android Programming Glossary: bt
Is it possible, in principle, for an Android device to interface with an iPhone over Bluetooth/GameKit?
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? RFCOMM channel 2 00 1F 3A E4 C8 40 bonded 0 BRCM BT4X 00001105 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb RFCOMM channel 9 00 18.. 04 18 21 55 10.421 DEBUG BT HSHFP 1237 Loaded priority 00 19 A1 2D 16 EA 100 04 18 21 55.. priority 00 19 A1 2D 16 EA 100 04 18 21 55 10.428 DEBUG BT HSHFP 1237 Loaded priority 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 0 04 18 21 55 10.444..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work Run.GPS Trainer UV null E Run.GPS 11997 Cannot connect to BT device E Run.GPS 11997 Service discovery.. Native Method E Run.GPS 11997 Cannot connect to BT device E Run.GPS 11997 Service discovery.. to 13131 ndroid.settings adj 15 size 4586 7 74733.945097 BT GPIO_BT_WAKE 1 7 74733.945121 BT wake_lock bt_wake_lock 7 74733.951799..
Android Swipe on List Action LR Left to Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT Bottom to Top None when no action was detected private static.. 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Bottom to Top mSwipeDetected Action.BT return false return false return false 2nd I use the swipe.. 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Bottom to Top mSwipeDetected Action.BT return false return true return false share improve this..
Bluetooth and WIFI Printing for Android bluetooth printers since it has a menu item search for BT printer but they did not answered. What I need to know above..
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device on Android I choose the first keyboard available and then I pass the BT address to the Settings app Intent btSettingsIntent new Intent.. From there I did compare my previously selected BT address with those available coming up and once successfully..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) difference between the NFC and other wireless technologies BT WiFi is that it already comes with major use cases payment transportation..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android class BluetoothPrint extends Activity BluetoothAdapter mBTAdapter BluetoothSocket mBTSocket null Dialog dialogProgress.. Activity BluetoothAdapter mBTAdapter BluetoothSocket mBTSocket null Dialog dialogProgress String BILL TRANS_ID String.. Qty 2.0 n BILL BILL Total Value 17625.0 n BILL BILL mBTAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter dialogProgress new..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 imageview ImageView findViewById Bitmap bt Bitmap.createScaledBitmap photo 100 80 false imageview.setImageBitmap.. photo 100 80 false imageview.setImageBitmap bt However this was not working with Samsung S3 I changed the code.. finally myCursor.close Create new Cursor to obtain the file Path for the large image String largeFileProjection..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter TextView tt TextView v.findViewById TextView bt TextView v.findViewById if tt null tt.setText.. if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing.. if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter TextView v.findViewById TextView bt TextView v.findViewById if tt null.. if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated o.getLatestChapter if enableSections.. if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated o.getLatestChapter if enableSections..
OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget :- Android [duplicate] bm bm.getWidth bm.getHeight true bm.recycle BitmapDrawable bt new BitmapDrawable useThisBitmap System.gc Here is the error..
Android get width returns 0 layoutParams.setMargins 30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation.. 30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation.. 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android Called when the activity is first created. private Button bt private TextView tv @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main bt Button findViewById tv TextView findViewById tv TextView findViewById bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View..
Elegant way to read file into byte[] array in Java [duplicate] every chunk in this buffer for byte chunk chunks for byte bt chunk index 0 rawdata index bt if index total_size break if.. byte chunk chunks for byte bt chunk index 0 rawdata index bt if index total_size break if index total_size break and clear.. I can unmarshall this data to Parcel Parcel parcel Parcel.obtain parcel.unmarshall rawdata 0 rawdata.length I think this code..
Is it possible, in principle, for an Android device to interface with an iPhone over Bluetooth/GameKit?
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? 00805f9b34fb RFCOMM channel 1 0000111e 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb RFCOMM channel 2 00 1F 3A E4 C8 40 bonded 0 BRCM BT4X 00001105 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb RFCOMM channel 9 00 18 42 EC E2 99 bonded 0 N95 00001105 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb.. VERBOSE BluetoothEventRedirector 1985 Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 04 18 21 55 10.421 DEBUG BT HSHFP 1237 Loaded priority 00 19 A1 2D 16 EA 100 04 18 21 55 10.428 DEBUG BT HSHFP 1237 Loaded priority 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55.. 04 18 21 55 10.421 DEBUG BT HSHFP 1237 Loaded priority 00 19 A1 2D 16 EA 100 04 18 21 55 10.428 DEBUG BT HSHFP 1237 Loaded priority 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 0 04 18 21 55 10.444 DEBUG BT HSHFP 1237 Loaded priority 00 0B 2E 6E 6F 00..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work to connect . adb logcat grep Run.GPS D WYNEX 11551 Excute Run.GPS Trainer UV null E Run.GPS 11997 Cannot connect to BT device E Run.GPS 11997 Service discovery failed E Run.GPS 11997 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.. 618 E Run.GPS 11997 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method E Run.GPS 11997 Cannot connect to BT device E Run.GPS 11997 Service discovery failed Here's the output of dmesg while trying to connect the.. adj 15 size 4586 to kill 4 74726.266372 send sigkill to 13131 ndroid.settings adj 15 size 4586 7 74733.945097 BT GPIO_BT_WAKE 1 7 74733.945121 BT wake_lock bt_wake_lock 7 74733.951799 BT GPIO_BT_HOST_WAKE 1 7 74733.951822 BT wake_lock..
Android Swipe on List implements View.OnTouchListener public static enum Action LR Left to Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT Bottom to Top None when no action was detected private static final String logTag SwipeDetector private static final int.. Bottom mSwipeDetected Action.TB return false if deltaY 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Bottom to Top mSwipeDetected Action.BT return false return false return false 2nd I use the swipe detector class in the list view final ListView lv getListView..
Bluetooth and WIFI Printing for Android any handheld device I asked them about the list of supported bluetooth printers since it has a menu item search for BT printer but they did not answered. What I need to know above the already asked How do you print from your android app What..
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device on Android dev.getBluetoothClass .getDeviceClass 1344 ... Once filtered I choose the first keyboard available and then I pass the BT address to the Settings app Intent btSettingsIntent new Intent Settings.ACTION_BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS btSettingsIntent.putExtra.. cachedDevice in the DeviceListPreferenceFragment. From there I did compare my previously selected BT address with those available coming up and once successfully matched I call cachedDevice.startPairing I know it's tricky..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) and possibilities for developers but is that true The difference between the NFC and other wireless technologies BT WiFi is that it already comes with major use cases payment transportation tickets and keys building access . But for all..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android import android.util.Log import android.widget.Toast public class BluetoothPrint extends Activity BluetoothAdapter mBTAdapter BluetoothSocket mBTSocket null Dialog dialogProgress String BILL TRANS_ID String PRINTER_MAC_ID final String ERROR_MESSAGE.. import android.widget.Toast public class BluetoothPrint extends Activity BluetoothAdapter mBTAdapter BluetoothSocket mBTSocket null Dialog dialogProgress String BILL TRANS_ID String PRINTER_MAC_ID final String ERROR_MESSAGE There has been an.. 04 08 2011 n BILL BILL BILL BILL n n BILL BILL Total Qty 2.0 n BILL BILL Total Value 17625.0 n BILL BILL mBTAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter dialogProgress new Dialog BluetoothPrint.this try if mBTAdapter.isDiscovering..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 bos b bos.toByteArray ImageView imageview ImageView findViewById Bitmap bt Bitmap.createScaledBitmap photo 100 80 false imageview.setImageBitmap bt However this was not working with Samsung S3 I.. ImageView findViewById Bitmap bt Bitmap.createScaledBitmap photo 100 80 false imageview.setImageBitmap bt However this was not working with Samsung S3 I changed the code to the following and now it works with Samsung S3 however.. myCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.DATA finally myCursor.close Create new Cursor to obtain the file Path for the large image String largeFileProjection MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns._ID MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter i null synchronized mLock i items.get position if i null TextView tt TextView v.findViewById TextView bt TextView v.findViewById if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex.. TextView bt TextView v.findViewById if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable interface. public Filter getFilter.. TextView bt TextView v.findViewById if tt null tt.setText Name i.getName if bt null bt.setText GI Value i.getGlycaemicIndex return v Implementing the Filterable interface. public Filter getFilter if filter..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter null Manga o items.get position if o null TextView tt TextView v.findViewById TextView bt TextView v.findViewById if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated.. TextView bt TextView v.findViewById if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated o.getLatestChapter if enableSections getSectionForPosition position getSectionForPosition.. TextView bt TextView v.findViewById if tt null tt.setText o.getName if bt null bt.setText o.getLastUpdated o.getLatestChapter if enableSections getSectionForPosition position getSectionForPosition position..
OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget :- Android [duplicate] instream Bitmap useThisBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bm bm.getWidth bm.getHeight true bm.recycle BitmapDrawable bt new BitmapDrawable useThisBitmap System.gc Here is the error 05 28 14 55 47.251 ERROR AndroidRuntime 4188 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError..
Android get width returns 0 LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layoutParams.setMargins 30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight.. LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layoutParams.setMargins 30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight 2 ra.setDuration.. layoutParams.setMargins 30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight 2 ra.setDuration 3000L ra.setRepeatMode..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android code for Client public class ClientActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. private Button bt private TextView tv @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main bt Button findViewById tv TextView findViewById bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public.. setContentView R.layout.main bt Button findViewById tv TextView findViewById bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub try Socket socket new..
Elegant way to read file into byte[] array in Java [duplicate] byte rawdata new byte total_size then I copy data from every chunk in this buffer for byte chunk chunks for byte bt chunk index 0 rawdata index bt if index total_size break if index total_size break and clear chunks array chunks.clear finally.. then I copy data from every chunk in this buffer for byte chunk chunks for byte bt chunk index 0 rawdata index bt if index total_size break if index total_size break and clear chunks array chunks.clear finally I can unmarshall this data.. break and clear chunks array chunks.clear finally I can unmarshall this data to Parcel Parcel parcel Parcel.obtain parcel.unmarshall rawdata 0 rawdata.length I think this code looks ugly and my question is How to do read data from file..