python Programming Glossary: successful
How do you access an authenticated Google App Engine service from a (non-web) python client? able to access App Engine apps but I haven't been any more successful at getting the authentication working for App Engine stuff there..
Compile the Python interpreter statically? compiling yet but I think with these resources I should be successful when I try. I will post my results as a comment here. Update..
How do you translate this regular-expression idiom from Perl into Python? This is an extension of the re module. It stores the last successful match object and lets you access it's methods and attributes.. expand template if last_match is None raise TypeError No successful match yet. return last_match.expand template def group indices.. def group indices if last_match is None raise TypeError No successful match yet. return indices def groups default..
Problem using MySQLdb: Symbol not found: _mysql_affected_rows python c import MySQLdb The above should return nothing if successful. The above example shows OS 10.4 and MySQL 5.0 substitute them..
Does Python optimize tail recursion? TCO . I believe that this code should have been successful if a TCO had taken place. def trisum n csum if n 0 return csum..
Authenticating against active directory using python + ldap DSID 0C090627 comment In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection. data 0 vece' 'desc'..
why does python's list.append evaluate to false? false Or is it just the C convention of returning 0 when successful that comes into play u not u.append 6 True python share improve..
Django edit form based on add form? article if form.is_valid # If the save was successful redirect to another page redirect_url reverse article_save_success..
Rename Files in Python considered using string manipulations but have not been successful with that either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
How to set time limit on input
Which game scripting language is better to use: Lua or Python? [closed] and people who teach it report that students are more successful because there is less syntactic clutter to distract them from..
How to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman, CP1252, Latin1, UTF-8, and ASCII encoded If so how did you attempt to solve it and how successful were you This is the most important aspect of my question but.. enforce this on an institutional basis and if so was that successful or not and why And yes I fully understand why one cannot guarantee..
Django: Redirect to previous page after login link the user will be taken to the login form. After a successful login the user should be taken back to the page from where he..
Configuring so that pip install can work from github to be in the github repo in order for the install to be successful. Assuming the following command line which authenticates just..