

python Programming Glossary: substitute

Activate a virtualenv via fabric as deploy user


virtualenvwrapper which you should be but you can easily substitute in the rather longer 'source' call you mentioned if not def..

subclasses of pandas' object work differently from subclass of other object?


trying to create a subclass of a Panda data structure to substitute in my code a subclass of a dict with a subclass of a Series..

Problem using MySQLdb: Symbol not found: _mysql_affected_rows


successful. The above example shows OS 10.4 and MySQL 5.0 substitute them with the your proper tools version. share improve this..

Pythons many ways of string formatting ??are the older ones (going to be) deprecated?


import Template # method 3 In 7 Template Hello planet .substitute planet world Out 7 'Hello Earth' A brief history of the different.. or going to be deprecated In the Template class is the substitute method deprecated or going to be deprecated I'm not talking.. or going to be deprecated I'm not talking about safe_substitute which as I understand it offers unique capabilities Similar..

fcntl substitute on Windows


substitute on Windows I received a Python project which happens to be.. python windows linux share improve this question The substitute of fcntl on windows are win32api calls. The usage is completely..

Differential Operator usable in Matrix form, in Python module Sympy


is nothing else that can sensibly returned. Later when you substitute expr.subs f x sin x the derivative will be evaluate at worst..

Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


and 3.0. The PEP makes it clear that while ABCs can often substitute for duck typing there is generally no big pressure to do that..

NameError when using input()


to an integer which doesn't make much sense. You can substitute the input in your head like so with raw_input answer Beaker..

How can I use Python for large scale development?


prevent typing errors typos Are UnitTest's used as a substitute for static type checking As you can guess I almost only worked..

Can I add custom methods/attributes to built-in Python types?


the original type. However you can subclass the type then substitute it in the built in global namespace which achieves most of the..

Can i set float128 as the standard float-array in numpy


arrays only by very few of NumPy's factory functions substitute these functions by your own versions. If you import these functions..

Is there a unicode-ready substitute I can use for urllib.quote and urllib.unquote in Python 2.6.5?


there a unicode ready substitute I can use for urllib.quote and urllib.unquote in Python 2.6.5..

How can I rewrite python __version__ with git?


export subst attribute . Unfortunately the things you can substitute in are limited to the placeholders from git log format ... ...

How do you escape strings for SQLite table/column names in Python?


explicitly recommends using normal python or formatting to substitute in table and column names or other bits of dynamic syntax and.. dynamic syntax and then using the parameter mechanism to substitute values into the query. I disagree with everyone who is saying..

Python HTML sanitizer / scrubber / filter


want to remove the contents of the invalid tags as well substitute tag.extract for tag.hidden . You might also look into using..

What is the best ordered dict implementation in python?


this question This one by Raymond Hettinger is a drop in substitute for the collections.OrderedDict that will appear in Python 2.7..

How to learn Python: Good Example Code? [closed]


share improve this question You're right that there's no substitute for looking at code but I've found Code Like a Pythonista to..

I need a beginners guide to setting up windows for python development


not large enough to solve the problems. CherryPy is a good substitute if you like a light simple framework that doesn't get in your..