOOK to EXTRA_STATE_IDLE..
Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity? I'm using an AlarmManager to trigger an intent that broadcasts a signal. The following is my code AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically? this question As of Android 1.6 incoming SMS message broadcasts android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED are delivered as an..
Detect 3G or Wifi Network restoration class. Register the receiver and monitor broadcasts. private class ConnectionMonitor extends BroadcastReceiver @Override..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) and ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED broadcasts public void onCreate ... IntentFilter filter1 new IntentFilter.. filter3 The BroadcastReceiver that listens for bluetooth broadcasts private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver new BroadcastReceiver..
Remove or close your own Activity window from a Status Bar Notification Intent instead of global Broadcasts to avoid sending global broadcasts. http reference android support v4 content..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? The second activity that sends broadcasts notifications. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
android: broadcast receiver for screen on and screen off But if you register a receiver for these broadcasts in a manifest then the receiver will not receive these broadcasts... in a manifest then the receiver will not receive these broadcasts. For this problem you have to create a long running service..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ not working in Android 4.0 The goal is to intercept broadcasts from the headset as well as bluetooth eventually to respond to different types of clicks from the headset to alter the mediaplayer...
Android Device Bluetooth pairing mNewDevicesArrayAdapter newDevicesListView.setOnItemClickListener mDeviceClickListener Register for broadcasts when a device is discovered IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND this.registerReceiver mReceiver.. IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND this.registerReceiver mReceiver filter Register for broadcasts when discovery has finished filter new IntentFilter BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED this.registerReceiver mReceiver..
Can we delete an SMS in Android before it reaches the inbox? formatted messages in order to show them in a nice Android specific UI. As of Android 1.6 incoming SMS message broadcasts android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED are delivered as an ordered broadcast &mdash meaning that you can tell the system..
Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone? of when a user powers off his her Android phone I need to know when the user powers off his her phone. Are there any broadcasts or similar that notify when the user's phone is powered off android broadcastreceiver share improve this question You..
Intent action for network events in android sdk action for network events in android sdk I need to receive broadcasts for network actions like network connected disconnected etc. I am using a broadcast receiver for this purpose. Can anyone..
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service in turn updates the UI. You can see an example of using that with a Service here . Broadcast Intents . The Service broadcasts an Intent via sendBroadcast on a data change. The Activity registers a BroadcastReceiver using registerReceiver and that..
What is Pending Intent? to execute a predefined piece of code . If you give the foreign application an Intent and that application sends broadcasts the Intent you gave they will execute the Intent with their own permissions. But if you instead give the foreign application..
What is a Sticky Intent? is a Sticky Intent I came across this term in the android documentation with the accompanying definition These are broadcasts whose data is held by the system after being finished so that clients can quickly retrieve that data without having to wait.. could miss the actual event. This allows you to check the broadcast after it was fired onResume . EDIT More on sticky broadcasts... Also check out removeStickyBroadcast Intent and on API Level 5 isInitialStickyBroadcast for usage in the Receiver's onReceive..
What is Context in Android?
broadcast receiver for missed call in android this question There is no specific broadcast for a missed call AFAIK. You can watch for ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED broadcasts wait until the phone shifts from EXTRA_STATE_OFFHOOK to EXTRA_STATE_IDLE then try checking the CallLog content provider..
Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity? startActivity from outside of an Activity I'm using an AlarmManager to trigger an intent that broadcasts a signal. The following is my code AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically? Has it been done Can it be done android sms share improve this question As of Android 1.6 incoming SMS message broadcasts android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED are delivered as an ordered broadcast meaning that you can tell the system which..
Detect 3G or Wifi Network restoration question Better approach would be to use class. Register the receiver and monitor broadcasts. private class ConnectionMonitor extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) Use intent filters to listen to the ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED and ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED broadcasts public void onCreate ... IntentFilter filter1 new IntentFilter BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED IntentFilter filter2.. mReceiver filter2 this.registerReceiver mReceiver filter3 The BroadcastReceiver that listens for bluetooth broadcasts private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent..
Remove or close your own Activity window from a Status Bar Notification Intent
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? this .unregisterReceiver mMessageReceiver super.onDestroy The second activity that sends broadcasts notifications. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState ... Every time a button is clicked we want to broadcast..
android: broadcast receiver for screen on and screen off and off are android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON But if you register a receiver for these broadcasts in a manifest then the receiver will not receive these broadcasts. For this problem you have to create a long running service.. But if you register a receiver for these broadcasts in a manifest then the receiver will not receive these broadcasts. For this problem you have to create a long running service which is registering a local broadcast receiver for these intents...