

python Programming Glossary: sugar

Python metaclasses: Why isn't __setattr__ called for attributes set during class definition?


improve this question A class block is roughly syntactic sugar for building a dictionary and then invoking a metaclass to build..

Use of eval in Python?


when this function is needed except maybe as syntactic sugar. Can anyone give an example python dynamic eval share improve..

Python: derived classes access dictionary of base class in the same memory location


so you can't change one self._testint 1 is just syntactic sugar for self._testint self._testint 1 . Similarly you can perform..

Which is more preferable to use in Python: lambda functions or nested functions ('def')?


to a name use a def instead. def s are just syntactic sugar for an assignment so the result is the same and they are a lot..

Why accessing to class variable from within the class needs “self.” in Python? [duplicate]


by default to functions defined nearby and adds syntactic sugar so that if x is such a record variable and m is a function pointer..

When and how to use the builtin function property() in python


It appears to me that except for a little syntactic sugar property does nothing good. Sure it's nice to be able to write..

Loop “Forgets” to Remove Some Items


nice for x in y loop in Python is really just syntactic sugar it still accesses list elements by index. So when you remove..

Python, how does decorator @property work?


Remember that the @decorator syntax is just syntactic sugar the syntax @property def foo self return self._foo really means..

Why program functionally in Python?


def is part of a statement that's the one bit of syntax sugar that makes people use lambda sometimes. Many FP enthusiasts..

+ and += operators are different?


the difference are and not supposed to be merely syntactic sugar python list operators share improve this question docs..

Python add to a function dynamically


of the function you won't be able to use the @ syntactic sugar to apply it. class A object ... def test self ... print orig..

__decorated__ for python decorators


func @d def test first pass It's a convenient syntactic sugar. You can do all sorts of neat stuff with decorators without..

Class decorators in Python 2.5?


improve this question Decorators are just syntactic sugar. Just change instances of decorator usage that is @decorated..

Elegant ways to return multiple values from a function


function language agnostic language design syntactic sugar share improve this question Pretty much all ML influenced..

Python: print a generator expression?


available in Python 3 and Python 2.7 is just syntactic sugar around a generator expression. Set comprehensions x x for x.. Under Python 2 list comprehensions is not just syntactic sugar. But the only difference is that x will under Python 2 leak..

Do OO design principles apply to Python?


order functions. More generally Python has syntactic sugar for a lot of common design patterns such as the iterator and..

Parsing HTML with Python 2.7 - HTMLParser, SGMLParser, or Beautiful Soup?


and BeautifulSoup I went with lxml and the syntax sugar of pyquery . I haven't tried SGMLParser though. For what I've..

preferred way to implement 'yield' in Scala?


this in general since they provide shitloads of syntactic sugar. Rewrite your code in this that or the other way or some other..

Function application over numpy's matrix row/column


excited np.vectorize and np.frompyfunc are just syntactic sugar . They don't actually make your code any faster. If your underlying..