python Programming Glossary: substantial
Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine think it may be a tad less bad in the JVM where apparently substantial subsets of Saxon can be made to run with some care . I think..
“”.join(reversed(val)) vs val[::-1]…which is pythonic? to optimize what they most often needed and used so a very substantial performance difference tells you what goes with the grain of..
Help installing cx_Oracle version I have not tried installing a more substantial client. I am downloading one now. ORACLE_HOME C Oracle instantclient..
Making a Python script Object-Oriented anything it's simply faster in Python to keep all your substantial code in functions not as top level module code. Second speedup..
Sub-classing float type in Python, fails to catch exception in __init__() its __init__ the initializer is basically a no op nothing substantial can happen there because the self object cannot be altered if..
Is it worth learning Python over Ruby and PHP for Web Development? [closed] language and Rails was a brilliant framework. I did a substantial amount of work with Python but really couldn't wait to start..
What's the point of a main function and/or __name__ == “__main__” check in Python? [duplicate] of this python share improve this question Having all substantial Python code live inside a function i.e. not at module top level..
Unable to read huge (20GB) file from CPython works for small file instantly but for the big one after substantial amount of time spits that message Traceback most recent call..
How are exceptions implemented under the hood? considerations. Is this just a rumor How can anything substantial be accomplished without them Thank you. c python c exception..
Why do we need tuples in Python (or any immutable data type)? share improve this question immutable objects can allow substantial optimization this is presumably why strings are also immutable.. . Again this afford optimization but far more than just substantial designing decent hash tables storing completely mutable objects.. per loop Speeding an operation up by seven eight times not substantial enough for you Wow you're definitely a very demanding person..
Are any of these quad-tree libraries any good? with before. From what I have read they should allow substantial performance enhancements than a brute force attempt at the problem..
Learning Python coming from PHP this could be a much deeper question requiring a more substantial answer . Yes Python's syntax is easy enough to learn without..
Iterate over the lines of a string are equivalent. With timeit and a 100 for foo to get substantial strings for more precise measurement python mtimeit s'import..
Mako or Jinja2? [closed] are all personal preferences. I don't know of one more substantial reason to pick Jinja2 over Mako or vice versa. And Pylons is..
I Need a little help with Python, Tkinter and threading and let the writers write to a Queue object e.g. ...and a substantial example follows showing secondary threads writing requests to..
Is there a logical difference between 'not ==' and '!= (without is) difference between 'not ' and ' without is Is there a substantial difference in Python 3.x between for each_line in data_file..