

python Programming Glossary: subtle

Python: What is the difference between dict.items() and dict.iteritems()?


to return a reference to the same object. Are there any subtle differences that I am missing # usr bin python d 1 'one' 2 'two'..

Django: How to access URL regex parameters inside a middleware class?


exactly the same thing as the previous example with one subtle difference the captured values are passed to view functions..

Confused by Django's claim to MVC, what is it exactly?


describes which data you see not how you see it. It ™s a subtle distinction. So in our case a œview is the Python callback function..

What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation, in C++? [duplicate]


this is a deep and interesting question involving both subtle low level details high level algorithm complexity considerations..

How to install MySQLdb (Python data access library to MySQL) on Mac OS X?


build and install the MySQLdb libraries. They often have subtle differences. This seemed the most popular to me and provided..

module reimported if imported from different path


of that is x is imported twice and may introduce very subtle bugs if someone is relying on global attributes e.g. suppose..

Python: How can I use Twisted as the transport for SUDS?


inserted where previously there was none. This is a very subtle and fragile property of SUDS and can easily be changed unintentionally..

Python: How to “perfectly” override a dict


doesn't work at least and no doubt there are many minor subtle problems class arbitrary_dict dict A dictionary that applies..

Get defining class of unbound method object in Python 3


self pass ... type X.Y class 'function' and voila one less subtle concept and distinction to worry about. Such simplifications.. 2 which over the years had been accumulating so many subtleties that it was in danger if features kept being added to it..

capitalization of library class names


have different capitalizations Is there some subtle difference that I should be aware of P3K python python 3.x..

How to save an object in Python


is written in C and much faster. There are some other subtle difference but most applications have no need for it and would..

What is a mixin, and why are they useful?


UserAgentMixin AuthorizationMixin pass The difference is subtle but in the above examples the mixin classes weren't made to..

Will python SystemRandom / os.urandom always have enough entropy for good crypto


generator share improve this question There's a subtle difference between the output of dev random and dev urandom..

why is my truetype font of size 11 rendering different than windows?


improve this question Font rendering is a complex and subtle process and one that has been implemented a number of times...

Why not always use psyco for Python code?


the amount of memory that this process consumes. It is a subtle balance to keep. 2 Performance can actually be harmed by Psyco..

Relationship between scipy and numpy


wholesale import of numpy into the scipy namespace why the subtle differences in behaviour and the missing functions Is there..

Is there a way to instantiate a class without calling __init__?


the fields act differently. This gives the possibility of subtle bugs that aren't that trivial to trace you'd have to know which..

Is there a good way to do this type of mining?


bands as well but not in all cases because there is a subtle difference in horizontal and vertical bands points should appear..

Python multiprocessing - Pipe vs Queue


the benefits. BONUS MATERIAL 2 Multiprocessing introduces subtle changes in information flow that make debugging hard unless..

Checking for NaN presence in a container


in container is undefined. This is very dangerous and very subtle. Someone might run the very code I showed above and incorrectly..