

python Programming Glossary: subprocesses

Python multiprocessing global variable updates not returned to parent


not returned to parent I am trying to return values from subprocesses but these values are unfortunately unpicklable. So I used global.. success but have not been able to retrieve updates done in subprocesses when using multiprocessing module. I hope I'm missing something... initial values given the vars dataDV03 and dataDV04. The subprocesses are updating these global variables but these global variables..

Using multiprocessing.Manager.list instead of a real list makes the calculation take ages


this question Linux I believe uses copy on write when subprocesses are os.fork ed. To test this belief I ran this import multiprocessing..

catching stdout in realtime from subprocess


and so is argv in C. So you pass a list to Popen to call subprocesses not a string. Don't redirect stderr to a PIPE when you're not..

Python: ulimit and nice for subprocess.call / subprocess.Popen?


subprocess not to the python process that's spawning the subprocesses. Is there a way to apply nice and ulimit to the subprocess.call.. share improve this question You can set limits for subprocesses with the ulimit and nice shell commands like this import subprocess..

Is it possible to renice a subprocess?


for parent process but I need to do renice of my child subprocesses. I found way to do this but it seems to be not very handy and.. level after renicing. Is there more clean way to renice subprocesses in python python subprocess nice renice share improve this..

Ensuring subprocesses are dead on exiting Python program


subprocesses are dead on exiting Python program Is there a way to ensure..

Python multiprocessing continuously spawns pythonw.exe processes without doing any actual work


the eye can see. Other platforms use os.fork to launch the subprocesses so don't have the problem of reimporting the module. So your..

How do I pass large numpy arrays between python subprocesses without saving to disk?


do I pass large numpy arrays between python subprocesses without saving to disk Is there a good way to pass a large.. good way to pass a large chunk of data between two python subprocesses without using the disk Here's a cartoon example of what I'm.. running simultaneously in a 'master' program without the subprocesses blocking each other. My current approach is to boil the data..

link several Popen commands with pipes


Parallel file matching, Python


or 8 threads does NOT make a difference. Spawning 8 subprocesses resulted in significantly slower code 142 sec vs 72 @ed Yes.. 72 seconds w 1 8 threads. The popen method w 8 thrads 8 subprocesses ran at 142 seconds. So far the giant RE python only method is..

Gevent monkeypatching breaking multiprocessing


due to doing large numbers of network requests in the subprocesses. My version of gevent which I believe is the latest gevent.version_info..

How to spawn parallel child processes on a multi-processor system?


but I admit to being overwhelmed by the whole threads vs. subprocesses documentation. Right now my script uses subprocess.call to only..