

python Programming Glossary: suggestion

Reading binary file in Python


# Do stuff with byte. byte f.read 1 finally f.close By suggestion of chrispy with open myfile rb as f byte f.read 1 while byte..

How to create a TRIE in Python


and removal to you as an exercise. Of course Unwind's suggestion wouldn't be much harder. There might be a slight speed disadvantage..

Remove items from a list while iterating in Python


Alex Martelli's answer for details . Also I liked Cides' suggestion that uses itertools . However there is no non iterator filterfalse..

Threading in a PyQt application: Use Qt threads or Python threads?


disadvantages of each Or do you have a totally different suggestion Edit re bounty While the solution in my particular case will..

BeautifulSoup Grab Visible Webpage Text


a few tab names here and there. However after trying this suggestion http stackoverflow.com questions 1752662 beautifulsoup easy..

Multiple levels of 'collection.defaultdict' in Python


the dictionary for each new key. Any more elegant suggestion Thanks pythoneers python dictionary nested share improve..

How do I perform HTML decoding/encoding using Python/Django?


unescaped html_parser.unescape my_string As a suggestion it may make more sense to store the HTML unescaped in your database...

Python decorator makes function forget that it belongs to a class


How to get something random in datastore (AppEngine)?


How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


threading examples so far. keep alive connection WoLpH's suggestion about using keep alive connection could be very useful if all..

How do you return multiple values in Python?


because __dict__ is not created for each instance. Another suggestion which I'd overlooked comes from Bill the Lizard def h x result..

Peak detection in a 2D array


array. Therefore I'm hoping that anyone else has a better suggestion for locating the toes perhaps having the toe area scale with..

Best way to create a simple python web service [closed]


the quickest way to get something up If it affects your suggestion I will likely be adding more functionality to this down the..

python equivalent of filter() getting two output lists (i.e. partition of a list)


trues 12 42 falses 1 4 7 There is also an implementation suggestion in itertools recipes from itertools import filterfalse tee def..

Search for string in txt file Python


got True has already been given so I'll just offer another suggestion If your file is not too large you can read it into a string..

Regular expression to extract URL from an HTML link


matches a full URL which can be a bit complicated. The suggestion in another answer to use BeautifulSoup isn't bad but it does..

Django vs other Python web frameworks?


included framework If the latter I would appreciate a suggestion as to whether I should give Django another try stick with TurboGears..

mysql-python installation problems (on mac os x lion)


on the subject can't think of anything else to try. Any suggestion would be appreciated. python mysql osx installation share..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


in 1 seconds. LPS 5 570 000 Edit 3 Okay I tried J.N.'s suggestion of trying having python store the line read but it made no difference.. made no difference to python's speed. I also tried J.N.'s suggestion of using scanf into a char array instead of getline into a std.. has been educational. Thanks to all for your comments and suggestions. Edit 6 As suggested by J.F. Sebastian in the comments below..