python Programming Glossary: subs
Evaluate sympy expression from an array of values for a single value by doing the following g.evalf subs x 10 However I can't work out how to evaluate it for an array..
Mass string replace in python? 'Claudio fixed dict' time t # Andrew Y variable dict def mysubst somestr somedict subs somestr.split return subs 0 .join map.. t # Andrew Y variable dict def mysubst somestr somedict subs somestr.split return subs 0 .join map lambda arg somedict arg.. def mysubst somestr somedict subs somestr.split return subs 0 .join map lambda arg somedict arg 0 1 arg 1 subs 1 t time..
What are the biggest differences between Python and Ruby from a philosophical perspective [closed]
Is there a need for a “use strict” Python compiler? to do symbolic binding and identifier lookup. use strict subs No real analog in Python. python perl compiler static analysis..
Flask vs webapp2 for Google App Engine