

python Programming Glossary: subprocess

subprocess with timeout


with timeout Here's the Python code to run an arbitrary command.. data or raise an exception on non zero exit codes proc subprocess.Popen cmd stderr subprocess.STDOUT # merge stdout and stderr.. on non zero exit codes proc subprocess.Popen cmd stderr subprocess.STDOUT # merge stdout and stderr stdout subprocess.PIPE shell..

Python subprocess readlines() hangs


subprocess readlines hangs The task I try to accomplish is to stream a.. I don't want to print out everything at once main.py from subprocess import Popen PIPE STDOUT import pty import os file_path ' Users.. made me solve the problem. I'm not that into the whole subprocess thing so please give me a more hands on concrete answer. Regards..

Python - How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)?


How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen using the stdin argument If I do the following import.. using the stdin argument If I do the following import subprocess from cStringIO import StringIO subprocess.Popen 'grep' 'f' stdout.. following import subprocess from cStringIO import StringIO subprocess.Popen 'grep' 'f' stdout subprocess.PIPE stdin StringIO 'one..

Non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in python


blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in python I'm using the subprocess module to start a subprocess.. read on a subprocess.PIPE in python I'm using the subprocess module to start a subprocess and connect to it's output stream.. in python I'm using the subprocess module to start a subprocess and connect to it's output stream stdout . I want to be able..

How do I duplicate sys.stdout to a log file in python?


Unix system calls that do exactly what tee does. import subprocess os sys # Unbuffer output sys.stdout os.fdopen sys.stdout.fileno.. output sys.stdout os.fdopen sys.stdout.fileno 'w' 0 tee subprocess.Popen tee log.txt stdin subprocess.PIPE os.dup2 tee.stdin.fileno.. 'w' 0 tee subprocess.Popen tee log.txt stdin subprocess.PIPE os.dup2 tee.stdin.fileno sys.stdout.fileno os.dup2 tee.stdin.fileno..

Calling an external command in Python


external share improve this question Look at the subprocess module in the stdlib from subprocess import call call ls l The.. Look at the subprocess module in the stdlib from subprocess import call call ls l The advantage of subprocess vs system.. from subprocess import call call ls l The advantage of subprocess vs system is that it is more flexible you can get the stdout..

Unix cat function (cat * > merged.txt) in Python? [duplicate]


python as a “batch” script (i.e. run commands from python)


solutions. EDIT I maintain that you should prefer the Subprocess module to os. OS specific functions it is cross platform and..

Redirecting stdio from a command in os.system() in python


Constantly print Subprocess output while process is running


print Subprocess output while process is running To launch programs from my.. key. Found an example here which shows how to do it Python Subprocess.Popen from a thread python subprocess share improve this..

Python: How to Redirect Output with Subprocess?


How to Redirect Output with Subprocess What I do in the command line cat file1 file2 file3 myfile..

Python memory allocation error using subprocess.Popen


this multiple times for different sets of inputs it dies. Subprocess throws OSError Errno 12 Cannot allocate memory I found a few..

Unittest causing sys.exit()


my install is messed up or what is going on. IDLE 1.2.2 No Subprocess import unittest class Test unittest.TestCase def testA self..