

python Programming Glossary: successive

Why is matrix multiplication faster with numpy than with ctypes in Python?


between them is that the stride the difference between successive elements in the inputs is explicitly computed once before calling..

Grouping / clustering numbers in Python


. One simple approach is to look at the gap size between successive data elements def cluster data maxgap '''Arrange data into groups.. def cluster data maxgap '''Arrange data into groups where successive elements differ by no more than maxgap cluster 1 6 9 100 102..

Generating all combinations of a list in python


permutations iterable r permutations object Return successive r length permutations of elements in the iterable. permutations..

splitting a list of arbitrary size into only roughly N-equal parts


of is something that was posted here def chunks l n Yield successive n sized chunks from l. for i in xrange 0 len l n yield l i i..

Python: Random is barely random at all?


any given accumulator value can imply only one possible successive value. Therefore each value can only occur once within the period..

High-concurrency counters without sharding


set a long enough timeout on your memcache to live between successive events but if events are so sparse that your memcache times..

OS-independent Inter-program communication between Python and C


can see a few options Alternately write to a temp file or successive temp files. As the communication won't be in any way bulky this..

How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks in Python?


that yields the chunks you want def chunks l n Yield successive n sized chunks from l. for i in xrange 0 len l n yield l i i..

Memory Efficient Alternatives to Python Dictionaries


rather more complex and slower. The idea is to store successive chunks of the array in a compressed form that must be scanned.. time. The particular compression scheme applicable here if successive entries are 'hello george' and 'hello world' make the second..

Python if vs try-except


only once. The first call to tryway clears it then every successive call does nothing. def tryway alist range 1000 try while True..

urllib2 POST progress monitoring


progress I know that you can do it with download using successive calls to the connection's read method but I don't see a write..

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


chart Also my data has points starting at 46 and then at successive multiplies of that multiplied by 2^ 1 12 so 46 49 50 55 58 61...3132...

Line plot with arrows in matplotlib


using arrows instead of lines. That is the line between successive pairs of points should be an arrow going from the first point..