

python Programming Glossary: subtraction

Format Nanoseconds in Python


How do I use timezones with a datetime object in python?


that EDT is one hour ahead of me so I can uncomment the subtraction of myTimeZone import datetime re from datetime import tzinfo..

Python creating a calculator


Where can be replaced by addition multiplication and subtraction as well. And where any number of white spaces can exist between.. addition x a y b z if a return x y if b return y z def subtraction x a y b z if a return x y if b return y z def x y z x 0 y.. tokens re.sub ' s ' '' tokens # split by addition subtraction operators tokens re.split ' ' tokens # takes in a string of..

Why is subtraction faster than addition in Python?


is subtraction faster than addition in Python I was optimising some Python.. programming lesson here python performance addition subtraction share improve this question I can reproduce this on my Q6600.. That's significant. The speed of the native addition and subtraction opcodes is irrelevant. It's in the noise floor completely dwarfed..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


I'm using python. python image processing background subtraction image comparison timelapse share improve this question General.. alternative approaches which may be relevant background subtraction sparse optical flow I strongly recommend taking a look at œLearning.. Tracking and motion . The former teaches to use Background subtraction method the latter gives some info on optical flow methods. All..

Python list subtraction operation


list subtraction operation I want to do something similar to this x 1 2 3 4..

How can I convert a string to an int in Python?


Here is my entire script def addition a b return a b def subtraction a b return a b def multiplication a b return a b def division.. Enter your second number print Your result is print subtraction numberA numberB elif choice 2 numberA raw_input Enter your first..

What is an expression in Python?


values except they can have operations like addition or subtraction. eval evaluates the string as if it were a python expression...

Python format timedelta to string


hours and remainder by using a combination of modulo and subtraction # arbitrary number of seconds s 13420 # hours hours s 3600 #..

How to create a dynamic view on OpenERP


addition b variable close brace multiplication c variable subtraction d variable multiplication 0 5 constant number Now here is my..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


use a blob detector not the HT method. For background subtraction I would suggest to try to estimate the color of the background..